• Pay What Mitt Pays.
    I want to pay less than 14% on my taxes for the next ten years so I can have enough left over to invest in other things. Just like Mitt has the last twelve years. Let's give the middle class the same kind of opportunities!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy Finn
  • Gov. Quinn: Veto Casino Expansion in Illinois
    The Chicago Tribune just reported that Gov. Quinn would spend this weekend deciding whether to veto the casino expansion bill that would add slot machines and allow five more casinos - including one in Lake County - to be built in Illinois. Economic recovery should not be based on games of chance. Casino gambling doesn't lead to real long-term economic development in distressed areas, and it causes serious strains on the infrastructure and social safety net of our communities. And, in May, Gov. Quinn pointed out that this bill "does not include a ban on campaign contributions as lawmakers in other states have done to keep corruption out of the gambling industry." There are better ways for the state of Illinois to get new revenue - like closing corporate tax loopholes and finally passing a progressive income tax - that don't involve turning a blind eye to opportunities for even more corruption from unscrupulous gaming supporters. Gov. Quinn is making his decision this weekend so we have to act fast. Please sign this petition to show Gov. Quinn that if he vetoes the casino bill and focuses on real economic development we'll have his back.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ilya Sheyman
  • Fair Property tax bill of Charlwoods Land
    Mr Timothy Charlwood is paying unreasonably low property tax on his land of approximately $150/year as the Neighbors pay 20 to 40 times this for their property of significantly less value. Where as Mr. Timothy Charlwood's land in Ogden Valley, Weber County, Utah, ID # 210010008 through 210010012 and 230120022 Has been given Green Belt Status and is paying only approx $150/year. Even though this land has been developed for high end residential, has a pending approval for a heli-pad, and has listed his property for $5,000,000
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Christopher Jensen
  • Save our bank!
    I'm going to tell you something you might not believe, the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh belongs to the whole world, including you. Founded in 1976, the Grameen Bank is run by poor rural women in Bangladesh, it has won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it has returns in line with multinational banks the world over. It's more than a money making institution however, it sends children to school, provides a secure pension and savings for families on the brink and gives micro-loans to millions of women to start their own businesses which support and nurture their families. And now the Bangladesh government wants to end all of that. Bangladesh seems like it might be a world away, but it's not. We're in the midst of a worldwide recession caused by wealthy bankers and corporations who put their own profits ahead of the well being of average citizens like you, and me. As the banks fail, they turn to us, taxpayers, mothers, fathers and small business folks, to bail them out. Clearly there must be better options for our savings and our economies. And the Grameen Bank is a successful alternative. But now, after almost 40 years of international renown, the government of Bangladesh has a scheme to take the control from these impoverished women and give it to wealthy businessmen. Why? For two reasons: The government run banks are already considered to be bastions of corruption and greed, unconcerned with the fate of the people who entrust officials with their life savings. And because Grameen, is currently not under their control or oversight. I'm tired of the smallest percent controlling all of our savings in this world. I'm tired of how little they care about depleting our pension funds, foreclosing on our houses, high interest education loans, and all of the other ways they screw the little people. Let Grameen stay in the hands of its stockholders and its customers. Let us all have an example of a bank that represents the interests of the common man and woman. Please call on our President to put pressure on Bangladesh to leave Grameen in the hands of the people, it's their money after all.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Autumn
  • Double Dipping Government
    In 2000 I was laid off for the 1st time and did not have to pay taxes on money that I already paid taxes on to collect; unfortunately, I was laid off again in 2010 & was asked to have money taken out of my unemployment check. Unfortunately, I am a one income household & receiving only 70% of my unemployment check there's no room left for taxes to be taken out and still pay rent, auto insurance, utilities, and personal bills; besides the unemployed should not have to pay additional taxes on money we earned already and had taxes taken out on along with paying into the unemployment insurance while working as well. This time around I had to pay $700.00 for taxes the 1st yr of unemployment (2010) and $1700.00 for the full yr. of not being employed in 2011. Not to get caught up in the daily interest & penalties that are held against you, I had to take out a personal loan to consolidate my debt & the IRS bill in order to not find myself in a financial bind. Why do we have to pay taxes on money we paid taxes for when we earn it and then turn around and pay taxes on the same money when it's time to collect it ? That's government double dipping that should not be; placing unnecessary financial burdens on individuals who already are tied up and unemployed!?!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by V E Gaskin
  • Bring manufacturing back home
    This petition is about the current gap between the large number of U.S. companies sitting on mountains of cash and the lack of manufacturing jobs in America. I have personally been affected by this, along with hundreds of thousands of others, due to the recession imposed on us by a wartime economy that produces nothing but temporary specialty employment.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Roberts
  • Save commercial crabbing and shrimping in Washington state
    The commercial fishing industry in the Pacific Northwest is disappearing. Every year the state awards an ever increasing quota to sport fisherman, detracting from the commercial fleet, who's livelihoods depend on it. My father is a commercial fisherman, he's done it all his life, and his career is being threatened, along with the career of hundreds of other fisherman in the area. It's time to fight back before this industry disappears.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maddy Porter
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nelson fitzgerald king sr
  • Stop the 'legitimate' pillage
    Bain (Romney) is currently dismantling a **profitable** US auto parts company and sending it to China, forcing US employees to train their replacements. They bought it with borrowed money, extracted all the wealth they could, then shipped the jobs overseas. We have recently heard about 'legitimate rape.' This is the legitimate pillage of America. Does the 0.01% have to make their money these days by selling out the other 99.99%? How is this legal?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Cummings
  • Mayor Williams: Stop my eviction
    In 2007, after 23 years of saving lives as an EMT with the D.C. Fire Department, I suffered a career ending back injury while on the job. During recovery I got behind on the mortgage for my home in Southeast D.C. My lender, JP Morgan Chase, moved quickly to foreclosure, auctioning my home off in December 2009. Less than $5000 separated me from keeping my home, but Chase never gave me the opportunity to bring the mortgage current. Instead they chose foreclosure, and sold my home to Freddie Mac. Since 2011 I’ve been working to obtain a loan modification so I can stay in my home, but just last month it was denied. Now Freddie Mac is pressing forward with eviction proceedings. The former Mayor of DC, Anthony Williams is on Freddie Mac's Board of Directors. I am asking that everyone in DC and elsewhere join me in asking him to stop my eviction.
    1,421 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Harris
  • Governor Branstad, please support the Iowa farmers
    Over the course of the last several weeks, our governor has been asked about what he and our state will do to assist in the drought that will affect all of the farmers in our state, which in turn will affect communities and businesses. He avoids that direct question, and then launches into an attack of the President and brings the conversation down to partisan politics. Keep to the topic, Governor, and avoid partisanship politics on this state and midwest topic.
    1,576 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda Armitage
  • The Robinhood Tax
    Every taxpayer is suffering while the super elite takes tax breaks. We need the Robinhood Tax to even the playing field. I am targeting Congress to pass The Robinhood tax.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ILONA ANDERSON