• Six hour workday
    We produce what we need with fewer workers so let's reduce the workday to six hours. You could potentially create 1/3 rd more jobs. If companies wanted to keep an 8 hour day, they could just pay overtime for over 6 hours. We could put the unemployed and those on welfare to work. They would be paying taxes instead of needing government benefits to survive.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Gulsby
  • Put apprenticeship programs in every public high school!
    More and more Americans are having serious trouble affording a college education every day, while more and more college professors are finding students woefully unprepared on basic academic and life skills, and while many employers are discounting applicants without a college education and often still complaining that people fresh from college don't have the skills they need. All of these stresses could be lessened by enhancing our current K-12 programs, including teaching students important job skills that can easily be learned by experience. Give high school grads a fighting chance in the job market by allowing them to graduate with real world experience and skills that prepare them to begin working in a trade as soon as they graduate.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Savannah Brooks
  • I'm Better Off 2012
    The GOP wants you to believe that President Obama's efforts over the last four years have somehow hurt the country - when the fact is, he saved the auto industry, implemented healthcare reform, made it easier for women to make equal pay, saved us from an international terrorist and ended a war that was started for all the wrong reasons. We need to get the message out loud and clear - WE ARE BETTER OFF, and we're not going back to the policies and practices that took us so close to the bring in the first place! Add YOUR name to the list!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Wilson-Smith
  • Change Federal Hiring Priorities for the Disabled
    Mandate that Special Hiring Coordinators, charged with achieving President Obama's 7% goal of the percentage of disabled employees in the federal workforce, actually submit the resumes of the disabled for positions PRE-PUBLICATION as recommended by OPM guidelines. Currently, these coordinators refer disabled candidates to USA.jobs to compete with able bodied, and current federal employees. Despite 25 years of solid IT experience, I have applied for over 100 federal jobs and have not received ONE interview. I am Schedule A disabled. Despite over 20 years of solid experience and a graduate degree, and over 100 federal applications, my wife has received MANY "referred but not selected" notices. She is Schedule A disabled. Selective Hiring Coordinators should present the resumes of the disabled as recommended by the OPM. You can't maintain a vibrant federal workforce with the best and brightest from diverse applicants, without allowing experienced people a fair chance.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wes Worrell
  • North America Water Works
    I am petitioning the government to establish a North American water works system to distribute fresh water throughout North America to end droughts forever.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mitchell
  • South Carolinians against politicians signing the Grover Norquist Pledge
    Politicians in South Carolina should refuse to sign the Grover Norquist Pledge. This pledge obligates the Congressman, legislator, or elected official to continue to exempt the wealthy from tax increases.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia K.
  • No on Grover Norquist pledge
    No taxes means no way for our governent to run and survive!
    921 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Scott J Rasmussen
  • Norquist and His Treasonous Pledge
    By signing the Norquist pledge to never raise taxes, those who sign jeoperodize the national security of America by starving our economy of essential resources to defend our global interests, secure domestic prosperity, and prepare for a better future. Those who sign do so in direct conflict with their oath of office to defend the Constitution, this on its face is subversive and borders on treason.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bostick
  • Fight the Grover Norquist No-Tax Pledge
    Most Republicans in Congress have signed a pledge, promulgated by Grover Norquist, that they will not vote to raise taxes of any kind under any circumstances. Such a pledge is contrary to good governance, and has crippled efforts to enact progressive legislation and policies. Most economists strongly believe that a mix of tax increases and spending reductions will be necessary to deal with the massive Federal deficit, and to preserve supports for the disadvantaged. We are urging all West Virginia candidates for Congress to refuse to sign this destructive pledge, or to repudiate it if they have already signed it.
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lyle Bivens
  • Reject the No Tax Pledge in West Virginia
    Grover Norquist is pressuring politicians to sign a no tax pledge against the interest of everyday people. Taxes pay for things like roads, schools, local infrastructure, police officers and fire fighters, everything that everyday hard working families have come to rely and depend on. A no tax pledge would hurt working families because it would starve the government of badly needed funding and force budget cuts to all the services the vast majority of West Virginians use everyday.
    715 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Matt
  • Just Say "No!" to the "No taxes" pledge
    We've recently heard from folks in South Carolina who want all candidates for Congress in the state to refuse to sign the Grover Norquist no-tax pledge. All but a handful of Republicans in Congress have signed the pledge the pledge, making it impossible to get anything done and driving us towards a fiscal cliff.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by KATHY MCGROGAN
  • Rhode Island candidates-no tax pledge
    Signing this pledge will hurt our state as the state will lack the funds to maintain existing roads, bridges, and other necessities derived from taxes.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by SUSAN SACHS