• Tell Illinois State Board of Education to Support Climate Science in Schools!
    The Illinois State Board of Education is considering adoption of new, high quality science standards that include climate science. Unfortunately, a network of vocal activists is determined to stop our kids and grandkids from learning the facts about climate change. The Board of Education is expected to vote on the Next Generation Science Standards, including climate science, during their meeting in January. It’s important that they hear from parents, grandparents and science supporters right away to make sure Illinois students gain the foundation in 21st century science that they deserve. At a time when climate-related catastrophes are occurring with greater frequency and intensity — from Typhoon Haiyan to extreme heat, drought and flooding in Illinois — it’s more important than ever for Illinois students to gain a strong understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change. This will better position them to understand and even identify the solutions we need. Let’s send the State Board of Education a strong message that we want our kids to have access to the best possible science education to help them address the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives. Your voice on behalf of all of our students matters, please send a comment!
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Friedrich
  • Bring back our SAFETY
    With school shootings, gang violence and escalated cyber issues to take away our schools Resource Officer is an incredibly bad idea. Our safety should be the schools top priority.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aislinn Quinn Tyrrell
  • Let's Stop Demeaning Students in This Texas School
    A group of Texas students in the Canyon Independent School District are being taught that they’ll be as worthless as chewed sticks of gum and used toothbrushes if they have sex before marriage. In a state where the teen pregnancy rates are among the highest in the country, sex education should include facts to keep teens safe, informed, and empowered to make responsible decisions. Instead, these students got a demeaning lecture intended to undermine their self-worth and stigmatize certain behaviors. Livid parents are demanding that Canyon Schools leave morality to the family and focus on the facts. If enough of us speak up, we can help them get this curriculum out of the classroom. Sign the petition to Superintendent Michael Wartes calling on him to remove the “Reality CHECK” abstinence-only program from the district.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NARAL Pro-Choice America
  • Arm teachers with smartphones, not guns
    In the 1960s there were an average of 1.6 school shootings per year. In the 2010s, there are more than 10 school shootings per year. High-tech solutions like the one shown on this petition, are designed to save lives through technology. More guns are not the answer.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Winter
  • crestline High school dress code
    My daughter has no free right to wear what she chooses and what other kids choose. I was always told to express myself in school but she may not because of the uniforms.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald turner
  • TUSD Policy on Winter Sports limitations on Practice during holiday break
    We the parents of student/athletes would like the District to reconsider their policy on limiting practice days and times during the 2013/2014 holiday break. TUSD is putting our children at an unsafe, unfair advantage with other schools who will be practicing during the break. Not providing a safe environment for our children to practice and prepare for the season is unacceptable. We would like TUSD to reconsider limiting dates or times and provide a safe, fair place for our students to prepare for the winter sports season. Failure to allow these student athletes to prepare could deem them not prepared physically or mentally for fair competition. The following signatures represent parents who support the idea of allowing our children the right to practice within the guidelines states by the Arizona Interscholastic Athletic association with all other schools from the state of Arizona.
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Lane
  • Remove The Teacher Tenure Reform
    Students from public high schools are not given the proper education. The Tenure Reform guarantees underperforming teachers the right to keep their jobs even if they place minimal effort on education. Tenure does not give the chance to hire new teachers with a willingness to teach and instead keeps unmotivated teachers.
