Stop the Tea Party from Destroying EducationOur future depends on giving all our kids a chance, not robbing them of opportunity. Yet Republicans in Congress are proposing to cut $6.9 billion from our schools and our teachers in the next year, affecting over 6 million kids here in California and across the country.386 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Stelmach
San Antonio Board Of Education: Save Stephen F. Austin AcademyStephen F. Austin Academy is one of San Antonio's finest elementary schools. Since 1878 Austin Academy has provided children with a unique individualized approach to learning. The first school to provide a special education class, Austin academy caters to the needs of every individual student, providing them with the stepping stones needed for future success. Stephen F. Austin Academy encourages creativity through their award winning Fine Arts Program, Austin Academy is famous for their Award Winning Mariachi program. Please do not let the San Antonio Independent School District close this school, today more than ever we need schools that will guarantee a happy and successful future for our young children.229 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Cinco Puntos Community Organization
Save the Hoover BusesSuperintendent Andy Craig told the Hoover Board of Education that eliminating buses for students will save $2.5 million each year. He said eliminating buses would allow that $2.5 million to be redirected to the classroom to preserve educational quality. Eliminating buses won’t save $2.5 million a year. The FY13 (“fiscal year 2013″, the period from October 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013) budget was the first time that local funding for student transportation topped $2 million. Ever. No school official has given any good reason, backed up with numbers and a clear explanation, as to why so much local money is spent on transportation. Other nearby school districts have many more buses and manage to run them without the strain on local funds while maintaining high student achievement. No hard numbers have been produced showing actual cost savings from eliminating buses. No one has attempted to prove that savings will approach anywhere near $2.5 million. Buses have been running in Hoover, Alabama for almost 25 years. The loss of the buses will hurt children, adults and property values in our city. $1.9 million is spent on supplements for athletic coaches. $1.2 million is spent on education non-resident employees' children. Facebook: SavetheHooverBuses Twitter: SaveHooverBuses HooverFacts.WordPress.com HooverForum.com1,522 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Pam MacDougall
Richmond Public Schools plans to hire undertrained teachers!We the undersigned oppose the plan proposed by Richmond (VA) Public Schools' Board to contract with Teach For America (TFA). Richmond Public Schools claims that TFA teachers will fill vacant posts in our schools. We oppose contracting for teachers in this way because: 1) It is not cost-effective: TFA costs the Richmond Public Schools $5000 per-teacher above the regular salary 2) TFA teachers only receive 5 weeks of training, and have little to no experience working with children of color prior to being accepted in the program. 3) TFA teachers only teach for 2 years, and the turnover makes improving schools even more difficult.438 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Jackie McDonnough
Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline: Establish Restorative Justice ProgramsAfrican-American students have become a target in our public schools and victims of implemented "zero tolerance" policies. Unnecessary disciplinary actions discourage high academic expectations and destroys confidence in a learning environment. Excessive punishment generally encourages academic failure and dropping out of school, which more than often leads to arrest. Students who drop out of school, are 3.5 times more likely of getting arrested. This system of pushing kids out of school and into the criminal justice system, disproportionately affects minority students and those with learning differences. Let’s find a better solution to making our schools safe and educate children instead of incarcerating them.125 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Terencia Peebles
Florida Virtual School should be able to test their own students!It is time to change Florida State Statues and education funding from the Florida Department of Education to allow Florida Virtual School to administrator State tests instead of having to take kids to zone schools. We shouldn't have to even have a zoned school other than the school we are registered in being Florida Virtual School.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kim Minnick
Columbus Leaders: Please Bring a Better School Levy PlanCity leaders should know there are a lot of us who 1) want to pay our fair share for a stronger community, 2) want to invest in the future, and 3) don't want to see cuts, but we need a better levy and process. I voted yes for the levy, but a lot of great people I know who want to invest in Columbus public education voted no. I believe my neighbors and I had reasonable concerns that weren't fully addressed, like: lacking a strategic plan to measure success and ensure accountability, including money for charters, and wanting space for community input. People can understand this is complex - poverty is pervasive, state funding has fluctuated greatly, diverse interests mean compromise, etc. - but this past campaign didn't feel honest or accountable to voters. We can do better together!83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gavin DeVore Leonard
NYC Teachers Can't Afford College for their KidsI spend all day talking about the importance of college to my students. After years of talking up college to my own daughter, she has come to the grim reality that we don't have money for college. My heart broke into a million pieces when she said, "We can't afford college and I'm not smart enough to get a scholarship." How can I send her off to college when I live paycheck to paycheck? How can I fight for a system that excludes my child? Like many others, we will have to make the decision to take out loans and be indebted to a system that has given nothing to hard-working families like ours and other teacher families. Teachers instill in students the importance of higher-education. Our own children should be granted access to higher-education. Federal, State and local officials must find a way to help educate the children of teachers.50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Zazulka
Tell Michigan State Board of Education to Support Climate Science in Schools!When I became a mom, my desire to help create a better world became more personal and urgent. I’ve reflected on the biggest challenges my two sons will face. Doing something about climate change rose to the top of my list. I knew I had to add it to my job description as a responsible parent! Now that one of my sons has started school, I’ve begun thinking a lot more about what they will be taught about their world, including climate change. So I was heartened to learn that the Michigan State Board of Education is considering adoption of 21st century science standards that include climate science. The Board is being pressured to reject the new, world-class science standards by climate deniers like Rep. Tom McMillin (R-District 45). Rep. McMillin recently introduced a bill to stop the NGSS from being taught because, as he said, the standards “get into controversial issues such as man-made global warming as fact.” Keeping our kids in the dark about climate change would be an outrageous and unacceptable disservice to their future. At a time when impacts like drought, more intense storms, and heat waves have already begun to take a toll on Michigan agriculture and the Great Lakes, it’s more important than ever for Michigan students to gain a strong understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change. This will give them the foundation to identify the solutions we need. Let’s send the State Board of Education a strong message that we want our kids to have access to the best possible science education to help them address the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives. If we act today, our children and grandchildren will thank us tomorrow! Sincerely, Kate Madigan, mother of two, Traverse City, MI Story on Rep. McMillin anti-NGSS bill: http://ncse.com/news/2013/09/anti-ngss-bill-introduced-michigan-00150535,102 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Kate Madigan
Restore Excellence in California Schools!We support a return to excellence in California Schools. Top performing states spend $16,000 - $22,000 per student per year. California’s goal - for 2021 - is to spend less than half that amount per student. Meanwhile, California spends $60,000 per year per prison inmate, and one-half of our inmates are high school dropouts. Since 1980, we’ve built 19 prisons and 1 university.345 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Sixth District Advocacy
Keep Our School Cafeteria Jobs LocalMy Grandchildren attend New Castle Schools, and their current cafeteria workers give good caring service. Why break something if it is not broken.248 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Ed Pierce
Protect the Gifted Program in PaceThe population of gifted students in Pace has exploded, and the school district's response is to reduce the time spent in the program specifically designed to challenge them. Isn't it the responsibility of an educational institution to provide the foundation to allow ALL children to reach their maximum potential? The gifted program needs not only to be protected, but expanded. The decision to reduce the class time for these children needs to be changed so that ALL children are provided what they need to succeed.178 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dee