Want to be Pres "SHOW your TAX RETURNS"What is Mitt hiding. If he is not hiding anything, He would be happy to let people know he is rich. Come clean Mitt.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Foster
Save Big Bird, Sesame Street & PBS from RomneyOn Oct. 3rd, Mitt Romney said, "I’m sorry, Jim, I’m going to stop the subsidy to PBS. I’m going to stop other things. I like PBS, I love Big Bird. Actually like you, too." Help save the Public Broadcasting Station funding by telling Romney and those who want to end Public Broadcasting and NPR by eliminating funding. Conservatives want to de-fund public television and radio on the back of Big Bird. Save Big Bird's job by signing this petition. We need 1 million signatures.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Jones
Obama: You cited the unemployment rate before..President Obama is prepping for his second debate against Mitt Romney. Romney has been citing the unemployment numbers all this time. Now he's downplaying latest number, 7.8%. It's not surprising that he was happy to talk about the figure when it was above 8%. Sure, the country could use more jobs, but the fact is that when the president took office, we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month. The fact is that that during the Obama presidency, we've added jobs. Would we like to speed things up? Sure, but remember what Clinton said at the convention. The republicans feel we didn't clean up their mess quickly enough, so they want back in. Not going to happen. Let the president know that we need him to defend the progress we've made. Let him know that you want him to, "be clear" about how far we've really come since dems won the white house in 2008. We're almost there, lets not let Romney's false claims determine the winner of this election.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jon Erives
Review Capital Gains vs Income tax ratesWhy are coupon clippers subsidized with low capital gains tax rate, by income tax payers, who actually work for their income? If our society is committed to a productive citizen ethic, worker bees should be the ones subsidized by the coupon clippers, who, at most accept financial risk for their investments!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claude Poliakoff, MD FACS
Jobs for Veterans ProgramSenator Lamar Alexander voted to block one billion dollars to fund the Jobs for Veterans Program. Why when the State of Tennessee has so much homelessness and unemployment and could benefit from these programs? I had two sons serve in the Army Infantry Division during Iraqi Freedom and when they returned home they could not find jobs. Either they didn't have the skills or the qualification requirements for the better paying jobs.There was no special training programs nor anyone to help them adjust to civilian life. That is why this money is so important to our veterans returning today that they get the skills and training they need to find a good, well paying job. If these funds are allowed and these programs are in place, our state will benefit with improvement in unemployment and homelessness. It's a win, win. Senator Alexander, please take the time to reconsider your vote.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary McGaughy
GET TOUGH!Jim Lehrer should be ashamed of the job he supposedly did as a so-called "Moderator" and should be called out on it! As such, President Obama needs to and should go on the Offensive from now on, as Governor Romney showed that he was no different than the rest of the Republicans by not showing any respect for the President, by not allowing the Moderator or President Obama to have the last word, as the rules were stipulated and as common sense and gentlemen usually abide by! He showed his true colors of wanting to be a bully, as usual, and not really "reach across the aisle" to Democrats, as he mentioned, when he couldn't even stop talking everytime the President had the last word! No wonder why the President had to keep smiling and "ask" for a rebuttal from the moderator, and then ask the Moderator to move on, if Governor Romney couldn't stop trying to have the last word, just like an immature, childish, spoiled brat likes to do when arguing with authority figures!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ZEKE DURAN
The truth about Mitt Romney fundraising moneyWeve recently heard from people here in Ohio.Mitt Romney is hosting fundraiser not only in United States but hes even getting fund raisers in Hong Kong and in China. This is a guy who wants to be our President plus he outsourcing our own jobs to these other countries where he made millions while managing Bain Capitol. What else does Mitt have for our jobs if he becomes the President. I should know look where Huffy Bicycle is made at now(China). And the 1000s of Ohio people who lost there jobs. please sign my petition and keep our money and jobs here for our people. THANK YOU!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Gramling
Romney's lies. Does't they matter? What about the truth. President told the truth.Romney appears to have won the debate.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Miriam Busby
Romney's lies. Don't they matterRomney appears to have won the debate.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Miriam Busby
It' Okay To Take The Glove's Off!I think that the Presidents hands should be untied and he be allowed to respond to Romney's lies and deception accordingly without having to worry about the backlash of people who are thinking he will come off as the angry b___k man. He is fighting for the intergrity of this country and he needs to be tuff and steern. We are not looking for a weak and passive leader in these days a times, we need a steel rod spine and a clear decided visionary for our world leader. Please let the President know we have his back on fighting for our nation with zest and vigor.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Black
The debate last night between the president and gov. Romneygov. Romney did not explain how he going change things like the president did about the questions. How is he ROMNEY going to do what he said about the question that he was suppose to the taxes and medicare and social security for the people that need it. Where he going to get the money first off.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank
Romney's liesPreventing Romney from giving the private sector unimpeded rights to strip America's middle class of its money and access to affordable, controlled health care.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Fidock