Senator Landrieu: Don't Cave! No more tax cuts for the top 2%, and no deals that cut benefits!In these times of building our struggling economy, it has never been proven that reducing the tax burden on the very wealthy has always directly resulted in their investment in our domestic economy, and the expansion of employment opportunities for the great majority of our people. Nor have the wealthy always been known to put their tax savings directly into play in our economy. But there has been a proven correlation in middle and working class people with a little extra money actually spending it domestically, regionally, and locally.187 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sharon L. Simon
Stand up for us in this fiscal showdownTo make sure any fiscal deal reached ends the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% AND protects Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits from any cuts.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher C. Currie
No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social SecurityRepublicans are pressuring Democrats to trade cuts to these programs before agreeing to higher taxes for the wealthy. We need to pressure our Representatives to "HOLD THE LINE" on NO CUTS to the safety net!442 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Judith Felker
Congressman Huelskamp: Support the Common PeopleThe nation voted for the ideas presented by President Obama concerning the preservation of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, without cuts. The winning vote also included a plan to end the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2% of Americans. Although Kansas is a red state, many of us believe strongly that cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security should NOT finance tax cuts for the wealthy. Our congressman should represent us, too.603 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Ethel Peterson
Mayor Villaraigosa: Hands Off Our Social Security!Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced that he joined the steering committee of “Fix The Debt.” This is a group of corporate CEO’s who are pushing to balance the budget on the backs of middle and working class Americans. Mayor Villaraigosa should immediately resign from the organization. Fix The Debt’s plan includes major cuts to Social Security and Medicare while cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires. This approach is not balanced and it is unfair to people like me. Expecting us to give up essential portions of our social safety net to give the wealthiest more tax breaks is wrong. As somebody who volunteered and knocked on doors to help elect for Mayor Villaraigosa, I feel disappointed and betrayed. As former chair of the Democratic National Convention, it is inappropriate that Villaraigosa use his position to help this corporate backed group gut Social Security and Medicare, which many of us will need someday. You can read about Fix The Debt here: http://blog.ourfuture.org/20121203/fix-the-debt-finally-shows-its-true-billionaire-funded-anti-tax-colors You can read a blog post on Mayor Villaraigosa joining Fix The Debt here: http://veniceforchange.blogspot.com/2012/12/villariagosa-partners-with-wall-street.html14,472 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Angela Garcia Combs
End the 2% Bush Tax EntitlementMy husband will go into an assisted living facility next week. It will cost 3/4 of our total income per year. I will live in our home on the approximately $20,000 left over. We both will be 85 next year. A few thousand dollars makes the difference of our paying our own way or looking for some entitlement from the government. Recent graphs showing the up turn for the top 2% of the country as the buying power for the middleclass has declined at almost exactly the same rate is a stark indication that tax cuts for the rich are NOT incentivies to providing more jobs.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joyce Ellis
"Stop Taxing Social Security Income"Stop Taxing a income Tax,6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph M terra
Mr. John Boehner Listen to the majority and not the 2%.It is time to work with the president regarding the taxes for the wealthy. They can certainly afford to pay their fair share. The president is not raising their taxes but ending Bush's Tax Cuts for the wealthy. It is high time that is stopped.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kamala Bissember
Mr. John Boehner Listen to the majority and not the 2%.It is time to work with the president regarding the taxes for the wealthy. They can certainly afford to pay their fair share. The president is not raising their taxes but ending Bush's Tax Cuts for the wealthy. It is high time that is stopped.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kamala Bissember
tax millionairslts get a fair deal on taxes corps who made the most money in the last 30 years must pair their fair share3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by dieter homburg
Social Security ReformAs a CPA I am amazed at how few people know that social security tax applies only to the first $110,000 of earned income. Even though this "cap" will rise in 2013 to a little over $113,000, people don't realize that higher income earners are only taxed on this amount and that any amount they earn over the cap does not have to pay social security tax. Removing the "cap" and taxing all levels of earned income would go a long way to mitigating any shortages in the social security trust fund in the future.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcia Stackhouse
Penalize Congress if they go over the Fiscal CliffMembers of Congress salaries should be suspended the day they go over the cliff. Do not reinstate until an agreement is reached.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janet Hanewinkel