• 3 year Moratorium on DMV and DEQ
    In a time of recession, job loss, homelessness, and poverty, it is ludicrous that the people are asked to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars in order to legally travel to seek work. I have personally witnessed family unable to re-register their vehicle this year while fighting to avoid medical bankruptcy, and they risk fines and tickets everyday, despite them having insurance and a valid license. No one should have to choose between keeping a roof over their head and complying with obsolete requirements that every car built in the last twenty years complies with inherently. No one drives a car that won't DEQ if they have another choice. A check engine light for an unnecessary sensor should not make the difference between success and failure.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Taxer
  • Stop Dismantling Social Security and Medicare
    Dear Fellow Americans, In the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, Wall Street and corporate America and virtually all Republicans are working on a deficit reduction plan to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, while lowering tax rates for the wealthy and large corporations. Sadly, some Democrats are also engaged in this effort. This plan is likely to come up during the lame duck session of Congress after the elections. The idea of balancing the budget on the backs of some of the most vulnerable people in our country – the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor - is not only morally grotesque, it is extremely bad economics. We must vigorously oppose this plan. As you know, the large deficit that we are now experiencing was primarily caused during the Bush years by two unpaid for wars, huge tax breaks for the rich and a prescription drug program written by the insurance and drug companies. Further, as a result of the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street which drove us into this terrible recession, revenue at 15.2 percent of GDP is the lowest in 60 years. In order to cover the cost of the unpaid-for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they want to make significant cuts to Social Security that will affect not only seniors but disabled veterans. They want to do this despite the fact that Social Security is funded by the payroll tax, has not added a penny to the deficit and has a $2.7 trillion surplus. In order to cover the cost of tax breaks given to millionaires and billionaires, they want to increase the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 and throw millions of families with children off of Medicaid. At a time when the United States has the most unequal distribution of wealth and income of any major country and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is growing wider, their deficit-reduction plan calls for lowering the top tax rates for the rich and large corporations to 28 percent or even lower. There are fair and sensible ways to reduce deficits, but having the rich and the powerful beat up on working families and the elderly is not one of them. We ask that you join us in opposing any benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Thank you, Senator Bernie Sanders
    146,878 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Bernie Sanders and Social Security Works
    I strongly believe that each and every candidate should present their taxes to the public. So far, as I can recall, all candidates have provided several years of taxes. Mitt Romney requested eight years for his VP candidates. This year, he underpaid his taxes in order to get to a certain rate he campaigned on.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hope
  • Help Americans get “Back to Life” not just to a “Job”
    It is OUR responsibility, to step up and help restore trust amongst our families, friends, neighbors, students and returning veterans who are still struggling to secure balance within this workforce.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Watson
  • Against all congress represenatives denying deceased veterans wives, children and disabled vetera...
    This petition calls on all congressional representatives to stand with and past the cost of living increase for all deceased veterans wives, children's, guardians and disabled veterans.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norman Smith
  • Let's fire all the Republicans in the Senate for not doing their job
    This is about not getting stuff done for the sake of the Country.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Riz Alani
  • Stop continuing deceit and corruption in San Bernardino County
    Measure Q disguises career politicians true intent to give themselves more hefty salary raises and other benefits while claiming permanent cap and transparency. Measure Q gives San Bernardino County politicians guaranteed perks at tax payers expese. 73 000 San Bernardino County tax payers approved a measure ( Measure R ) to reasonably compensate county politicians, so politicians responded by forcing deceptive Measure Q on the ballot to confuse voters claiming "more accountability - smaller government" on street signs
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victor Quiroz
    American public still wants to know more about Gov Romney's tax returns. He may be as much a criminal as our governor Rick Scott was---and he got elected.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcia Schachter
  • $1 = $1
    Our tax code today says an Investor's income is so critical to the US Economic Engine that, after appropriate taxes, 85% should be left for the Investor. To do with as they please and which can be re-invested, saved or spent inside or outside our country; each of these with a completely different economic impact. But whatever they choose, through the tax code, we are saying that giving the Investor greater control of their $1 is a benefit to everyone and in the end becomes an economic "tide that will lift all boats". For Wage Income, since it has much less benefit to society, we only allow the Wage Earner to keep 64% of their income. This petition isn't necessarily about how I have been affected, more how our society unfairly treats Wage Income compared with Investment Income. I think it is time to take a stand against one of the most unequal aspects of our tax code. With this petition I hope to start a conversation that leads to a wider understanding and eventually to change. I submit this on behalf of anyone who's income comes from wages.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathaniel T. Haley
  • Limit the interest rates that Credit Cards can charge
    Most states have "usury" laws that limit the maximum interest rates that consumers can be charged for consumer transactions. However, due to a law originally passed in 1863, credit card companies can get around this law by simply incorporating in states such as Delaware- which have no limits on the interest rates that can be charged- and "exporting" whatever interest rate they wish to charge to anywhere in the country. This law should now be reprealed and local "usury" laws should set the maximum amount that consumers can be charged by the credit card companies.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Blumenthal
  • Romney's failures as Mass. Governor
    Romney was a failure as governor because he increased the state's debt, made the state 47th in job creation, increased fees instead of taxes and ridiculed the state in speeches around the country while still governor.
    29,444 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Alvin Schmertzler
  • It's UnAmerican to be against the improving economy
    Do you believe the Republicans are dissing the lower unemployment rate? They're saying it's manipulated. They don't want the economy to improve. That is UnAmerican! It proves they don't care about you and me. In my town, we are finally seeing home prices go up. Two of my friends got jobs last month after being out of work. That's progress no matter how you look at it!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Devon Avery