Tell It Like It IsThe real truth behind the scarcity of jobs. The president has presented a jobs bill that would put millions of Americans back to work, but the house refuses to cooperate. There should be funding to run this ad all over the country to be sure all Americans know that the house has made it their business to make sure the president fails. Even though their plan is failing, the country should never forget those eleven hateful words.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth C Caswell
Workplace bullyingWorkplace bullying created by management a hostile working conditions. I read about it but never thought it could happen to me.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen
Pass a budget for the middle class!Like most middle-class Americans, I'm falling behind, while corporations and rich families are stealing our nation's wealth. Let's rebuild the American economy, while ending corporate control and corruption of government. We're calling on Congress to seriously consider the People's Budget.1,395 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Hunten
Tell Quality Bicycle Products to stop outsourcing everything they make!Quality Bicycle Products outsources all of it's bicycle brands products to Taiwan. They are the nations largest bicycle parts distributor and they can make a difference if they start manufacturing their many brands products here. The U.S. bicycle industry outsources almost all of their manufacturing instead of creating more jobs here in the United States. Since QBP is the biggest one, let's make them accountable for their actions.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shad Holland
Legalize Industrial HempHemp is the #1 natural renewable resource, all the other plants in the world all together do not equal what Hemp can provide for food, fuel, building, and medicine. The highest usable protein in the plant kingdom, out produces trees 4 to 1, AND is annually renewable. Industrial Hemp would mean 100's of thousands in jobs, and billions in economy generated. Dare to know the truth about Hemp and legalize it.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roger Lothamer
US money sent to Foriegn Countries by US Citizens, Corporations, or Illegal CitizensAny money sent out of the country should be subjected to % tax as best determined by the Congress, Senate, and President.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by edward A. svajgl, ASID
The People's Skills Bank and Services ExchangeMoney is being siphoned off to the top 1% of our society. Everyone experiences the negative effects of this very deep problem. We are asking the California State Legislature to allocate money to subsidize community centers for the purpose of coordinating the common people's goods and services, needs and abilities via computers. This could happen on an exchange basis using credits for products, skills and services rendered.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sheilah Renaud
U.S. MU$IC 4 US"As a music journalist with deep Arts & Entertainment contacts who could use a long term, on-going, life sustaining regular paycheck including safe, adequate housing & healthcare it's self evident that musicians properly coordinated, rallying for a cause can & do make a fiscal & social difference. Initiate now a national referendum to immediately create ongoing & forever national, regional, local resources with help from, by & with the music biz to address each community's specialized needs (jobs-health care-education-housing)"5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Mick
U.S. Citizens Debt Forgiveness ProgramI and many of you are waking up everyday facing foreclosures, repossesions, bankruptcies, utilities being cut off and not being able to put food on the table. The government has bailed out corporate America time and time again. I believe that its time for the government to bail out all Americans that are struggling day to day. If the government would allow a one time debt forgiveness for all of us, based upon our current income the amount of debt that we have all accumulated we would could all sleep a lot better at night and not be afraid to answer the phone in fear of bill collectors.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Viola Woody
Stop the Fresno Trash ScamFresno's mayor and some city council members want to privatize--sell off--residential solid waste (our city trash service). They claim it will be good for the city and for ratepayers, but the truth is, rates will skyrocket and service will suffer. It's an ill-advised backdoor tax we can't afford.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ratepayer
Why Tax Breaks for Motorola?Why does big business get big tax breaks for staying here in Illinois and then they layoff lots of employees??? What are they good for???1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jan Beladi
ABOLISH UNLAWFUL SPEEDTRAPS: STOP LOCAL POLICE FROM PREYING ON TAX PAYERS!I am an insurance agent for a Fortune 100 company and I am amazed at how many "bogus" ticket stories I hear. I am NOT referencing the blatant speeders as they deserve their tickets. But the ones that are obvious quota tickets used to generate city funds. These tickets wreak havoc on people's lives who don't have the money to pay them, then get arrested. Or if you go to court and fight back the judge throws it out or gives you a "operating unsafe vehicle" ticket and you still have to pay court costs. All this does is generate money for the cities and more money for insurance companies via higher premiums. It's still wrong and creating undue duress on the very taxpayers that pay salaries!9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tresa