Real Estate Tax Abatement in Philadelphia is unfair!Philadelphia City Council has decided that all of Philadelphia is blighted, enabling developers to build homes that qualify for the 10-year tax abatement anywhere in Philadelphia. The 10-year tax abatement was implemented to encourage redevelopment of deteriorating, blighted neighborhoods. Instead, the deteriorating, blighted neighborhoods stay deteriorated and blighted, and ours continue to be overdeveloped!1,114 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Patti Brennan
Support Maryland General Assembly Bill HB859 Traders License Reform BillRetailers face many challenges including competition from online sellers, rising rents, scarce parking and state and local taxes, fees and bureaucracy. Unlike surrounding states, Maryland has a complicated 21-tier traders license fee system that was set up in the 1850s. And unlike most states, Maryland requires businesses to annually locate, track, and value their inventory, pay burdensome municipal inventory taxes and pay high state annual report filing fees.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shelby Kestler
Fix PA UnemploymentPennsylvania Unemployment Compensation has not had working phone service since November of 2016, which has prevented thousands from being able to file for benefits or open up an unemployment claim, as well as taking away hundreds of jobs.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Ziese
Stop Right to workRight to work is wrong for Missouri and the governor had no right to sign that into action! He is not the people and the people still have the voice in Missouri!12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ella Lewis
Demand Congress defend the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - #DefendCFPBUPDATE 11/27/17 The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is under attack. Last Friday, Director Richard Cordray stepped down. Following secession protocol that was set up by Congress, Deputy Director, Leandra English became the Acting Director. In an unprecedented move, Donald Trump appointed his own Acting Director of the CFPB, OMB Director, Mick Mulvaney. Now the bureau has TWO DIRECTORS and it is up to the courts to decide who will run the CFPB until a new permanent director is appointed and approved by Congress. We stand with Acting Director, Leandra English and applaud her for her years of dedication to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fights for students and student loan borrowers. The CFPB has returned nearly $12 billion in relief to over 29 million Americans wronged by big banks, credit card companies, and predatory student loan servicers. Supporting students and student loan borrowers is central to The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s mission. For years, families dealt with the impact of a dangerously deregulated student loan industry. As a result, more than 43 Million Americans are buried under $1.4 Trillion worth of student debt. Unchecked student loan companies caused families major hardships forcing them to carry the burden of college costs for life. Fortunately, the CFPB is an independent federal agency dedicated to holding these companies accountable. The CFPB is the first line of defense for defrauded borrowers. Recently, the Bureau filed three lawsuits against Navient, the nation’s largest student loan servicer, accusing the corporate giant of countless abuses - including overcharging borrowers and ruining the credit scores of veterans. The CFPB also shut down illegal student debt relief companies and challenged the deceptive practices of for-profit colleges, like ITT Tech. To date, millions of dollars in relief have been returned to those impacted by these predatory businesses. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau continues to take important strides to defend students - we must do our part to defend the CFPB. We believe it is extremely important to level the playing field for ALL consumers. Student loan borrowers depend on the CFPB to ensure that their interests are defended against bad actors in the student loan industry. We urge Congress to oppose any efforts to weaken the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and its critically important role and to reject any attempts to unseat their effective Acting Director, Leandra English who has been a powerful advocate for students and consumers everywhere. All Americans, including more than 43 million with student loans, must be able to count on a strong, independent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.35,367 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by StudentDebtCrisis.org
Protect California Taxpayers From the Threat of Federal DefundingThe 3 main sources of federal tax revenue are individual income taxes, payroll taxes, and corporate income taxes. Almost half of all federal revenue comes from individual income taxes. The State of California contributes the highest amount of tax revenue to the federal government out of every state in the union. California is also one of the least dependent states for federal funding. California gives more than it receives. This is not a partisan issue as all citizens of California benefit from and are reliant upon federal funding. Please join us in protecting our funds from being confiscated by the federal government.164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jon Kennedy
