• Personal days for high school students
    Throughout the school year, students can be under a great deal of pressure. I think one day off per quarter without penalty would be a good way to let kids get a break at their leisure and refocus on school.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Buchanan
  • Stand with Philly Teachers
    Philadelphia's School Reform Commission cancelled its teachers' contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, with no warning, in a unanimous vote cast on Monday. I thought back to the time last April when I got the call: my 6 year-old daughter was having an asthma attack. “Take her to the nurse!” I told them, “the nurse has her inhaler.” “There is no nurse today, and it’s locked in her office. Only she has the key.” “WHY IS THERE NO NURSE?” “We don’t have a nurse on Tuesdays or Thursdays.” The reason there are no nurses in my daughter’s school two days a week is because of the School Reform Commission, run by Tom Corbett, that has taken away funds from nurses, libraries, and other activities that our children need and deserve. The teachers shouldn't have to pay for his bad deeds. We should be taxing frackers instead of fracking with teachers. We need to get the SRC out and take back control of Philly’s schools for our community.
    3,444 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Deanna Bell
  • High Quality Public Education For All Youth in Philadelphia
    The youth of Philadelphia are outraged as they continue to struggle for a fully funded quality education. This includes hearing the voices of students who are hurt most by these systematic genocidal policies imposed on them. The youth leaders of Youth United for Change recognize that budget cuts to full time nurses have left two students to die on the Philadelphia School District's time. We urge that folks stand up for what's best for the well-being of young people by returning local control of our school board to the education stakeholders of Philadelphia who care. We stand in solidarity with our teacher allies in reinstating the PFT contract. For too long, Philadelphia has not made decisions on education policies with the best intent in mind for students of color in our city. This has also been a district that has faced privatization attacks from right-wing school reformist experiments. We do not share this struggle alone as urban districts across the nation are under attack and it is time that this government takes ownership of the continuous oppression of youth of color at the local, state, and federal levels.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Youth United for Change
  • Alternatives to Physical Education
    I personally feel physical education class is targeted toward the more athletically gifted students, aka "gym class heroes." An alternative choice would allow those who are not gifted a chance at getting the exercise they need. I personally would much rather work out my muscles than stand around watching a few students run back and forth on a field. Sometimes I feel very intimidated when 6 foot tall jocks push past me to retrieve the ball; dancing is something I do outside of school so therefore I am much more comfortable dancing than running after a ball I don't know what to do with.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Schwartz
  • Do Not Fire Dan Coyne!
    Dan Coyne gave a kidney to a person he casually knew and the story became a national news story. Chicago Public Schools found out he lived outside of the city, and they started procedures to fire him. Public pressure made them rescind the firing and gave him a life time waiver to not move into Chicago in 2010. Now, Barbara Bird Bennett said 'rules are rules' and reneged the waiver. He is a wonderful social worker and is needed to help families in Chicago.
    726 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Susan Hickey
  • Waukegan Board of Ed, bargain in good faith to end this strike!
    Waukegan teachers have been on strike since October 2nd. The Board of Education understands this means 17,000 students are out of class, but continues to sit on its hands and sends representatives with no power to make a deal. Teachers want a fair contract that includes provisions to improve health and safety conditions in the schools. More information ----> http://ow.ly/CrVpY
    3,054 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Illinois Federation of Teachers
  • Get Our Mid-Day Recess Back!
    Speaking out for kindergarteners at St. Leonard to have a mid-day recess.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Bacenas
  • Push Back High School Start Times
    Starting during puberty and continuing through early adulthood, the circadian rhythm in our bodies shifts, making it almost impossible for young adults to fall asleep before eleven P.M. High school start times are not allowing students to get the full nine hours of sleep they need to be alert and aware. By changing start times, we can increase knowledge retention, while also decreasing the risk of sleep-induced car accidents.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Honeyman
  • Concerned Citizens of Salmon River Central School District
    It is time for the district to take a new direction. The citizens of the district have a team of dedicated staff, and an excellent facility. We must expect better from our superintendent.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Francis
  • Correct History Curricula
    To shift the paradigm from the lies and hypocrisy that our youth are subjected to. To stimulate a sense of pride in those who feel that their only history begins with slavery and to teach humility to those who have a falsely imprinted sense of entitlement.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ariston Lyte
  • Move to better lunches!
    Sometimes children only eat their school lunches, or they don't eat at all. Some of them won't eat the lunches what-so-ever because they look so unappealing. We need to focus on making them appealing along with making them healthy as well.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoey Ciesla
  • Making school begin at a later time for all highschool students.
    Many of the people I know including myself have talked about how much easier it would be to go to school in the morning if it where just an hour or so later. That little amount of time can make a big difference. Personally I've had occasions where it almost seems impossible to get out of bed that early when its still dark out. Starting school can give students more sleep, more time in the morning and all around a better start to their day.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brianna DiGiacomo