• Remove the trash fee from our water bill!
    Recently, our water bills have increased because the city has added a $11 trash. Maxine Johnson is a plantiff in a suit against St. Louis City disputing the fees. Under the Hancock Amendment, the city should have asked the voters to approve an increase in revenue via a Proposition on an election ballot. Please support us in bringing this situation to our elected officials.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maxine Johnson
  • Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins: protect Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare
    The looming sequester mandated by the inability of US Congress to reach a deal on spending cuts and raising tax revenue by at least 1 trillion will raise everyone's income taxes and reduce spending across the board by far more than 1 trillion. That will send the country's economy into recession again. Congress must act soon and come up with a plan by years end.
    638 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Brennan
  • Senator Casey: No Cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid - End the Bush Tax Cuts for the T...
    Over the past decade, most Americans have seen their income plummet and many have lost jobs and fallen into poverty. Meanwhile, the wealth of the top 2% has skyrocketed, thanks, in large part, to huge tax cuts. Enough! It's time for the top 2% to pay their fair share.
    6,484 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Baillie
  • Restore Retirement Pay for Chapter 61 Veterans
    There should be restoration of Military Retired Pay for Soldiers retired under US Code Title 38 Chapter 61 who served less then 20 years' time in service and are in receipt of VA Compensation.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Steimel
  • We Need to Move On
    We must get the Republicans to take compromise seriously. The people of the United States have spoken - loudly - in the recent election, that the Republican agenda is not popular. We are sending this petition to the Republican Congressional members.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Sobel
  • Solution to our hemmhoraging Debt-Crisis
    Solution to our hemmhoraging Debt-Crisis
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Vento
    Mr President, and Representatives of the People--House & Senate, Please accept our bread and butter request to continue to support us with unemployment benefits that are due to expire December 29, 2012. Unemployment is not an entitlement; it is an insurance; a fund we paid into! The latest report is that the extensions will create 300,000 jobs! One dollar of unemployment is re-invested in the community $1.60. Some of us will end depending on other social support, the end result of which will be the government still paying. We need a profound solution and not band-aids. The meager payments end up spent on survival bills and are still helping the economy! A fellow person affected explains to me that she is going to college for special ed and she was cut off at her last semester; these cuts are affecting a lot more people than just the unemployed. Personally, if I do not land a job by the end of the year, I will be homeless. Please ask your information services how much I have contributed to our beloved nation!!! Or look me up in Who's Who or the 100 Most Prominent Women in the U.S.A.! Respectfully, Alkistis Von Gizycki
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alkistis Von Gizycki
  • End the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2%
    Congress has until December 31 to make a critical and historic choice. They can ask the richest 2% of Americans to pay their fair share, or they can put more money in wealthy pockets at the expense of the struggling middle class.
    1,354 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Long
  • Congress: Save Our Economy
    You represent the people of the United States. Stop political posturing and make reasonable compromises to avoid the so called "fiscal cliff". This equivocation prevents businesses from planning expansion and, if not solved, will lead to another recession or depression.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Landau
  • Put Defense Spending cuts in the mix
    We seem to be making enemies the world over with our aggressive and arrogant attitude. Let us give peaceful strategies a chance.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances J Hickey
  • Cut Congressional Benefits First
    Congress as our Elected Leaders should set the Example and cut their benefits and retirement first.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Steimel
  • Fiscal Debt Crisis
    Everyone is worried about this problem.. for years now. We, the people DEMAND our elected representatives compromise IN PUBLIC and find a reasonable solution to this.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Wirsing