• Pass the Jobs Act
    If you are truly a lover of this wonderful country, then listen to the desperate voices of its people asking for jobs, for reparing bridges and roads, for teachers and policemen on the streets...Pass the Job Act
    2,156 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Lesley Meyer
  • Save the U.S. Post Office–eliminate pre-funding
    Help save the United States Post Office by urging Congress to eliminate a $5.5 billion pre-funding requirement. The pre-funding requirement is an unnecessary burden on the Postal Service. The Postal Service has met its obligation and has over funded retiree's health benefits by $75 billion.
    255 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Bodnar
  • Americans with disabilites work to supplement
    I work like for those who are disabled to be able to work a part- time job to first be able to pay back into the system in which supplies there income. its like working to pay back what is being given to you. Then you can also have extra money so that you won't be , struggle to make ends meet . This would also allow you to have a since of purpose in life . There are no programs in Ohio that do that. On disability if you work for a long of they review the case and take you off disabiltytime
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lexi
  • Mr. Ryan: Treat People with Respect
    Paul Ryan was in Janesville, Wisconsin for Labor Day, his hometown in his home district. People who approached him to ask questions were treated with condescension, flippancy and rudeness. Their questions were about jobs and the economy. Mr. Ryan's views are more relevant than ever as a candidate for Vice President and in a community that has lost a GM plant. I live in Janesville.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanie Johnson
  • Provide training and jobs for unemployed over 50
    Stay at home moms, who now have grown children, and men and women over 50 needing to return to the work force, have a hard time getting work, now competing with a younger generation. We need an opportunity to be trained and able to work again, not feeling like we're outcasts because we've dedicated our lives to raising our children, or because of age.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Householder
  • Pass the American jobs act!
    I'm tired of Republicans running on how terrible our economic recovery is going, blaming it on President Obama, then blocking any and all measures to stimulate our economy.
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Francis Donahue
  • Workers fired by Republican Governors
    Making public display of the list of people fired by Republican governors just to slow our economy and to stop worker rights. We need to show people who has been purposely damaging our economy and people. Christie fired all of the police in Newark and than gave his RNC speech same day!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gretchen Zwetzig
  • IRS: Forgive 1st Time Home Buyer Credit to Foreclosed Individuals!
    I went through foreclosure (due to job loss) in 2008 on my $211,000 condo which I purchased and received the old $7500 1st time home buyers credit (to be repaid over 15 years as opposed to the recent $8000 one that did not have to be paid back). Now I owe the IRS the remaining balance even though all of that money went towards improvements of a condo that is no longer mine and -to add insult to injury- was recently sold for $75,000! As someone struggling to regain employment it is extremely frustrating and disheartening owing that much money on something I no longer have any ties to and I believe the many people in similar situations to mine feel the same way.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kyle Benedict
  • No More Commission Jobs
    Our economy is not linked to lack of jobs as much as it is linked to jobs that are not required to pay employees in proportion to the cost of living. In Australia, their dollar is very strong right now and they are not suffering economic woes, because it is illegal to have commission jobs, and their minimum wage is over fifteen dollars an hour. Commission jobs are an excuse for the employer to charm the employee into thinking they can make more money than if the employer actually pays them. Also, at most commission jobs only 5% tends to make all the money while a hundred people do all the work, with a high turnover rate. Also, Wall Street workers were able to generate too much money off un-regulated commission jobs. Commission jobs, make it so the individual can work full time, and not receive a full-time salary, also not be paid over-time, holiday pay, etc, and the Employer can make too much of the employees' money. There is no regulation to this. Finally, our Economy can grow when people who do have jobs are required to be paid in proportion to the cost of living. I know many people who had/have highly distinguished job titles, but do not make money because they work off commission. You can't pay off college loans, credit card debt, having children/families, etc, if you do not know if you will generate money this month or next month. And Employers are generating enough income to pay people.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Janaway
  • Fiscal Responsibility on Capitol Hill
    Grover Norquist has led Congress down a path to fiscal irresponsibility that is about to financially ruin America. We demand fiscal responsibility from our leaders on Capitol Hill.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Jones
  • save senior homes
    after an unscrupulous mortgage company loaned my 82 year old husband money we went through nearly losing our home. With tenacity we went through hoops and finally after about 2 years, the house was given to us; only to learn the house was now being foreclosed on by the county for back taxes. Taxes apparantly was not being paid while we were in dispute and house was relinquished to us with about $7,000 owing on overrated taxes.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Mitchell
  • Let's solve problems rather than spout rhetoric. Revive the "Bring Jobs Home" Act
    Where do I stand: higher taxes or more jobs? - The tax break needed for working families (in addition to strengthening Social Security and Medicare) can be effected by removing now obsolete tax breaks for outsourcing jobs. So let's draw attention to reviving Senate bill S.3364, the Bring Jobs Home Act , as it "Hits the Nail on the Head" with what's wrong in this country.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Cox