Citizens for Tax Increases on $250K +As a United States citizen, I am for increasing the Federal Income Tax on people who earn $250K or more. We cannot accept the House of Representatives to stymie progress for the country, and the deficit reduction, because of personal commitments and gains. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, must pass this tax legislation. We as citizens can accept no less.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carolyn Mole
We The People Want CompromiseWith the looming fiscal cliff nearing it is time for the American people, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, to send a strong message to Obama John Boenher and Congress. We the American people are facing 64 Billion dollars in Automatic cuts to spending. We are faced with tax increases that could be very harmful to almost every American! The United States of America is built upon the foundation of Government by the people for the people. We the People of the United States of America have voted and are now ready to see lip service turn into real action! We are asking that our leaders from all sides work together to not "kick the can down the road" but to solve the problems we face! We the People now ask our leaders and Government to find Compromise and Come Together for the People as we have seen fit to put this Government in place through the action of voting. I believe no matter your party it is in the whole countries interest to solve our fiscal issues and set a new path toward a brighter future for every American Democrat, Republican, Independent and all others. United We Stand divided we Fall. Signed, "We The People"25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David
Extend the Middle Class Tax Cuts now!We have all been watching the battle against President Obama for the past four years as the Republican House refused to work with him to settle the Middle Class Tax Cuts. It is now time for Congress to live up to its responsibily and act for the good of the nation before we hit the Fiscal Cliff. The Middle Class cannot afford an additional $3500 tax bill. .97 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Judith A. Medvar
President Obama's budget and Tax planThe budget and tax increases on the top making over $250,000.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harriet Martin
Obama: Stand tight for raising taxes on the 1%Don't be intimidated by the Republicans during the negotiations over the fiscal cliff by giving into their demands for no tax increases for the super wealthy. The House Republicans will sacrifice the country to keep their wealthy friends in the driver seat.1,403 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Dr William Martin Wallin
Unvictimize IRS refund ownersIRS now withholds payment of taxpayers overpaid income taxes (aka tax refunds) when the taxpayer has been the victim of identity theft via the filing of false returns by unknown third parties. IRS further refuses to release a copy of the taxpayer's tax returns filed under the name and SSN of the taxpayer once a fraud affidavit has been filed by the real taxpayer. The money belongs to the taxpayer, not the IRS. This petition urges Congress to pass legislation whereby IRS is prohibited from withholding tax refunds to taxpayers who provide proof of being the real taxpayer and authorizes all such victims to obtain and any all tax returns filed under their names and SSNs.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Harrington
NO to Grand Bargain Yes to Robin Hood taxReducing the benefits of the safety net, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is the wrong way to go. Deficit is "not our fault," the blame belongs to the Banks and Wall Street. Start taxing financial, stock and commodity transactions. We can start reducing a bloated Defenive budget, billions wasted on outdated weapons which Generals tell us we don't need. Over $80 billion keeping US Troops in Europe and the Far East. Who are we protecting againist? Bring them home and put them to work on cleaning up the Infrasturcture. That way you will not need to "privitize the commonwealth". Most of the billionaires who realize the problem say they will pay more taxes. If a single billionaire can waste $70 million on partisan elections he can pay more taxes for the protection of civilization.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by joe marcinkowski
John Boehner Tax ReturnsLets have John Boehner release his tax returns to prove how fair the tax system is.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Todd Tedesco
Fixing Social SecuritySocial Security is an earned benefit. In order to collect a retirement or disability benefit, a worker must pay into the system for at least 10 years. In some cases, nonworking family members, such as a spouse, may be eligible for benefits based on the worker’s record. Tough rules in place assure that only legal residents and citizens who have met the 10-year qualification can collect retirement benefits. Congress and the media should stop referring to Social Security as an "Entitlement" inferring that it is unearned. The Social Security payroll tax currently applies to annual earnings up to $110,100. Any wages earned above $110,100 go untaxed for Social Security. Only 6 percent of workers earn more than that and effectively end up paying less than the 6.2% of his or her total earnings. This cap was intended to increase every year with increases in the national average wage; but was not increased in the last three years. Today, the cap covers about 84 percent of total earnings. Eliminating the cap so that all earnings would be subject to Social Security’s payroll tax would help close the program’s funding gap. If your income is under $110,100, you would see no change. If you make above that amount, you (as well as your employer) would currently pay the 6.2 percent payroll tax on your remaining wages. If all earnings were immediately subject to the Social Security tax, the new revenue is estimated to fill 86 percent of the funding gap and equalize the Social Security tax rate, so that all workers would pay the same percent on their earnings Beginning in 1950 the rates were adjusted upward to reflect the rise in inflation and the costs of living on a regular basis. There has not been a rate increase since 1995. The last rate increase was .14% from 1994 to 1995. A small increase in the rate could fill the remaining 14% gap in funding and would only minimally affect employees. Employers already factor this tax into their compensation packages and can adjust accordingly.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Brackmann
Employment age discriminationIt is supposed to be illegal for employers to discriminate against age. Yet every online application now has a non optional request for the year you graduated high school. This immediately identifies your age and allows the employer to screen applicants on the basis of age.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by gin rinehart
Boycott Boehner!!!Boehner and his tax initiative of NOT taxing the wealthy has got to go! President Obama's plan is to tax the wealthy and have them pay their fair share! We are tired of the same old idea's that have NOT worked and that cause gridlock in Congress! It's time for change in America Congress we want to move forward! Congress is very unpopular with Americans and has the lowest rating ever! American's do NOT want to hear Boehner repeat his same old agenda over and over again! We are tired of the Republican agenda they are trying to pass with NO negotiating on their part or any results to move America forward!! This is why we vote President Obama back in we want change and do NOT want to hear the same plan by Republicans and NO negotiation on their part!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Therese Rawson
Paul Krugman for Secretary of TreasuryPaul Krugman is a Nobel Prize winning economist whose views consistently prove to be correct. Most recently he argued that in the current Republican manufactured budget crisis "No deal is better than a bad deal." Mitch McConnell and John Boehner continue to run the same game plan they had before the election. President Obama must be smarter than Charlie Brown and refuse to try to kick the political football again. We need Paul Krugman at Treasury.180 of 200 SignaturesCreated by James E Townsend