Ask Expedia to Dump Trump Hotels#DeleteUber was just a start. We control the vast majority of the consumer economy--which is the last and final check and balance on power in the country. Let's put companies on notice, profiting from political neutrality will no longer be an option.3,462 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Chad McEvoy
Vote No on Andrew Puzder for Labor SecretaryPuzder would be a disaster for American workers. I am a former W2 employee now working 2-4 part-time consulting jobs and trying to raise 2 daughters. This means I have no job security, worker's comp, paid sick leave, vacation pay, health insurance benefits, retirement, and am not eligible for unemployment. Puzder would cut the safety net for workers even further.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Correa
Don't let Wall Street Steal our Money: Defend Dodd-Frank!On Feb 3, Trump signed an Executive Order that will lay the groundwork to gut Dodd-Frank, the law passed after the financial meltdown to stop Wall Street from stealing our money, and put in safeguards to prevent another crisis. Dodd-Frank created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). When the banks steal our money, the Consumer Bureau fights to get it back. Under the protection of Director Richard Cordray, they’ve returned over $12 billion dollars to more than 29 million Americans conned by their financial companies. Trump also plans to sign an Executive Order delaying the Conflict of Interest rule. Before this rule, Wall Street was stealing $17 billion a year from Americans saving for retirement through hidden fees. Because so many advisers are not required to put their clients first, millions of Americans end up putting their money into high-commission investment products that benefit the so-called “advisers” at their clients’ expense. The cost of such conflicted advice can add up to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single worker or retiree. Trump is letting the former #2 at Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn, take an ax to financial reform put in place to protect our country’s financial stability and our pocketbooks. We cannot let Wall Street and predatory lenders write the rules. Tell Congress you will not stand for a rollback of Dodd-Frank and the Conflict-of-Interest rule.12,319 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Luísa Abbott Galvão, Americans for Financial Reform
Protect Our ProducePresident Trump just proposed a 20% import tax on all items from Mexico. The US receives 69% of our vegetables and 37% of our fruit from Mexico according to the USDA. Imposing any tax on food will make it prohibitively expensive for most Americans. This is an issue of food security - All people are entitled to a secure food supply. Tell the White House no tax on Mexico.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon and Jess
Tell the Iowa legislature to stop attacks on the rights of public service workersAnti-worker politicians have filed a bill that will gut Iowa's collective bargaining laws for public sector workers. That means teachers, nurses, firefighters, police officers, and other public workers will have fewer health care benefits, more wage cuts, and no say about safety and working conditions on the job. We’re calling on our legislators to oppose this bill. Now is the time to take a united stand against extremist attacks on our workers. Add your name to the petition calling on the Iowa Legislature to oppose this bill and leave public sector collective bargaining intact.6,711 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Ken Sagar, Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Opt out of outsourcing at University of Memphis, Southwest Community College, and UT Health Scien...Campus workers in Tennessee are under attack. Governor Bill Haslam's Administration has quietly launched a scheme to outsource facilities management for every public building in the state, including colleges and state universities! The plan impacts prisons, state parks and National Guard armories, too, which adds up to roughly 10,000 working people! The pay and benefits of these workers, including custodians, landscapers, electricians, and maintenance staff, would be threatened in order to "reduce operating costs." In the past, outsourcing has proven to be detrimental to working conditions and to the quality of service provided, and has not been proven to be a worthwhile investment of Tennesseans’ hard-earned tax dollars. Governor Haslam has stated that individual schools, including UofM, SWCC, and UTHSC, will have the opportunity to "opt out" of this outsourcing plan this spring semester. President David Rudd of the University of Memphis has promised the UofM will opt out. However, we need him to say that publicly, and President Tracy Hall of SWCC, and Chancellor Steve J. Schwab of UTHSC must speak up as well. We also call on the University of Memphis Board of Trustees to take a stand against the outsourcing. Over the last year and a half, thousands have protested, spoken out, called-in, written columns, and passed student and faculty resolutions in opposition to privatization, but Governor Haslam continues to move ahead with this unpopular plan. As students, faculty, alumni, staff, and concerned citizens, we care about what happens to our campus workers. With this petition, we appeal directly to each head of their institution to listen to what the university and greater Memphis community is saying: NO OUTSOURCING! For more information please follow: https://www.facebook.com/TNisNOTforsale/227 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Memphis Progressive Student Alliance