• TuHS Dress code
    We need signatures to be able to have our dress code changed at TuHS. Our dress code is unfair, and enforced in a sexist manner; furthermore, the way that it is enforced publicly humiliates the young women at our school.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anna Wurgler
  • Ancient Persian History in California Schools
    This initiative is driven by the desire to bring about the kind of change in the history curriculum taught in schools across the country that better prepares all students to understand and engage in events of national and international significance. To achieve this end, history must be taught in a manner that is free from bias and based on the most recent scholarship. In the state of California, world history is introduced to students in sixth grade starting with ancient civilizations. Concerned with an inadequate and outdated coverage of the ancient Persian civilization by the public school curricula, a group of California parents came together to address this problem. For more detail, please see www.historyadvocates.com. Currently in the Senate, Bill SB 1057 is addressing these very concerns: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140SB1057
    2,752 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by History Advocates
  • Help Lansing Get Info to Schools
    My petition is for Lansing's schools to gain education about pollution and the like. My little brother is in jr. high, and they're hardly learning about it at all. They need to learn! Please sign my petition to start teaching children and teens all about pollution.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steph
  • Green History
    I was told of Greenpeace's direct actions in my early teens and later worked for them. I want to encourage young people to care for the land and wildlife.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Ryan
  • To declare null and void Dr. Hite's Renaissance Charter Schools Potential Designation of Luis Muñ...
    The reason: impropieties in the school and operators selection and violations of The Renaissance Charter Initiative Year V Community Engagement and Voting Policies and Procedures Manual created by the SDP Renaissance Charter Office on April 2, 2014, such as: Violation of Year V Timeline when Voting Day was change on April 28, 2014 No Clear Procedures or Guidelines delineating the possible change of Voting Day
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vivian Rodriguez
  • UCs for Californians
    Children in the state of California need to have institutions of higher learning available to them at an affordable cost. These seats should not be sold to the highest bidder. The state budget needs to address this issue and the UCs need to be scrutinized for their spending practices. Taxpayers will not bear the burden of funding a system that does not accept their qualified children. Facebook page: www.facebook.com/UCs4CA News Article link: http://www.mercurynews.com/education/ci_25669089/uc-admission-harder-than-ever-californians Second article: http://www.mercurynews.com/education/ci_25731300/uc-nonresident-students-increase-californians-admissions-slow
    5,149 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by ROHINI ASHOK
  • Stop the Attack on Ohio Teachers!
    Teachers in Ohio welcome evaluations that provide feedback and identify opportunities for professional growth. The House sub-bill shifts the focus of evaluations from thoughtfully and thoroughly identifying such opportunities to a process that puts the majority of teachers on an improvement plan as a way to falsely indicate they are not performing well in their jobs. This is untrue and unfair to teachers and students. Stop the attack on teachers and focus on what works in Ohio. Urge your legislators to reject the House sub bill and support the Senate version of SB 229 for a fair and valid teacher evaluation process. For more information, visit http://oh.aft.org/take-action/house-eliminates-collective-bargaining-evaluations-act-now.
    2,763 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Cropper, President, Ohio Federation of Teachers Picture
  • CCGPS Algebra I/EOCT
    The State of GA elected to opt into the Common Core Standards, but did not opt in to the corresponding tests. Therefore, our children are taking tests to evaluate their knowledge of Algebra I that is based upon older teaching methods, while being taught under the new CCGPS standards. The tests are not portraying an accurate evaluation of what they have learned. Last year, approximately 70% of 9th grade students did not pass the EOCT in Algebra and the same thing is happening this year. Either the tests need to be changed to the Common Core tests or eliminate Common Core from the educational system.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tami Berger
  • Zero Tolerance Against Death Threats in Schools
    I am starting this petition to protect all of our children & staff. Personally this is very close to my heart as a threat was made on my daughter . THE CONSQUENCES THAT THE ASSALANT HAD TO FACE WERE EXTREMELY LIGHT AND DID NOT EVEN HAVE TO FACE IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Goldstein
  • Stop Teen Suicide and Teen Bullying
    Recently a girl named Ashley Cardona took her life due to being bullied at her school. The school she attended knew of the bullying, and now that she has taken her own life, the school does not want to help punish the kids who bullied her. The bullies and school should be held responsible for what they pushed her into doing.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mariah
  • Support the Parent Aware Rating System
    In order to become successful adults, children need to be nurtured early and often, and this rating system ensures quality early education. Parent Aware has successfully began implementation after being independently funded and tested. Show the Minnesota government you want to see it spread to benefit a larger portion of the state. Support this rating system, support these children. Learn more at: parentawareratings.org, pasrmn.org
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Gainer
  • Don't Leave Poor People Out of the Minimum Wage Debate
    Due to the number of school vouchers available, voucher programs do not give students an equal opportunity for success. The programs leave public schools without proper funding resulting in the inability to provide sufficient educational resources to the remaining children in struggling public school systems.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Theresa Dunne