Congress must vote before Christmas.A bill to extend middle class tax cuts beyond December 31st, has passed the Senate and remains in the House of Reps, waiting on a vote. Speaker Boehner MUST vote on the bill before Christmas.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colleen Vance-Powell
stop treading on working famliesim a welder and in this field it is tuff to find a job becouse most companies have switched to a 90/10 work force. where 90%hire ons and 10% permanent temps. this does not sound like alot but it is becoming common practice to only hire the management/ suppervisors and have the workers as permanent temps. i have personally watched as companies would tell the temps (some of wich have been working at the companie for years) that there are no positions availabe as we watched a what i assume is a friend or familey member gets hired on off the street. this ruins what illusion of worker rights we have left and proves to be an unstable ground for working families to stand on.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ralph
Shop at Berkeley's Indie Businesses for the Holiday Season!Berkeley's local independent businesses are good for the economy, our community and the environment. Approximately 58 cents out of every dollar stays in the community when you buy from local stores (vs. 31 cents at a chain stores), they create good jobs in our community, and keep Berkeley interesting and unique. Nearby residents can walk, bike or take public transit to Berkeley's stores, reducing our carbon footprint. Your purchases at indie stores make a HUGE impact. Making a conscious effort to shop with Buy Local Berkeley businesses & artists this holiday season (and all year!) means more jobs, parks, libraries and public safety as well as the unique and creative neighborhoods we love. Also, it's FUN!11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Silber
End "daylight savings time"This is a petition for the elimination of "Daylight Savings Time", when we change our clocks, either forward and backward, 2 times a year, with no understandable reason for this to occur. It is a disruptive, and in many cases, a confusing change to humans, pets and others affected by this practice.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sheila Delson
Highways to nowhereStop waisting money thats not yours, its the taxpayer that has to pay in the end.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by patrick quinlan
corporate lobbyists push tax relief for major corporationsstop Corporate Welfare ! they are Outsourcing our jobs and making major attempts to bust Unions and pay and benefits for US workers !3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by george jivelekas
Stop the Posturing Speaker BoehnerTime for Speaker Boehner to listen to Americans. Raise taxes on the top 1%. Stop the Drama! Do some work for a change!182 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Holly Denlinger
South dakota teachers paySouth Dakota teachers are some of the lowest paid in the united states. why? aren't our kids worth it??7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by bud johnston
Increase tax on top 2%; save Social Security, Medicare, & MedicaidPresident Obama is proposing to let the Bush Tax cuts expire for top income earners but keep them for the middle class. The growing disparity of income and wealth in our country are endangering our middle class, which is the strength of a democracy. Allowing the Bush Tax cuts to stay in place for the middle class will help keep the economy growing. The top 2% should consider it their patriotic duty to give back to the society that has given them the tools to prosper, and the small increase in their top tax bracket will not endanger their welfare.876 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Corliss Jacobs
President Obama: Push thru Congress a Financial Transaction TaxA Financial Transaction Tax would apply to purchases and sales of derivatives, options and stocks above $100,000.00 per year and it would be small, half a penny on each dollar of the transaction value. It would effectively be a "speculation tax", because it would hit hard at short-term high volume trading as opposed to sober, long-term investment, which is what most small and institutional investors do. Such Tax was already in effect from 1914 to 1966, and a version of it was advocated by the late Nobel Prize-winning economist James Tobin as a means to curb foreign exchange speculation in the 70's. This tax could raise badly needed revenue, while having little effect on most American pocketbooks and reducing the devastation risk of of runaway speculative trading on Wall Street. According to a joint report from the Cent!er for Economic and Policy Research and the Political Economy Research Institute, it could raise as much as $350 billion annually.Therefore, the financial transaction tax should be an integral and important component of any "fiscal cliff" negotiations.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ernesto Torres
President Obama: Push thru Congress a Financial Transaction TaxA Financial Transaction Tax would apply to purchases and sales of derivatives, options and stocks above $100,000.00 per year and it would be small, half a penny on each dollar of the transaction value. It would effectively be a "speculation tax", because it would hit hard at short-term high volume trading as opposed to sober, long-term investment, which is what most small and institutional investors do. Such Tax was already in effect from 1914 to 1966, and a version of it was advocated by the late Nobel Prize-winning economist James Tobin as a means to curb foreign exchange speculation in the 70's. This tax could raise badly needed revenue, while having little effect on most American pocketbooks and reducing the devastation risk of of runaway speculative trading on Wall Street. According to a joint report from the Cent!er for Economic and Policy Research and the Political Economy Research Institute, it could raise as much as $350 billion annually.Therefore, the financial transaction tax should be an integral and important component of any "fiscal cliff" negotiations.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ernesto Torres
Simply Medicare: Save Prescription Drug CostsEvery year millions of Medicare beneficiaries must change Medicare Part D prescription drug plan to find a plan that will cover their prescribed medications and determine what their projected cost will be for each plan researched. The beneficiary is often given a new prescription during the year, only to discover their current plan will not cover the new prescription. They either return to their doctor and ask for a different medication (often not as effective) or sometimes go without the necessary medication growing more seriously ill, increasing their overall medical costs.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JANE CRIMMINS