• Save the Performing and Visual Arts
    My friends and I attend Weaver Academy. We are very concerned to hear about the loss of a PVA, and don't want our friends or ourselves to be forced to leave the school we love.
    2,323 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna
  • Substitute Teachers at Central York
    My son Connor had 3 different substitute teachers within 6 days, including his teacher, that makes 4 new faces in 6 days. In the past Central York allowed their teachers to have a top 5 list of substitutes that knew their classrooms. Having the top 5 allows consistency in the classroom and is beneficial to any child's learning experience. It is a disservice to our students to have a different teacher in there on a daily basis when a teacher is out.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Wivagg
  • Hand that Feeds
    Hand that feeds In response to the effects of presidential memorandum, "Let's Move" we the signers of this petition recognize the flaws of it and, in discontent, have begun a petition for the people to have signed. We also plead that the required calorie count on private vender's products within the public school system be banished.We demand that the public school system permit caffeinated and non-diet beverage products to be distributed in vending machines of private cooperations with in school property. We ask that the school system allow food of any calorie count to be distributed to be sold but a healthier alternative of the food must be available. For the focus of the students, it is fundamental that coffee be required to be vended at school by staff of school and/or school program. We demand that the lunch room be regulated by either school administration, district, or state not by national government. We recognize waste and see fit to make sure school cafeterias are no longer required to hand out food unwanted by student. We demand all food before the enactment of presidential memorandum "let's move" should be redistributed again. Ultimately our goal is the nullification presidential memorandum "let's move". In addition, we would like to state that all members of lunch staff did not take part and should retain their jobs. Brian Stewart and accomplices
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Stewart
  • Limit Homework Per Night
    Students are overwhelmed with sometimes hours of homework every night after school. A lot of students happen to be athletes. It's very difficult to go to a sports practice after school for a few hours, go home and eat dinner by 5 or 6 at nights and then realize that you still have anywhere from 1 to even 4 hours of homework. Students stress levels are through the roof while trying to finish all of their homework and study for tests and also make sure they are getting enough sleep for school the next day and have a little bit of free time. As a student myself, I can speak for fellow classmates that a lot of the time, balancing homework, sports and family time is a very difficult thing to do. It causes a lot of unnecessary stress and homework should be limited for each subject for each night.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Quinn
    I am beginning this petition on behalf of all the students at Alliance Highschool for being suspended or punished for their individuality. Our piercings do not create a "distraction" or "danger" to the learning environment!
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Nagy
  • Change the SLO name for students!
    I'm an educator who is stunned at the inappropriate name of the test that public school students have to now take, called the "SLO student assessment", which is demeaning to say the least. Imagine the name for the "Department of Universal Mathematics" test. Would we call it the "DUM student" test? I would certainly hope not. The same logic should have prevailed here. Such an offensive acronym should never have been approved and should be changed at once.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erasmus Muhammad
  • Save the University of Maryland Art Library
    The University of Maryland’s Art Library is scheduled to close and be absorbed into the McKeldin Library collection. Dean of Libraries, Patricia Steele announced this decision during the summer, while faculty and students were away from campus, without any consultation with the Department of Art or the Department of Art History & Archaeology, whose students and faculty rely on the Art Library’s collections for their research and teaching. At more than 100,000 volumes, the Art Library houses one of the most comprehensive collections of art historical resources in the area. The Architecture Library was slated to close before the beginning of fall semester, but that closure has been delayed, in part as a result of the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation’s petition and letter-writing campaign. Both libraries are currently still open but the hours have been cut back substantially. During the fall semester, the Art Library will be open only from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. The current hours will make it very difficult for faculty and graduate students to use the collections, since they are teaching and/or taking classes during these times. Despite university budget crises in recent years, top art history programs around the country have maintained dedicated art libraries. These libraries are not only essential for the research and teaching of faculty and graduate students—they also factor into national rankings. The university library system serves several user populations with differing needs, and branch libraries are particularly important to the graduate and faculty communities. The University of Maryland should strive to support not only undergraduate students, but also the graduate students and faculty whose research endeavors uphold the University’s status as a prominent research institution. A counter-argument will probably be made by UMD Libraries that moving these two satellite libraries' collections to McKeldin will make them more accessible to students during the long hours that McKeldin is open. However, McKeldin's stacks are already quite crowded as it is and last year many books on the fifth floor were damaged by mold caused by a faulty HVAC system and were discarded. Although we do not know this to be certain, there is concern that many of the books could be moved to offsite storage, making them even less accessible to students and faculty. A major concern within the Department of Art History, among other things, is that the closure of the Art Library will make research much more difficult for current faculty and students and will diminish the attractiveness of our program to prospective students and future faculty members. Please help save the University of Maryland’s Art Library by signing our petition and sharing it with friends and family who understand the importance of this academic resource for the University at large.
    1,666 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicole
  • Stop the Corporate Takeover of York City Schools
    Charter corporations are competing to take over York City schools and profit from our kids. If that happens, our tax dollars will go to a private corporation to run our schools without the same oversight or accountability we now have. Charter CEOs will make a killing, but you will lose your say in how neighborhood schools are run. Local taxpayers and elected officials should be making decisions about our children's education. Help us stop the corporate takeover of York City schools!
    2,569 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jessica
  • Public Institution Staff Funding Priority
    Inflating tuition, inflating debt and inflating administrative pockets According to a study by The Institute for Policy Studies [IPS] institutions with higher paid presidents showed a correlation to declining permanent faculty, greater than national average student loan debt increases, and non-benefited part-time faculty grew significantly faster under these inflated administrations. The most inflated administrative salary institutions boasted twice as much spending on administrative salaries as funding for student scholarships! Our taxes should fund the education of the population. The expensive board-members, presidents, principals, and superintendents have profited for too long cutting funds by decreasing scholarships, limiting offered classes and extra-curricular and siphoning money away from the faculty. If the highest paid coach, principal, president, board-member was limited to the 95th highest percentile salary of faculty members, either faculty wages must increase or administrative bodies must allocate their salaries elsewhere. The Huffington Post reported numerous public college presidents take home over 500,000 up to millions a year in salary; the equivalent of 50 student's tuition or 8 full time faculty.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Murachver
  • Governor Brown: Keep Voters in Control of Community Colleges
    In 2012, the State suspended the voter-elected Board of Trustees of City College of San Francisco, even though the Board passed a balanced budget and an accreditation plan that is now mostly completed. Decisions are now made in back rooms without public oversight, resulting in sky-rocketing administrators' salaries. It's time to put the public back in control of City College and other California Community Colleges.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Rizzo
  • School Bus for High School Students
    My niece Gabriela just transferred to Science Park H.S. It's a great opportunity she couldn't miss. Unfortunately she lives about 3 miles from the school and her parents can't take her. The school offers free tickets to take NJTransit but family members don't feel safe enough letting this 7th grade girl going by herself. Children safety should be a big priority in the city of Newark, especially with so many sex offenders living in this city. There are hundreds of other parents struggling with the same issue.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gabriel
  • Please add an additional SWRK 125A class for the Fall 2014 Semester at CSUS
    I've talked to a surprising amount of CSUS students who are in the same boat as me this semester and this petition is our chance to do something about it. It's imperative that we enroll in SWRK 125A this semester, but the class is sadly full. - Don’t want to wait another semester or year for classes you need? - Don’t have money for an extra year at CSUS because you can’t get the classes you want? - Do you want to enroll in SWRK 125A for the Fall 2014 Semester? If I can get enough votes, I will deliver this petition to the Dean as well as the Chair of Social Work. Thanks for your time!
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meghan