Congress must actCongress is in for 2 weeks before the election break. Congress should know that if they don't act on the American Jobs Act, we will vote against them.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Bailey
No more lies in political adsI am concerned about lies in poltical ads. Lies about how well the economy is doing, in comparison to when Obama took office.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ken Quin
Reject Grover Norquist's control of Congress.Our Congress will remain stalemated as long as members pledge loyalty to Grover Norquist. Pledges to him must be rejected. Some new taxes are needed to overcome the recession and reduce the deficit.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Butler
Tobacco Tax ReformStates receive billions of dollars in tobacco taxes, but very little of it is actually spent on tobacco prevention and health issues. We should demand the government provide transparent information showing people they are being taxed for a good reason.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brad Wilson
Congress: Vote on the Jobs BillFor over a year now, the "do nothing" Congress has been sitting on President Obama's Jobs Bill. This bill could create a million jobs and would give a much needed shot in the arm to the economy, but our "good for nothing" Congress refuses to bring the bill up for a vote. We're calling on Congress to stop the political sabotage and put the Jobs Bill up for a vote. No amendments, just and up or down vote on the Jobs Bill.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Woods
$100M Tax Incentive for a Mere 165 Jobs?The state of Iowa is giving even more tax breaks to the Orascom fertilizer plant. The state is considering offering the plant over 100 million dollars to bring in only 165 jobs, despite fierce opposition to the plant from both liberal and conservative citizens groups.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Norman
Outsourcing America!American Airlines is outsourcing to Bejing putting a thousand AA employees out of work! And it's called "American" Airlines?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail Gear
Save Texas State ParksThe Texas legislature has reduced funding for beautiful state parks, resulting in threatened closure and a large backlog of necessary repairs to park facilities. State parks are an affordable alternative for many Texans. Each park is representative of the diversity of Texas flora and fauna. Many are regarded as "jewels" of the State Park System. The Texas Park and Wildlife Department desparately needs support. As many as 100 TPWD jobs are threatened.682 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Mark Ayers
Free Hi -Tech Job Training For the UnemployedI am currently unemployed..and I have been for over two years off and on.My major issue is not being able to get free training becuase I am not poor yet I do not have enough money to take classes and keep my house and take care of my wife (who has also been unemployed) and daughter.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Holdun
Steak 'n Shake: Stop taking our tips!Steak 'n Shake is a bare-bones employer. No vacations or full-time unless you are a manager, and no holiday pay. On top of that, they are taking 2.5% out of server's credit card tips to pay for financing fees. The amount may not seem like much, but can add up very quickly. If someone leaves a $2 tip on credit card, Steak 'n Shake will take a nickel. Every time. That's just on a $2 tip! Tell Steak 'n Shake to stop taking our money to pay for their expenses!31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara
Bringing jobs back to AmericaWhat seems to have been lost in all of the rhetoric is the belief that we can isolate an issue and simply vote on it. Most issues involving the economy, energy, environment, government, and jobs are interrelated. We can solve this in a way that benefits mankind and the country by mandating this one thing.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Doelman
Support Worker CooperativesPetition to the state assembly and Governor of New York, requesting support for worker cooperatives and non-profit real estate trusts in low income communities in New York City.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank Jenkins