• WUSTL Performing Musicians' Resources Group North Campus Room
    To better serve the members of our organization.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cameron Pulley
  • Take Common Core out of WV Schools
    We are starting this Petition for the children. The common core curriculum is a curriculum that is unclear and confusing for our children. If a parent cannot understand the curriculum, how do they expect our children to understand. My granddaughter was punished from recess because her parents were unable to assist her with her homework and did it "old school." She was made to sit out and work the problem not once but twice. Change can only start when it is supported by others. If you are frustrated with this curriculum, stand up for your child by signing this Petitioner. Our voices for our children deserve to be heard! Thank you.
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shellie
  • Support NYC Public Schools
    The 2014 charter amendments to the New York State budget put an unfair burden on NYC taxpayers by requiring that the city house privately run charter schools in existing school buildings (“co-location”) or use scant education dollars to pay their rent. All of our districts have overcrowded, co-located schools, with some schools educating students in temporary trailers for years and many students deprived of gym, libraries, art rooms, and a proper lunch time. The charter amendments pit public school needs vs. those of the charters—with the charters all but guaranteed to win. One example of many: it was determined last spring — without any community input — that a new Success Academy Charter School would be granted use of the beautiful campus of Mother Cabrini Parochial High School in Washington Heights. This is one of three Success Academies for which the city is now paying for leased space; other Success Academies are co-located in public school buildings, rendering those buildings far beyond capacity. Yet, Success charters have over a $30 million surplus and, on one night in April alone, raised more than $7.5 million. What’s more, Success says it is a “public” school when convenient (i.e. when staking a claim to public space or money), yet when asked to reveal details about its finances and operations, it has argued in court that it is not a public entity and therefore not subject to public disclosure laws. We also call for a moratorium on all charter approvals unless and until a full audit of existing co-located charters and their compliance with the law—including marketing, enrollment, student retention, and disciplinary policies—has been undertaken by the New York City Comptroller and the New York City Council. We demand that all decisions about the siting of new schools occur in the context of a process that involves community voices and reflects community desires.
    1,443 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sara Kotzin
  • Parents for Cielo Vista Charter School K-8
    Current and future students of Cielo Vista Charter School should have the opportunity to continue their education in an environment with proven success. The Cielo Vista Charter School community has created a culture that enhances the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of its students. Cielo Vista Charter School parents have been advocating for expansion to 8th grade for 4 years. It is time for the Palm Springs Unified School District to secure a suitable facility to expand Cielo Vista Charter School, which will support the continued success of students into middle school.
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cielo Vista Charter School Parents
  • Reinstate the Funding for The Cabrillo College Dental Hygiene Program
    Due to budget cuts, Cabrillo College has decided to decrease the funding of The Dental Hygiene Program. The detrimental effect to students, patients, and staff is significant. This cut will affect many parts of the program. Not only will it cause the tri-county community to lose a high quality, low-income dental hygiene clinic, it will also alter the program so it is only able to accept one dental hygiene class once every two years. Admittance for students on the wait list will be postponed from 2 years to 4 years, and the students will not have the benefit of shadowing upperclassmen that will also serve as their mentors. The Cabrillo College Dental Hygiene Program has one of the highest job placement percentages on campus. On average, Dental Hygiene graduates move onto positions that make an annual take home wage between $83,750 and $100,000 per year. The student population enrolled in the program is approximately 50% belong to a minority and 90% are female. The Cabrillo College Dental Hygiene Program is the only community college program in the tri-county area. Without this program, students would have to travel as far as Los Altos Hills to obtain a comparable education. Additionally, approximately 10 staff members will lose their jobs. Many of those being dedicated faculty and staff who have been working for the program and devoting their lives to it for over 10 to 25 years. As for the community, the limited hours of the clinic will cause patients to wait between 9 and 18 months for an appointment. The decrease in instructional hours will limit the amount of time the students spend with instructors and with the patients. Help us save this vital program by signing the petition and urging Cabrillo to reinstate the funding.
    873 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dru Glover
  • Save our Traditions!
    The Alumni of Ysleta High School are outraged by the current administration's lack of respect for traditions that have been in place for decades. It is part of their responsibility to uphold those traditions, not destroy them. We want to know that the administration is willing to teach current students the traditions of the Pride of the Lower Valley. Some of the problems many alums have noticed: 1. No separate Drum Corps; it's part of the band 2. Horse rider either missing or unable to get to the stadium(should be a current student) 3. Moved the Honored Ex Assembly to Wednesday 4. Almost moved the parade to Wednesday 5. Foam costume mascots instead of real people. 6. Considering moving Graduation to the Don Haskins Center 7. Not allowing the football team to touch Kawliga for good luck. We are sure that there are other issues that exist and are currently forming a committee to meet with current administration and the school board representative. We want to know what we can do, but it has been well known that getting answers from the current administration has been difficult. They are not transparent. This petition is more about showing the administration that current YHS alum value those traditions and will do what we can in order to make sure they stay in place. We are not asking for removal of the administration! We want to work with them! Signing this petition means you want to be part of the solution and will be willing to help out with your time or fundraising.
    1,854 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Marisa Alvarado
  • Corning Hawks Boys Volleyball Team
    Almost every sport that is part of the CPP sports has a boys and a girls team. Volleyball doesn't. I have asked around and many guys would be interested in being on a volleyball team if we actually had one. Please sign this petition to show your support in starting a volleyball team for BOTH genders.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terrell
  • School Safety Zone Petition
    Richland Center is small community with a huge number of sex offenders living in it. We need to protect our children and prohibit them from being in our public schools. Neighboring cities have already passed such ordinances and we can too! Please sign our petition and come to the city council meeting Tuesday October 21st!
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tiffany Parker
  • Save Ottawa Hills High School from closing their doors.
    To stop school closings happening in Grand Rapids. Loss of education means loss of jobs and the right to have proper education for our children.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina
  • Gregory James Blount: Support me as Board Chairperson of the Eagle Arts Academy
    As the Founder of the school and the one who wrote the charter application with Dr. Knowles, I know that the vision of the Eagle Arts Academy is unique and special and needs to move forward. Due to Dr. Nichols resignation due to health issues, we now only have two board members, and are required to have a minimum of three. To protect the vision and the school, I believe that I am the best candidate to be on the board and be Chairman, again. Thank you for your consideration and support. Gregory James Blount
    465 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Greg James Blount
  • Independent Investigation
    Our children's education should be our top priority and we need to be sure our leader is operating with their best interests in mind. For more information, visit http://investigatemartzloff.com
    661 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Licht
  • Missouri's Destructive Teacher Evaluation Amendment for November Ballot
    I have been a teacher all my life and I have experienced student evaluations of teachers. These should be seen by administrators but judged in context of the course and the teacher's grading. Local control is important to every school system, and teachers should not be excluded from constructing the evaluation process.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elliott Denniston