• Federal Casinos for economy, social security, medicare
    Since we are supposed to be a democracy, why can't we vote to have casinos to benefit our country, state, social security, medicare, national debt, etc. It would solve a lot of problems.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Fujimoto
  • Pay raises for state employees at the MVA
    This pettition is about getting pay raises for state employees that work for the MVA. We have not had a raise in over 5 yrs and that includes a COLA (cost of living) raise. Its sad that as employee of the MVA, you cant even qualify for a one bedroom apartment in the state of Maryland! Billions of dollars are being used for other things that are not needed like a memorial on the eastern shore for the state, why? You have to pay your workers especially if they have a security clearance!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by shawnta eldlridge
  • Offshore bank accounts of Americans must be taxed.
    Many wealthy Americans are avoiding taxes by stashing their money in Swiss bank accounts and other offshore accounts. How is this fair? If any American makes money in any financial account anywhere in the world they should declare that as income and pay their fair share of taxes.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Bessire
  • Tax on income which employer did not deduct legally
    I've seen in NY how employees who reach an agreement on unpaid wages, or overtime with an employer, receive their settlement pay, but this is heavely burdened by unpaid taxes, which is not the employee's fault. I think that the necessary legislative modification should be made in this respect, and make the employers pay those deductions instead of the workers. In this sense, it is the employers who illegally retain wages by not paying regular minimum wage or over time,and therefore avoding taxes, which means that they broke the labor law primarily. So, when a settlement supervised by a court, or court ruling is achieved, the corresponding employees' tax withholdings that were not deducted in time due to the employer broke the labor law, should be transferred to the employer as a punishment for all the time they did not legally pay minimum wage or overtime, and let the worker obtain a just and compensatory relief, instead of a thin check after taxes which wouldn't reflect the hardship many workers go through due to the employer primarily breaking of the law. This proposal may involve legal intricacies for it involves not only the Labor Law but the IRS and other possible legal codes. However, I am certain that the employer should not be left off the hook once again, especially when it comes to employ undocumented workers.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rene
  • Timeoff/sicktime without pay, bad for contractors
    It's about contractors workers who are not paid public holidays/sicktime and vacation. Yes it has affected me in the sense I did not make enough in 1 week to survive. Just because I did not work for 1 and a half day.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fatima Ahmed
  • Tax breaks for business
    Tie tax breaks to new job creation here in the States rather than giving blanket reductions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joni Loring
  • Jobs
    Stop buying goods made out of the USA
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tara Landrum
  • Jobs and Mitch McMconnell
    MoveOn or Obama's campaign or some Sprpac should run TV spots featuring MM and his Job #1 speech juxtaposed with "Don't Like Our Economy"? etc. 95% of the bills shoved thru by the house by the Tea Party had -Nothing- to do with jobs or deficits. If fact Ryan's Budget and it's Tax Breaks For The Rich...would make the deficit worse!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Calhoun
  • Tell Linda McMahon: Connecticut deserves a debate on jobs now
    What would you choose: jobs for your community, or a $7 million tax cut for Linda McMahon? And what if that tax cut was funded by eliminating teaching jobs and veterans benefits? Well, that’s "Linda's Plan." It's no wonder her campaign has refused to immediately kick off the general election campaign with a series of debates about jobs. We created a petition to demonstrate public support for such a debate. Add your name to it today.
    2,461 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Nick Fabiani
  • Fair hiring practices
    Employers should not be allowed to use a person's credit score as a criteria for employment.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Moorer
  • Sign to oppose Credit Card Usage penalty fees at Krogers & Safeway
    Biz Journals & newspapers have written that Kroger, the largest pure grocery chain in the country, and Safeway, who is rumored to be a possible takeover target for Kroger, are both considering charging customers either a penalty fee, generally higher grocery prices, or limiting their access to advertised specials, for the "privilege" of using a credit card at check out.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by susan
  • Interstate water system
    Develope & build a water system, similar to the interstate highway system, in fact, paralleling it, to bring water from flooded areas of the country to the driest. Right now, from Florida to the hardest hit areas of mid-west & west. The project will take 20plus years to complete & put mullions of people to work.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank McMahon