    338 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Karla
  • Stop Abuses of Veterans’ Education Tuition Dollars
    Current federal legislation says that for-profit colleges cannot receive more than 90 percent of their revenue in federal education dollars. Meaning that these companies have to receive at least 10 percent of their revenue from other, non-federal sources. Yet a current loophole allows these companies to receive Post 9/11 GI Bill and Department of Defense tuition assistance funds without counting them as “federal dollars.” This loophole makes it possible for a for-profit college to receive 100% of its revenue from federal sources. For profit college companies enroll only about 12 percent of all college students, but they account for nearly half of all student loan defaults. The Protecting Our Students and Taxpayers (POST) Act, introduced by U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), will help curtail the impact of these defaults on veterans and active duty servicemen and women by taking away the incentive unscrupulous college companies have to aggressively recruit them. The bill closes the 90/10 loophole by including military education benefits in the definition of federal revenue. Our veterans and active duty service members deserve nothing less.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Iris Maria
  • Haverhill NH School Board: Time for Change, Remove John Rutherford
    A board member may not be removed from office except as provided in RSA 32:12 and RSA 42:1-a. 42:1-a Manner Of Dismissal: I. The manner of dismissing a town officer who violates the oath as set forth in RSA 42:1 shall be by petition to the superior court for the county in which the town is located. 42:1 Oath Required: Every town officer shall make and subscribe the oath or declaration as prescribed by part 2, article 84 of the constitution of New Hampshire and any such person who violates said oath after taking the same shall be forthwith dismissed from the office involved. Article 84, part 2: I, A.B. do solemnly and sincerely swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all duties incumbent on me as ................................................., according to the best of my abilities, agreeably to the rules and regulations of this constitution and laws of the state of New Hampshire. So help me God. In Article 84 part 2 of the NH State Constitution, the Oath of Civil Officers, states that they will "faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all duties" of their office. On multiple occasions, Mr. John Rutherford has not performed his duties impartially, nor to the best of his abilities, in the best interest of the school or community. The largest of these being: 1. Voting to remove legal counsel without proper council set to replace them, thereby leaving the school and community legally vulnerable. 2. Not giving proper notice to the SAU Board Members of how legal counsel responded on the correct way to calculate a weighted vote when this was received well in advance of the vote. 3. When faced with proper interpretation of the weighted vote by the SAU Attorney, Mr. John Rutherford said the burden was on the other boards to bring legal suit against the Haverhill Board, rather than accepting fault. Thereby being willing to place the district in a legal battle with our other SAU Boards. 4. Continued meetings outside of the scheduled School Board Meetings with other School Board members, thereby disenfranchising other Board Members and community members from hearing discussions, which is clearly against Board rules and a breach of ethical conduct. I, the undersigned, believe this clearly shows a series of events where Mr. John Rutherford has NOT faithfully and impartially discharged and perform all duties which go in the best interest and wishes of the community he was voted to represent and should be removed from office forthwith. (For Haverhill Cooperative School District Voting Members) (Last Name, First Name, City, State)
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Michal
  • Parents against BULLY teachers and coaches at McGavock High School and EVERY school across the na...
    My daughter has been personally effected by a teacher/coach at McGavock High School in Nashville Tn. This person has been reported on two other known situations and is STILL being able to continue to verbally ASSAULT, INTIMIDATE, HUMILIATE, EMBARASS, rip apart self esteem and confidence, it has to STOP. I refuse to let this continue for MY child and I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else's child.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by angela norman
  • SHS: Do-Nut Ban the Donuts
    Adlai E. Stevenson High School students have relied heavily on proceeds made from selling things like donuts and cookies that are not individually packaged to raise money for charity events such as Give-A-Thon and Project Dance. The recent ban on these types of products are detrimental to these charity events's funding. Please use your full name!
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stevenson
  • The Big Gesture for Ms. Landels
    English teacher Linda Landels was recently given a "below expectations" review by Mr. Pizzo, the VP at Rodriguez High School due to “lack of rigor” and has been strongly encouraged to sit in other classrooms to “see what rigor looks like”. The goal of this petition is to demand that VP Pizzo and the rest of the Rodriguez High School administration retract this evaluation. Linda has inspired and challenged the best students of Rodriguez High School’s short past – sometimes singlehandedly helping students to be accepted to the country’s most prestigious institutions. Linda has not only inspired future writers and journalists, but scientists, doctors, engineers, sociologists, and more. She transcends the role of teacher for her students, she is mentor, guidance counselor, friend, and coach. Rigor cannot be measured in bureaucratic systems of evaluation nor cannot it be achieved arbitrary guidelines created by those who do not exist in the classroom. We ask you, as both friends and pupils, to write to Rodriguez High School administration and explain how Linda has challenged you, supported you, and helped you achieve your goals in life. This is not simply a letter for our esteemed friend and guide, but a message to those who continually diminish the invaluable role of the teacher in favor of test scores and guidelines. Remember, as Linda has taught us all, act with your heart and with your mind and “you will end up where you need to be.”
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adriana Soto