• END Homelessness First in Long Beach Then Our Nation
    Let's END Homelessness, poverty, lack, and want first in Long Beach, California and then within our noble nation, the great United States of America. We are facing a devastating loss of interest in reading throughout our country, and the best way to fight that sure demise is to GET AUTHORS ACTIVATED. If every author interested in publishing in the U.S.A. hired the homeless, the long-term unemployed, parolees, the addicted, et cetera to promote their work, we could end social ills that have plagued our nation since its inception. Give each person who signs up with an author AN EQUAL SHARE OF FIVE PERCENT OF YOUR MONTHLY PROFITS and you have suddenly employed people who in many cases have lost all hope.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Niama Leslie J. Williams
  • Let's Fix Congress....
    I believe that this present Congress has got to be the worst Congress we have had in all the years I've been around. Politicians have began to make serving in political positions a career and family heritage (the Bushs') not serving the people.. Warren Buffett has some great ideas about the politicians... who really want to represent the people. Please read the list of demands as citizens for people who really want to serve the people
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pernita V Andrews
  • pledge to vote out congress who pledged.
    we need the representatives to pledge to americans,that's why we elect them.they are there to do what the people want,not glover norquist.they should not ever pledge to anyone but the people.lets, let them know if they pledge to anyone other than the people we will vote them out.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jamesie morgan
  • Let The Bush Tax Cuts Expire
    We are all affected by the policy of fighting two wars on a "credit card" while the richest 2% not only profited from the war in many cases, but also didn't have to pay their fair share of taxes on that income.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Cornelius
  • Failure of congress!!!
    Everyone is affected by the lack of leadership and not caring about the plight of the middle class. We need the people we vote into office to represent us not big business or Wall St.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rich sottilaro
  • 1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Carr
  • Government Entitlements
    I am so tired of my salary being cut, paying more for insurance, giving up paid holidays. Before the house and senate talk about cutting our entitlements, lets start by cutting their entitlements first. No need for their own private retirement, healthcare etc. they can have the same benifits as the average worker!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Thomas
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by IRENE MILLER
    I believe that this would be best for our country.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karl Aldinger
  • Payroll Holiday Tax Extension
    Lowering the payroll taxes boost the economy in several ways: 1). The holiday payroll tax puts more money into the pockets of virtually all Americans. For lower and middle class families that means paying for slightly higher produced goods and services while they still have money to save. 2).For the households constrained by excessive borrowing in the turbulent years, it means quicker repayment of debts and a faster return to normalcy for their families. 3).Finally, for employers considering extension, it also means slightly higher real wages for workers at no higher cost to the employer. That means at the gross margin it makes more sense to hire and boost productivity through staffing. And extending the payroll holiday tax is a very important issue for lower and middle income families. Over the course of one year, the average American family will keep approximately $1,200.00 rather paying the sum out in taxes. Businesses will receive tax credits for creating and hiring new positions. Extending the payroll holiday tax is a win-win situation for lower and middle class families along with small businesses.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Michael Carr
  • Entitlements
    Paid for benefits aren't entitlements and don't effect our deficit.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Fletcher
  • Taxation, Middle Class and Education
    The middle class has suffered greatly in the last 8 years and paid their fair share in taxes on their earnings while our 'elite' wealthy have received a low tax rate on their earnings. In Texas our Govenor and legislature has shown a disdain for education and healthcare for our citizens.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Marentez