• Domestic Content: It is our future
    Local unions in Oakland paid for a billboard that stated basicly Your Bay Bridge built in China with your Taxes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Barone
  • Is Mitt hiding something?
    I am tired of the run around we get whenever Mitt Romney is asked to show us his tax returns. I get very suspicious and have to wonder what he is hiding. What do you think? Do you wonder why he will only state the % of taxes he paid after donations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Watson
  • Debt Limit
    My petition is about preserving the integrity of the United States, and not scaring the economic markets by pretending that we would not pay our due bills.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Northcott
  • End CT's Special Tax Deal for JPMorgan Chase
    Today's mail brought two unrequested debit cards, not as a pormotional offer from some start-up financial institution, but from the CT Department of Revenue Services. They were sent with no DRS warning or information to announce that if I have a tax refund that is not directly deposited, I am required to open an account with JPMorgan Chase to receive my rightful refund. If a private company send unsolicited credit/debit cards they would be breaking the law. One wonders who and how this special deal with the banksters was made. We pay sufficient state taxes to deserve at least minimum service from this Department. Receiving a refund without having it go to a third party is about as basic as it gets. This is a sadly misguided abuse of power by DRS.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tedd Levy
  • Honor congressional oath of office, or resign
    Members of Congress who have signed Norquist pledge in conntravention of oath of office
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph L. McNully
  • Romney last 5 years of tax return
    Making me less likely to vote for him because I am not sure how he would handle the government finances if I can't get a glimpse of how he handled his own.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Holmes
  • Presidental Candidate's Financial Information
    Congress should require federal tax returns for the last 12 years be made public by any presidental nominee. Americans deserve to be able to judge the integrety, honesty and truthfullness of the person entrusted with leading our country by being informed of financial worth, how their money was made, where, and all connections to their wealth. Time could be best spent on discussion of other issues. We have a right to know whether the candidate for the highest office in the land has acquired their assets in a manner in which we approve.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marla holland
  • Make Mitt Romney's tax returns public
    Get the IRS to audit Romney's tax returns, force Romney to divulge tax returns.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Orange
  • Tommy Thomson Release your Tax returns !
    Tammy Baldwin released 10 years of her tax returns. Whats Tommy Thomson have to hide !
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg. F.
  • Tommy Thomson Release your Tax returns !
    Tammy Baldwin released 10 years of her tax returns. Whats Tommy Thomson have to hide !
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg. F.
  • Middle class consumers are the real job creators
    President Obama and the Democrats should focus on the basic economic fact that middle class consumers are the real job creators, as eloquently explained by Nick Hanauer: http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-12-07/raise-taxes-on-rich-to-reward-true-job-creators-nick-hanauer.html#p1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI The economy is the most urgent issue facing our nation, and this election presents a clear choice between the clearly broken policy of larding more money on the rich in the hopes that they will magically create more jobs, and the economically sound argument that a stronger middle class will create more jobs. With this argument, Obama and the democrats can directly undermine the central pillar of Romney and the Republican's campaign: that they are somehow uniquely capable of creating jobs. Just ask Romney directly how much economic growth he has generated by not paying his fair share of taxes -- is he buying products that American companies are producing, in the same quantities as would be the case if that money was instead in the hands of middle-class consumers? The current Obama campaign rhetoric: http://www.barackobama.com/record/economy?source=primary-nav focuses too much on the bailout and government intervention in specific industries -- this is an immediate turn-off to many potential voters. This argument transcends narrow party interests and should be something that can unite 99% of Americans -- it urgently needs to be made, forcefully and consistently, for the future of our country.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randall O'Reilly
  • Republican's Lie
    They claime the 1 and 2%er's are the job creater's! Prove it! For the last 11yr's I havn't seen nor heard of any investment from that group except they arn't spending. So Prove it or stop claiming it!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William A Cunningham