Extend the Payroll Tax Cut Holiday into 2013!If the payroll tax is restored it will cost a typical worker about $1,000 a year, and two-earner family with six-figure incomes as much as $4,500.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by lbelulovich
Create A National Employment Placement AgencyThe best way to accomodate Americans back to work and off entitlements is to create a national employment office which includes state welfare and unemployment offices. To encourage the best management and ideas, the contract will go to bid publically to run the national staffing agency. What will this do? For the job seeker, they will have a list of every job in America. For employers, they will have a list of every job seeker. This will facilitate the fastest way to get the most talented and skilled to the top or just get a body in there. For welfare and unemployment they will be able to assign work before welfare. There is no better way to lower entitlements than to offer a work assignment before welfare, where social workers have a comphensive knowledge of the person's skills and every job out there. A comprehensive nationalist database will allow many technological strategies that are impossible with our present capitalist model. Sofware can be implemented that would allow employers to flawlessly seek by skills, background and education from government databases. Employees can search by pay rate, geographical location, company reputaton, etc. Job seeking and headhunter smart phone alerts can come from an authorative database vs. limited capitalistic databases. These, to mention a few. Nationalizing employment placement in America is also the greenest idea as well because no other idea will give the person as much leverage of getting a job which directly means less energy use. Judicially speaking, when a debt is owed a judge will be able to nip the bud and issue a work order directly from the database for problematic debtors. It will become obvious if a person is avoiding work, where as now we can't be sure they are avoiding work to pay a debt. Why isn't capitalism working for our employment placement? Capitalsim strangulates American companies from knowledge of who's looking for employment and prevents full knowledge of what jobs are open to job seekers. It also sends billions of dollars in profits shaved off American wages to staffing agencies owned in Europe, where the two most profiable staffing agencies are not American companies. Nationalism will open the gates of employment knowlege, provide the fasted from-no-work-to-work model, increase the average person's wage, create the lowest cost but most effective staffing agency model, and lower taxes due to decreasing entitlements. It's time to step aboard the Nationalist movement and take our full wage and quit the anarchist, capitalistic bickering and instead reap the benefits of a Nationalist cooperation.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kinuke
WE THE PEOPLERepresentation in the work place has in any part of life isn't a privilege it's OUR right.So if you don't want wants happening in the rest of the world to your children and possible yourselves.So what do we do from here? Sit on our brains or get together and come up with some ideals to put things right.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mr.Anthony fonte
Casinos for HolyokeWe believe Holyoke's greatness lies not only in its past, but in its future. The best years for Holyoke lay ahead. The potential for economic growth may indeed be realized by a resort casino in Holyoke. We as citizens respectfully ask Mayor Alex Morse to move forward with a host agreement with one or more gaming interests so that this potential opportunity is decided by the voters of Holyoke in a future referendum.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Butler
Audit The Federal Reserve BankThe Federal Reserve is an independent bank that is run by the most wealthy banks in the world that determine our interest rates and money supply. It was created in 1913 in a lame duck session and has no government control and has never been audited. The value of the dollar has been continually losing value and inflation makes prices of everything go up and it's time for the government to do an audit to find out why our money in continually losing value and where the money is going to so we can prevent the collapse of our currency.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Straw
Rewrite Prop 13Call for a statewide proposition so that the voters can decide to change the real estate tax rates for business, without changing the tax rates for owner occupied residences. Remove the tax break for all commercial properties. Use these new found monies to help fund public schools.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roger Lamm
Ending Unemployment BenefitsContinue unemployment benefits both state and federal, as Colorado federal support is to end on December 29, 2012. I am 57 just lost my job in July, 2012, been on 6 interviews with a great resume in estimating and purchasing and still haven't been hired. Make our jobs STAY here in the USA!7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bryan Birr
Gov. Rick Snyder: "STOP RIGHT TO WORK!""STOP WORK LEGISLATION IN MICHIGAN!"3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ruben Perez
Congressional Pay CutIn the last few yearsI have lost my home, my biggest investment and two important jobs, but I still pay taxes for the years I had a good job. Many people are suffering in this economy. Congress should take a pay cut to stand with the American people and acknowledge that everyone needs to make personal sacrifices. Tell Congress to do their part by cutting their salaries effective January 2013.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Carter
No School Taxes For Senior CitizensSeniors over seventy yrs. old should not be paying school tax as part of their property taxes. President Obama used this as a talking point in the 2008 Primary.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bette J Ericson
STOP STAFFING AGENCIES (TEMP AGENCIES) FROM RIPPING OFF TEMPORARY WORKERS AND JOB SEEKERSReference to President Obama's speech today 12/10/12 in Michigan, regarding the "right to work" not necessarily implying low wages, I am crying out against staffing agencies which rip off poor and desperate workers seeking to come back to the workforce. For example, if a person works for a staffing agency that has a contract with the Federal government, the staffing agency can make a mark-up (profit) of up to or more than 41% off what it is paid by the federal agency. In turn, from the worker's sweat, he or she is only paid only 51%! This happens to many poor, recently unemployed folks and it is exploitative and equal to modern day slavery. It needs to stop. Contractors of Federal agencies must be held to a higher standard.112 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Richard