Whose Schools? Our Schools! Community must demand involvement in the search for the next Superin...The future of our district depends on the person who next leads our school district. The Board of Education must hire a search firm and enlist the community to find the candidate who is the best for our district-we will not settle for anything less.213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Pace
Support Senator Elizabeth Warren's student loan refinancing planWe must rebuild the American Dream instead of burying our best and brightest young minds in debt slavery. About 40 million Americans whose student loan debt exceeds the total amount of credit card debt for the first time in our nation's history. Senator Elizabeth Warren's student loan refinancing plan makes sense for our future.317 of 400 SignaturesCreated by James Devine
Mass. Senate: We should lead on Early EducationMassachusetts should lead on education, but when it comes to early education we're falling behind. With 30,000 kids stuck on waiting lists, Massachusetts lags behind states like Oklahoma that offer preschool for all kids. The good news is that we have a chance right now to make real progress toward the goal of early education for all. As the Senate works on the budget -- which they will vote on before the end of May -- Sen. Daniel Wolf (Harwich) is proposing $25 million to send more kids to preschool, more than double the investment the House passes. if passed, we could take more than 2,700 kids off the wait list and put them into classrooms. We're really gaining steam. On Sunday, May 4, the Boston Globe ran a column "Fund early education, as Oklahoma does," which shows that our message is really sinking in. [1] Then, on Tuesday, May 6, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh announced he wants to double preschool enrollment in Boston. [2] It's clear we are moving in the right direction. But we can't stop now. The reason we've come this far is that people like you took action and got involved. And to push us over the top we need more people to take action. 1. Yvonne Abraham, "Fund early education, as Oklahoma does," Boston Globe, May 4, 2014. 2. "Mayor Walsh Seeks to Double Pre-K Enrollment," Associated Press, May 6, 2014.73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Proctor
Don't hand over our neighborhood school to an unaccountable, union-busting charter companyAlthough Luis Muñoz Marín Elementary School has been stripped of staff and resources during Philadelphia’s ongoing budget crisis, this year there was good news: The school is making a comeback under the guidance of a new, much-loved principal. But now the school district has targeted Muñoz Marín for a charter school takeover by ASPIRA of PA—and local parents are crying foul. ASPIRA of PA, a charter organization, is currently under scrutiny for suspicious financial practices and misuse of funds that never made it to the classroom. ASPIRA of PA is also engaged in an ugly anti-union fight at another Philly school, pitting its expensive lawyers against its own teachers who are seeking a voice and a union. The National Labor Relations Board has filed numerous unfair labor practice charges against the charter operator; in every case, ASPIRA of PA has been forced to concede, settle and correct its practices. Sadly, ASPIRA of PA has a powerful advocate in Councilwoman Quiñones-Sánchez, who was once its executive director. She pledged to support unions and workers’ right to organize, but was quick to endorse ASPIRA of PA, a union-busting organization, in its takeover attempt of our public school. We, the parents of Muñoz Marín students, do not want our children’s destiny in the hands of ASPIRA of PA—with its financial problems and anti-union values. We call on Councilwoman Quiñones-Sánchez to stay true to her constituents, to request a City Council investigation into the troubling allegations around ASPIRA of PA, and to protect our children from the School Reform Commission’s apparent strategy of abandoning our public school system. Rather than declaring our school a failure, we ask Councilwoman Quiñones-Sánchez to advocate for our school’s funding, staff and resources to be restored. That loss of resources is the real plague at Muñoz Marín. Our school deserves a fair chance.833 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Maria Cruz, School Advisory Council, Luis Muñoz Marín ES
Stop Student Stress!A close friend of mine attends Uplift North Hills Preparatory school in Texas. Students at that school, and others like it, are subjected to hours of busy work that gives them tremendous amounts of stress and only a few hours of sleep, if any. Stress has been proven to have lifelong affects, causing anxiety and depression. My friend has both of these. A simple stress survey would raise awareness of this problem. Tell the government to create a free stress survey for ALL schools to distribute to students, and make it mandatory that ALL schools participate and receive their results. That way schools will see the truth about stress and where it comes from, and start working to stop stress. SPREAD THE WORD!137 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Katie Feuerstein
Expand Universal Education and forgive all student loansWhile considering initiatives that reform education I fear that problems, such as massive and crippling student debt, are compounded rather than being solved. I believe a better academic system will result with foundational change of expanding universal public education. Further, I am convinced that the education system is in the foundation of culture, government and society. For the best creative thinking, research and leadership we need to relieve the burdens of debt that plague American students by forgiving all student debt. More, in behalf of creating the most democratic, secure and happy civilization, the best investment we can make is in expanding free public education. With free access to education for all, including higher education, literacy rates will soar and creative answers will begin to surface for numerous problems like corruption, inequality, injustice, environmental degradation and violence.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Hopkins
