• North Tulsa Development
    Our community is falling apart. In the area of 36 to 46 street North in Tulsa, Oklahoma; the area known as “Northridge” needs renovation and development. As citizens, the people in North Tulsa have the right to have their neighborhood's urbanized and renovated to promote community development for all areas of Tulsa. Our duty as tax payers and citizens give us the right to fight for equal opportunities as a community and resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma. "The Northridge shopping center" needs to be called just that and the area needs retail outlets, grocery stores, political work stations, and more corporate activities designed to help the citizens in North Tulsa and Turley Oklahoma live more economical. Within these areas, the purpose of development and renovation is to aid in creating more jobs opportunities for North Tulsa and more economical ways to grow as a district by giving Northridge outlets to help those within the North side district take advantage of community based activities to promote health and wellness as citizens. Renovation in North Tulsa will bring our crime percentage down, help families to grow and get degrees, produce more revenues as tax payers, and create a new Tulsa with hope to focus on the low income communities. This will also help those on government assistant programs be a productive citizens by helping them get off of government programs and allowing them a opportunity in corporate america.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marvin bizzell
  • Solve the Fiscal Cliff Now!
    We ask that the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, immediately call an emergency session of Congress to solve the Fiscal Cliff before the New Year, and that he resolve to keep Congress in session through the holidays if necessary until the crisis is resolved. We also ask that the President also resolve not to punt the issue down the road. This fiscal cliff will result in a second recession and the loss of millions of American Jobs if it is not solved now. It will make deep cuts to Medicare and raise taxes on the Middle Class if it is not resolved now. We simply cannot afford another do-nothing Congress. We the American people who stand to lose our livelihoods if this issue is not resolved, demand that this issue be resolved now, and that Congress remain in an emergency session of congress until it is resolved.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Fitch
  • Compromise in D.C.
    We the people, the Citizens of this Nation, DEMAND bipartisan laws that will solve our Debt Crisis and Create Jobs. Cooperation is the most important thing right now.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris
  • Stop GOP Obstructionism In The U.S. Congress
    This petition is designed to send a strong message to the obstructionist GOP members of Congress. We wish to put these public servants on notice as their employers, that this behavior must stop now, or expect to be voted out in the next election cycle.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick London
  • Raising the age of dependents on Taxes
    Due to the lack of employment and the weak housing market people have begun to live with their relatives, causing them to be 50% to 100% dependent on their family. If laws would increase the age of dependents to 65 years of age, that will give those who are helping out their family some kind of tax relief.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brewer
  • Right to have a job
    Repeal right to work law
    4,175 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Cozart
  • Shop Local
    The average person in the U.S. every year spends more than $500 on holiday gifts and almost $200 on cards, flowers and food. By spending at least half that at an independent business makes a huge impact in your local community. That's because money spent locally is more likely to stay local, which helps support local schools, local police, local roads.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ester Venouziou
  • End Compound Interest.
    Every person has, is, or will be affected by Compound Interest. It is the modern equivalent of slavery that impacts us all. Read more about it yourself at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_interest In my opinion Compound Interest is the cancer that is eating away at our country. Please stand with me in outlawing Compound Interest in the United States.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Fuller
  • Free Trade Agreements
    Since approved by Pres. Bill Clinton, N.A.F.T.A. and other trade agreements have cost America millions of good paying manufacturing jobs.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R. Carpenter
  • Co-Op Corporations
    We have suffered wage stagnation too long - we've exhausted ourselves working long hours & multiple jobs. We've allowed too many of our jobs to be sent to other lower wage economies. we are beyond the limits of human possibility. Workers ought to have a say in EVERY business in our country - it's not socialism - it's common sense and the Christian thing to do - "all are equal in the eyes of God".
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angad Singh
  • Cutting Funds for FEMA?( Not expectable!!)
    Emergency Founding should always be available; we have to make sure the Insurance Industry pays there share as well.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heinz Mueller
  • Cut Federal Spending
    Federal spending is a big problem. It causes the economy to fail and jobs to be lost do to over taxing the rich.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Doe