• Cut Military Waste Not Medicare
    Our U.S. military is beyond scrutiny regarding waste, kick-backs and lucrative government contracts. Furthermore the budget for our forces is greater than those of the world's leading countries––combined. Meanwhile Medicare and Social Security are threatened, even though the monies there belong to citizen who have invested in these programs to provide for their futures. Let conservatives know that we're onto them.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Constance Hebert
  • Create a national renewable energy jobs program
    Due to the collapse of the U.S. housing bubble in 2007 and the global financial crisis that followed in 2008, millions of Americans (including myself) have struggled to survive and are loosing patience with the recovery. This Great Recession will not really end and housing will not recover until well paying jobs with decent benefits are created again. A "National Renewable Energy Jobs Program" is the stimulus that our country needs. We must create local jobs in every region of America in the following ways: • Building or remodeling factories to make renewable energy systems such as wind turbines and solar panels. The rest of the world needs to make and use their own renewable energy systems so that our planet will become sustainable everywhere. • Building “Renewable Energy Farms” and completing a “Smart Grid” to utilize the energies in every region. As an example, the Midwest might use wind power and bio-fuels while the Southwest might use solar and geothermal power. • Funding with “Energy Security Bonds” that would allow U.S. corporations and wealthy individuals to reinvest their offshore accounts back into America. After converting our country into a "Renewable Energy Economy", all of the assets can be privatized and the bonds retired. From a business perspective this program will produce a great “Triple Bottom Line.” There will be excellent environmental benefits in significantly reduced pollution, huge economic benefits from increased revenues & vast social benefits from job creation. And last of all, provide us with the freedom to improve our lives and to help rebuild our country so that future generations will remember to never underestimate the capabilities of the United States of America.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan D. Olin
  • Employee Rights
    Under an "At Will" contract in the State of California an employee can be terminated with no notice, no pay in lieu and no reason given for the termination, no matter how long they've worked for the company. This has happened to me three times now. I believe that this is ethically wrong. An employee has the right to know why they are being terminated and to be given an opportunity to defend themselves or put right any grievances that the employer may have against them. I had no feedback at all from my employer as to why I was being terminated, and this is very detrimental to my future employment prospects, as if I don't know what's wrong I can't improve my performance. Plus I am emotionally traumatized by these events, and with the lack of information it's hard to move on. I would like the State of California (and other states if appropriate) to enact new laws protecting employee rights, stating that an employee has the right to have: 1. A valid reason for their termination. 2. A chance to petition the employer for reconsideration. 3. Written warning before termination, and the opportunity to put right any performance-related issues before termination is considered.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Madison Brightwell
  • Veteran Jobs Program
    Block on Veteran Jobs program
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Littlefield
  • Sen Rubio: Why did you abandon veterans?
    I live in FL and my husband is a veteran. I want FL Senator Marco Rubio to explain why he voted against a jobs program for veterans.
    2,785 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Monica Bradlee
  • Why were vet jobs blocked?
    Folks in Iowa are outraged that Senator Charles Grassley voted to block a billion-dollar veteran jobs program and want him to explain why he abandoned our veterans despite their high rate of unemployment and homelessness.
    1,343 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Frederik Norberg
  • Aternative Minimum Income Tax for Corporation
    All Corporation doing business in our country should pay a taxes. These Companies use our infrastructure ( i.e. roads, electric grid, telecommuication, etc.) Companies like GE should not be allowed to pay zero in income tax. Thus, any company doing business in the U.S.A. should be requied to pay a minimum amount to cover cost of maintaining infrastructure.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raul Garza Jr
  • Tax Imported Non-essential goods to keep American Jobs!!!
    Countless manufacturing jobs are sent overseas and millions of jobs lost because it is cheaper to move operations abroad. I say tax the import of non-essential goods so that jobs stay here and we can once again prosper!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Cronin
  • Immediate help for jobs/economy/taxes
    The answer is right in front of our faces - every day! Get on the band wagon with the other States that have started to wake up and realize ... why let the drug lords keep all the $$? The prisons would not be crowded with people who just want to get rid of pain - also helping the drain on our government. Too many positive reasons to list!!!!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Martin
  • Tell the IRS to enforce the Johnson Amendment
    On Sunday, October 7, one thousand pastors across the nation are planning on giving political "recommendations" to their congregations of whom to vote for this November. The conservative Christian group Alliance Defending Freedom has formed what they are calling "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" in order to try and get the IRS to overturn the Johnson Amendment (that's the rule that takes away the tax exempt status of any church or charitable organization which endorses a political candidate). Tell the IRS to enforce this Amendment by forcing these churches to pay taxes on their income.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rena Marrocco
  • Restore Emergency Unemployment Compensation and the Extended Benefits program before December 2012
    Mr. President and Senate Members, In February 2012, Congress representatives drastically changed the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program, first, by reducing it and second, by bringing it to a halt on December 29, 2012. The Extended Benefits program was also stopped in August 2012 affecting every American counting on that income. If EUC08 is allowed to expire at the end of 2012, unemployed workers will only be eligible for regular state benefits or 26 weeks. In order to help, EDD webpages are directing Unemployed Americans like me to look for assistance for their families at other public and social services, such as counseling, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, general relief, etc. To no fault of our own, we have been laid off, and subjected to presidential candidate's ridicule and misrepresentation while we desperately continue to look for the job that evades us. Do not forget the millions of Americans affected by this legislation during your campaign.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Talamantes
  • Strengthening Social Security
    Removing the upper limit on FICA & Social Security deductions on payroll to include the upper management and executives salaries of all corporations thereby maximizing the inflow of money into the system.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Bosboom