Ryan's VoiceEducation & proper treatment for a young boy with Aprexia & Autism142 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Olivia Ann
Support Senator Warren's Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing ActDemos is a public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy. Student debt is a core issue of ours, and we support Senator Warren's bill. For more on the bill: http://www.warren.senate.gov/documents/BankonStudentsFactSheet.pdf19,397 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Heather McGhee, Demos
Tell The Senate: It’s Time To Pass Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Bank on Student Emergency Refinanci...To be delivered TUESDAY, JUNE 10th (THIS TUESDAY) There could be a vote as early as next week, so sign and share TODAY and tell the Senate NOW to vote YES on S2292! “This is TRULY an emergency” stated Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) “The idea here is that we are going to lower the interest rate on OUTSTANDING student loans…Get people back on their feet, so they can pay their loans off sooner, so they can reduce their monthly payments and help families move forward. Help this economy move forward.” Senator Warren, along with two-dozen other Senators, introduced the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act. This bill would allow borrowers, like YOU, to refinance their federal and private student loans to a lower interest rate. This will save borrowers thousands of dollars over the life of their loan.54,657 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by StudentDebtCrisis.org
Tell Congress: Don’t fund charter cheats!One of the primary reasons federal officials originally got involved in public education was to promote equity. Legislation like the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) were supposed to help our neediest children have the educational experiences they need to succeed. But that mission has been seriously compromised, especially since the passage of NCLB under the Bush Administration, and continued under the Obama Administration’s Race to the Top (RTTT). Far from promoting equity, these initiatives have helped facilitate a corporate takeover of public education, by increasing the importance and the amount of high-stakes testing, which corporate-friendly local and state officials have used to justify closing growing numbers of schools in low-income communities of color, and giving our schools away to private charter operators. These charter operators have posed a serious problem. Our partners, the Center for Popular Democracy and Integrity in Education, recently released a report looking at this issue. In just 15 states of the 42 with charter school laws, they found that charter operators have cheated the public out of over $100 million in taxpayer money. That number can’t even begin to capture the harm done to the children in their care—children who went without nutritious lunches, school supplies, and more while charter cheats purchased expensive vacations, homes and other extravagances, all on our dime. Yet despite all of this, Congress is now poised to vote on a bill this week that would send $300 million more of our tax dollars to the charter industry. Ignoring the educators, community members, reporters, judges, Attorneys General, and even the US Department of Education’s Office of the Inspector General who have warned that nearly-nonexistent standards and poor oversight leaves charters especially vulnerable to fraud, Congress is actually considering a bill that would encourage states to further expand the charter industry, while doing virtually nothing to establish desperately-needed protections. Enough is enough. Our federal officials should be funding educational opportunities for each and every one of America’s kids, not just the children in charter schools. And they definitely shouldn’t be sending our money to a poorly regulated industry that puts kids at risk for its operators’ personal gain. Tell Congress to vote NO on H.R. 10.15,802 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Kyle Serrette
Please sign and pass on!The Westport public school Administration has decided to "blend" the Kool to be Kind (K2BK) curriculum into their existing social studies curriculum, thereby abandoning the essence of K2KB - a program designed to give HS students the power to help elementary school kids with real and complicated social situations. The administration has cited inconsistent language, inconsistent messages, and parent involvement as reasons to abandon K2BK curriculum. The K2BK directors are willing to do almost anything to ensure the program continues – including stepping down and allowing the Dept. of Health to take over. The K2KB message is clear – be kind, accept differences, open your eyes to those around you, stand up for what you believe is wrong. In this day and age, we need more people instilling the same messages over and over – not less. Please sign and get involved to save K2BK.349 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Lindsey Blaivas
Natural Hair School on lineThis petition will allow for those working or unable to be flexible with their current situation another option to supplement their income without interrupting their life style. Online schools should be approved for cosmetology students as well as other programs.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Titus