• Corpus Christi: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in Corpus Christi as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling local officials that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray McMurrey, Corpus Christi AFT Picture
  • Pittsburgh: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in Pittsburgh as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling Gov. Corbett that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    853 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Nina Esposito-Visgitis, President of the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Picture
  • Save Mountainview Elementary School
    Mountainview Elementary is being considered for repurposing as a Boys and Girls Club when we already have established after school programs at every elementary school in the district. By repurposing this building, our children will be redistricted to other schools which will include longer bus rides, significant negative impact on the Special Needs children, and a further loss in the districts student population by parents relocating to Albuquerque because they can't afford after school care or enrolling their students in the charter school.
    482 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Knox
  • Kansas City: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in Kansas City as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling Governor Jay Nixon, State Senator David Pearce and State Representative Steve Cookson that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    577 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Flinders, President of the Kansas City Federation of Teachers and School-Related Personnel Picture
  • Socorro: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in Socorro as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling Texas State Senator Jose Rodriguez and Texas State Representative Mary Gonzalez that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Socorro AFT President Veronica Hernandez Picture
  • Norfolk: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in Norfolk as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling Governor-elect Terry Mcauliffe that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by NFT President Thomas Calhoun Picture
  • New Mexico: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, educators, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in [area] as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. New Mexicans created Keep the Promise for New Mexico’s Future, a coalition of organizations, educators, parents and students who want to see public education in New Mexico thrive. Coalition members have already shared stories of education challenges and suggestions for solutions with more than 10,000 people in telephone and in-person town hall meetings across the state. Members of Keep the Promise will travel around New Mexico on a statewide bus tour Dec. 9-13 to continue working on taking back our public education. Check out www.promisefornewmexico.org to see when the Keep the Promise bus will be in your community. We need our elected leaders to sign on to “The Principles that Unite Us” and the “Keep the Promise Vision Statement.” By signing these petitions, you'll be telling New Mexico’s leaders that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    3,059 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by AFT NM President Stephanie Ly Picture
  • New Jersey: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in New Jersey as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling Governor Christie and the New Jersey Senate and Assembly Education Committees that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    3,264 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by AFT NJ President Donna Chiera Picture
  • West Virginia: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in West Virginia as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling Gov. Tomblin that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    630 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Christine Campbell, President, AFT-WV, AFLCIO Picture
  • La Joya: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    In October, teachers, students, parents, community organizations, civil rights advocates and faith leaders met in Los Angeles and together endorsed "The Principles That Unite Us." Now, on Dec. 9, we're taking action in La Joya as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing. We need our elected leaders to sign on to the principles. By signing this petition, you'll be telling our elected leaders that you're united with us and that they should get on board. Together, we can reclaim public education as a propeller of our economy, an anchor of our democracy, and a gateway to opportunity for every child.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JJ Luna, La Joya AFT Picture
  • Etiwanda School District: YES WE MUST, BRING BACK THE BUS!
    A nine year old girl, Ashlyn Gardner tragically lost her life on December 4, 2013, struck down with her brother Landon in the crosswalk. Lack of busing has created a traffic nightmare that continues to put our kid's in danger. We must act now!
    1,143 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tressy Capps
  • New Hampshire: Reclaim the Promise of Public Education--Our Schools, Our Solutions
    On Nov. 20, the AFT-New Hampshire Board of Directors met and signed on to the pledge to reclaim public education. On Dec. 9, we're taking action in New Hampshire as part of a National Day of Action to Reclaim the Promise of Public Education. We're uniting around a common vision for our schools and took the pledge to reclaim our public schools. Local teachers and parents, community groups and labor unions, students and faith leaders are united to reclaim the promise of public education for all children. We want great neighborhood public schools that are fully funded and are centers of our community, with wraparound services and curriculum that focuses on teaching and learning, not testing.
    848 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Hainey, President, AFT-NH Picture