• Amend or repeal Prop 13
    The need to amend or repeal prop 13 is greater than ever; unless and until we get this done, the state`s fiscal problems will continue regardless of the state of the economy. We need to do this A. S. A. P. By keeping property taxes artificially low, the State is denied the funding it needs to carry out its functions effectively.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Howard Fernandez
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TERRY V. POLK
  • New Education & Training for New Earth Civil Service JOBS
    We are in a paradigm shift on this planet and need to work together to create the new jobs, products and services that have no harmful side effects.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Mystic-Healer
  • I am AGAINST the bipartisan austerity agenda. Don't cut aid to those experiencing poverty.
    Both major parties have admitted that they would support cuts to 'entitlements' (rich person lingo for 'programs that help those in poverty'). Millions depend on these various programs to survive. Sign this petition to stand against the bipartisan agenda of 'austerity for the poor'.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A.S.
  • Target taxation to the cause of taxation
    For example: The cost of fuel is much higher than what we are paying at the pump. The US government spends about $100 billion annually ($460 per individual taxpayer) just to defend the shipment of foreign oil. Americans should pay their total cost of fuel at the pump in order to make reasonable and responsible decisions related to energy and energy efficiency.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Buzzell
  • Abolish TABOR
    Colorado government has long been hamstrung by TABOR, engineered by a discredited and corrupt politician on behalf of special interests. It is time for it to be abolished.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Kammerer
  • NO CUTS to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. LET TAX CUTS EXPIRE for TOP 2%.
    Senator Feinstein, We the People request that you stand up for US by working to make sure that there are no cuts (no deals made) to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Let's keep our safety net strong. And to also work on keeping tax cuts for the 99%, and letting the wealthiest cuts expire. THEY can afford it. WE can't. We prefer (for now) letting all the cuts expire vs. making a 'deal' that affects our and future generations' social safety net!
    565 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Lola Terrell
  • No paychecks until Fiscal cliff issue resolved
    Hold paychecks of Senators and Congressmen until they can resolve the Fiscal Cliff issues. Why should they get paid for not doing there jobs!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom
  • new W.P.A. ( Working Progress Admininstration )
    Veterans and American Citizens-continue to endure the worst-ever financial / survivability: a new 21st century W.P.A. managed by UNIVERISTY institutions; more VETERANS and American CITIZENS can be hired, just like back in the GREAT DEPRESSION ERA, there are such plethoras of Creative Talent and Knowledge Workers who must be in the EMPLOYMENT arena.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Quindaro Ruins / Underground Railroad- Exercise 2013
  • Close the Tax Loopholes for Big Companies
    All tax paying Americans are affected by companies that are not paying their fair share.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phyllis Spinal-Robinson
  • Congress should enact a financial transaction tax
    A financial transaction tax -- as the US had until 1966, and as at least 10 European countries levy -- could raise billions of dollars to help reduce the deficit, would affect only the highest-income earners, and might help to slow the speculative fever of Wall Street.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Stephon
  • Walmart: pay associates enough to not need foodstamps and medicaid
    why should working people be forced to require food stamps and medicaid at taxpayer expense to survive, while companies are reporting record profits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john curran