A Graduated Capitol Gains Tax RateWhen millionairs and billionairs pay a smaller tax rate than orinary Americans, something is wrong! We have a graduated tax rate for income, why not for capitol gains? We ought to tax the first $1000 or $2000 or $5000 in capitol gains at 0% and have it rise to 35% quickly. Warren Buffet supports this idea, me thinks.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Frank
Stop rich corporations from adding to already super high Engineering unemployment for Americans.During these times of hi unemployment, the Senate on behalf of rich gluttonous corporations, is considering a bill, the (STAR) Act, introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), that would significantly increase the number of work visas issued to cheap foreign Engineers brought into the US. Statistics of the cited deficiency of skilled domestic engineers have been manipulated by technology corporations. Multinationals like Intel, Texas Instruments and others have enlisted the services of hoards of off shore India based tele-recruiters on fixed price supplier contracts to offer engineering jobs that do not exist while permitting them to accumulate statistics on fictitious job vacancies. Passage of this bill will result in increased competition for fewer jobs, even higher unemployment in Engineering for Americans and further depress already abysmally eroded incomes in the field. As an Electronic Engineer myself, I can personally attest to the arduous employment challenges faced by many including myself during the past twelve years, in our once respected profession of choice. This is an affront to the American people and must be stopped.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brendan Graham
tax break for car less citizensA tax break for those who do not own a car. As a bike rider I feel it is not my responsibility to have to pay for the expense of our unsustainable transportation system. Oil subsidies are not in my representation of my tax dollars and others without cars should not have to be responsible for the tax burden created by automobiles.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nickolas Anzelmo
Recall John McCainThe senate has been plagued for years with this pandering, two faced, flip flopping rich, out of touch liar that keeps acting as the ring leader of Republican obstructionism in the U.S. Senate. Arizona would have received many times more grants and money we needed to get employment stabilized and education improved but John McCain doesn't see any need for us to receive needed funding because he is doing just fine. When did being a U.S. Senator become a life time career? He has been involved in every financial downturn since the beginning of problems in the fifties, was a member of the Keating Five Scandal, was associated with the repeal of the Glass/Steagall Banking Act of 1933, that was put in place to prevent financial corruption like what happened with Wall Street again recently, continues to want more deregulation of all ethical standards, and truth be known, his record in the Navy previous to him getting his fifth plane (that was destroyed) shot down would have gotten anyone else thrown out with a dishonorable discharge but his dad and granddad being admirals kept him from receiving the same treatment. I would like to see him gone and someone who is progressive thinking and not older than dirt in the U.S. Senate to represent Arizona, my state.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Walker
Rep. Francisco Canseco: Reject Romney's claim about 47%Rep. Francisco Canseco says he represents all Texans, but he hasn’t said much about Mitt Romney's offensive remarks defaming 47% of Americans. Texas has been hard hit by the economic crisis and I live in one of the poorer neighborhoods in Bexar County, Texas. However, I see my neighbors every day going out to work long hours. If they don't have jobs, I see them valiantly looking. Many of them intend to vote for Obama, but not all of them. What is clear to me is that ALL Texans were smeared when Mitt Romney stated 47% of Americans think of themselves as victims who are entitled to and dependent on government support. He later went on to say, “My job is not to worry about those people.” Canseco should have stood up for his constituents and made it clear that he respects the hardworking people of Texas, but he has not. We deserve to know what our representatives stand for and what they really think of us.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Denise McVea
Cheri Bustos Should Step Down Over Personally Investing in Companies that OutsourceWe are active organizers in the 17th district that believe that Cheri Bustos should step down as the candidate for Congress because she personally invests in companies that ship good American jobs overseas. Cheri has proven that she cannot be trusted to keep American jobs here at home, when she is personally profiting from outsourcing.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by StepDown CheriBustos
Tell Bobby Schilling to stand up for the jobs at SensataIn Freeport, Ill. Sensata Technologies, a company owned by Bain Capital, is sending 170 workers’ jobs to China. To add insult to injury, Bain is even forcing the Freeport workers to train their Chinese replacements. A group of the workers have organized to garner support for the “Bring American Jobs Home Act”, a common sense bill that gives American workers an even playing field by replacing tax loopholes for companies that send jobs overseas with financial incentives to bring jobs back to America. On Tuesday, the workers caught up with Schilling but the Congressman refused to answer their simple yes or no question and then walked out of his own town hall meeting to avoid further questions. The video is here: http://bit.ly/SchillingWalksOut Bobby Schilling can run from meetings but he can’t hide from his record in Washington: Schilling supports: • Free Trade deals that ship jobs overseas • Tax break incentives for companies to leave the U.S. • Hiding the number of jobs companies send overseas • Cutting job retraining programs for workers whose jobs were lost overseas Rep. Schilling’s record in Washington shows he has chosen a rigid ideology over the public interest. The Congressman has the wrong priorities and has turned his back on Illinois workers. Join me in telling Bobby Schilling that he can run away but he can’t hide from his record in Washington.470 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Cheri Bustos
Canseco Must Reject Romney's 47% CommentMitt Romney recently stated that 47% of the American public are "victims" dependent on the government. I am a retired person who draws a meager Social Security retirement benefit check each month, which I am sure I earned through many long years of hard work. This makes me part of Romney's 47%, yet I in no way feel like a victim or one who expects something for nothing. I know Romney's comment is not based on facts or reality. As my representative in Congress I demand that Rep. Francisco Canseco publicly reject Mitt Romney's offensive claim.161 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jim Lee
John Koster: Reject Mitt Romney's Abandonment of the 47%I call on John Koster, the Republican candidate for Congress in Washington's 1st District, to reject Mitt Romney's recent comment abandoning 47% of the American electorate who currently don't pay federal income taxes. And I call on John Koster not to support Mitt Romney's tax plan which would RAISE taxes on the 47% while cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires.307 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Craig Cyr
Rep. Jeff Flake: Stand Up for All AmericansAt a recent fundraiser, GOP Presidential nominee Mitt Romney said he will "never convince" 47 percent of Americans to "take personal responsibility and care for their lives", that they "are dependent on government", they "believe they are victims" and his "job is not to worry about those people". Arizona voters need to know if their GOP Senate candidate shares those views.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Salvatore Prano
Rep. Runyan: Publicly reject Romney's 47% comments!Mitt Romney was caught on video, claiming to campaign donors that 47% of Americans are 'victims' who are dependent on government handouts, and don't take responsibility for their lives. We all have friends, family and neighbors who are hard working citizens, some managing to live on less than minimum wage. They don't consider themselves victims. Rep. Runyan should repudiate Romney's comments and demonstrate that he represents ALL New Jerseyans.241 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Rosemary Lerario
Each candidate will adress how they will change the wage gap.US industries are the most profitable in history and as US productive increased, executives wages increased, but workers average wage decreased. Is that healthy and if not can it be changed?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jerome Klosowski