Organic Vegetable GardenChildren in P.S. 117 Joyce Keld/Briarwood School need a more active role in their health and nutrition.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SheleezaD
Enrichment ProgramMilpitas City staff want to remove Elan Esprit Enrichment Program and replace it with "recreational classes." Our children's education should be our top priority.223 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Padilla
Heal the Heart - Academic Achievement will Follow!During my life of more than six decades, I've seen and experienced many forms of brutality, both obvious and more subtle. I've seen and experienced brutality from parents toward their own children, the rich toward the poor, one skin color against others, and many other forms. I've also seen the reverse of each one of these and violence in each group against others in the same group. This violence is endemic on individual, group, and institutional levels. Humanity has been brave enough to evolve communication tools that today show us, in real time, the extent of our own brutality. We see up close that the human heart is in pain, and we all know it now! In contemplating this terrible condition I find that the seed of humanity's misery is hidden in the heart. A clear vision communicates that the contemplation of one's heart is where humanity finds the peace that forgives, heals and brings compassion. Therefore, the challenge facing all of us, individually and collectively, adults and children, rich and poor, people of all skin colors, and everyone everywhere is to take the first step toward acknowledging that our heart is in pain before we point the finger at one another. Throughout the centuries, we all have allowed dehumanization, and now it must end. Looking deep within our hearts, we must facilitate listening and dialoguing with others and, especially, our children. To be more exact, this must be the heart of the education process. We know it, and we can make it happen! Please support the creation of a national coalition involving all sectors of the community both public and private for the establishment of a Summer National Community Laboratory Initiative as the venue to do this work.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aura Camacho-Maas
Support Teachers at Perelman Jewish Day SchoolPerelman Jewish Day School teachers have been unionized for nearly four decades. Suddenly in March the schools board of directors withdrew recognition of the teachers’ union. Neither parents nor teachers had a voice in this decisions. The board met in secret for nearly a year, while refusing to sit down with the teachers’ negotiating team. Conservative Judaism is clear on workers' rights and employee unions. In a 2008 Teshuva, the Rabbinic Assembly ruled that Jewish employers are required to treat employees with respect and dignity, not interfere with union organizing and should hire union employees whenever possible. A school that teaches Jewish values should demonstrate Jewish values as well. The school should immediately reverse course and work with the teachers, rather than attacking them.1,153 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jesse Bacon, Parent
Pledging Support to Nea's/ACLC's Stellar FacilitatorsNea and ACLC staff want you to know there’s very little time left to settle our contract for next year.281 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Nea ACLC United/CTA
Save Helena Iaquinta’s Job as Head CoachHelena has been a dedicated, supportive coach for the past three years, always looking out for the best of the team, treating us like a family. Although recruiting is important for the progression of the team, the overall happiness and spirit of the team is a crucial part, which she has proved to be her number one goal. Her dedication is what keeps our team going; her job as head coach needs to be reinstated.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pam Mudge
Dallas ISD: Our kids deserve due diligence on Home Rule signatures!The future of Dallas ISD hangs in the balance with Support Our Public Schools' (SOPS) effort to change DISD into a Home Rule school district, a step that has never been attempted in a Texas school district. As the elected leaders of DISD, we call on you to verify that all signatures submitted on Home Rule petitions represent current registered voters in the school district, as required by state law. Our parents, students, teachers, and taxpayers all deserve this verification before the Home Rule effort advances any further. It is your obligation to ensure that this process is carried out transparently and completely. Our community is counting on you!253 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lakashia Wallace
Gabriel Quant's Contract Signing: Save RCSA from Self-DestructionWe, as the Student Body of River City Science Academy are concerned about our fellow teacher and mentor, Gabriel Quant. Through talk of the Student Body, we have come to a conclusion. We have been taught throughout numerous years at River City Science Academy that "perfect numbers like perfect men, are very rare." The quality of a man is nothing compared to the quality of his education. Señor Quant, as he is called, presents each and every one of his students with top-notch quality education. Whether they be essays, projects, field trips, or casual talk, everything is always tied back to Spanish. Spanish is the #2 language in the world in terms of popularity. Señor Quant has taught his students at RCSA everything he knows about Spanish; the language, the culture, the food, the jokes, the fables, and even the very basics of its ancestors. Without Señor Quant, the whole institution is taking a large-scale risk of losing one of the most fluent native Spanish-speaking teachers there is. On a regular basis, the students are presented with a "Calentamiento" ('Warm-Up' in Spanish) and a daily lesson. Any other teacher in his spot is basically a comparison to Mr. Quant. There is nobody that teaches like Mr. Quant does. His teaching goes beyond quality, his education introduces meaning, something that high school students have trouble finding in any subject. So, as a friendly, fair compromise, we, the Student Body of River City Science Academy refuse to participate in any other Spanish Elective offered. We will not conduct any violent acts, destroy or damage any school property, or alter the image of any school-backed items. All that we ask is if Señor Quant can come back next year.215 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Cody Caplette
Get WIFI Out of Public SchoolsChildren in U.S. schools are being saturated with WIFI, a Class 2B carcinogen, but the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Education are not warning the American Public. Every parent and child deserves to know the truth about the risks of WIFI and cell phone use. Please ask your Senators and Congressional Representatives to put our children's health before wireless industry profit.217 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Darryl Barker
Start ArtThe youth of New Mexico need to express themselves in a positive manner. When left with no outlet, children find negative outlets. So, by offering an artistic program, serious and minor issues alike can be prevented.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jesi Petersin
Gov. Brown: It's Mother's Day, Help a Single Mom Out!In California $1 billion has been cut from early learning and care over the last five years, causing wait lists to balloon to nearly 200,000 children. In his budget proposal, Governor Brown did not allocate a single extra dollar for early learning. We need to let Gov. Brown know that this has to change.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jason Pfeifle
We need to fund Philadelphia schools NowWithout sufficient funding, Philadelphia schools can't provide the basic programs and services that our children need to have an opportunity to learn. The state budget continues to be inadequate and unfair; however we must also do more at the City level to find additional resources for schools. City Council has the power to approve $120 Million in recurring funding– and they need to act. Additionally, Council and the Mayor need to work together to find the additional $75 million for schools to put in the City budget, so the City is providing the appropriate level of local support. That is why we created this petition to the City Council and the Mayor. We need them to pass the 1% sales tax extension for schools AND allocate an additional $75-100 million in recurring, local funding to start getting our schools back on track.3,541 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Susan Spicka