Parents who want to OPT OUT of BREAKFAST IN THE CLASSROOMWe do not believe that any child should go hungry. We do believe there is a better way to offer breakfast to those children who need it. We also believe in the rights of parents to be able to choose what their children are eating, when they are eating it, and to provide a clean and healthy place to learn. We also believe that taking instructional time OUT of the classroom to run a program that could be run before school in a proper eating environment is NOT an option. Please sign this petition to let the LAUSD know that we need to fix the major flaws of the Breakfast in the Classroom program and put the focus in the classroom back on education.1,372 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Linda Ethridge
Petition To Cancel School On The Wednesday After StateSince this is our first time going to state in seven years, its important that we have a full student section down at Memorial Stadium. However, with the game likely to end late and a one hour drive back to Omaha on top of that, a lot of people won't come to the game because they need to get sleep and do homework for school the next day. Lets cancel school on Wednesday so that we can have a full attendance at the State Championship and cheer our Warriors on to victory!! Tweet email, tell everyone you know about this petition and get them to sign it and lets hope that Dr. McCann will see how much this game means to us and hopefully he'll see that we would like to enjoy the game without the stress of school the next day!1,437 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Westside Student Body
Save our children and our school districtthere is an abuse of power in the tongue river school district and our children are being affected15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nichole Weiss
BEST Bell Times for ALL Montgomery County, MD StudentsThe Montgomery County Public School Superintendent Joshua Starr has proposed to change the schedule of “bell times” (begin and end times) for all schools to accommodate a later start time for high school students. There are several options on the table that propose to end the elementary school day and even middle school day well after 3:30. (For children being dismissed as late at 4:00, this means getting home or settled into after-care no sooner than 4:30pm leaving very little time before sunset.) The proposal cites the benefits for health, well being and safety of high school teens as the primary reason for this change. The proposal does NOT however consider the effects of a later end time on elementary school students or young middle school students. The negative effects on a later end time for elementary school students, young middle school children and families include: -The CDC recommends that children should get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Currently students get only 30 minutes of recess during school hours. (And that is only on warm and sunny days. MANY days in the winter months the kids are kept inside all day with no active recess.) Ending school later robs the opportunity for additional outside play, after school sports activities or any other outdoor exercise. -The American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized the importance of unstructured play in children's daily lives. They have stated that even children who are benefiting from structured academics "still need some free unscheduled time for creative growth, self-reflection, and decompression and would profit from the unique developmental benefits of child-driven play." A late end of school day takes that time away from children. -Teachers and research state that time of day has a direct effect on young kids including how well they can pay attention, discipline issues and learning in general. Kids are ready to learn early but naturally tire out in the late afternoon. -Elementary school children and young middle school children generally go to bed much earlier than high school children. A later end time leaves very little time at the end of the day which impacts: -Family time: the same amount of time will be spent on homework, dinner, baths, etc. so family time will suffer. -Homework: children who are overtired at the end of the day from having a compressed schedule will resist the evening activities including homework and family responsibilities. VISIT MCPS WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/belltimes/index.aspx PLEASE ALSO EMAIL YOUR COMMENTS DIRECTLY TO MCPS: [email protected]734 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Rigazio
New Athletic Facility for CentralThe fields at Bristol Central are not sufficient. They present a safety hazard and disadvantage for both teams. It's time that we get a facility that supports our hardworking and dedicated athletes.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michaela Bossi
APS: Relocate the Students of Booker T. Washington High School Now!The students of Booker T. Washington High School have been getting ill due to mold exposure at school since August 2013. The APS Board of Education has voted to relocate students of another school who are not facing a major health hazard into a new location; however, despite pleas by students, parents and community leaders to relocate the students and teachers at Booker T. Washington to another location while the mold is remediated, the APS Board of Education has refused. The students and teachers at Washington High School deserve a healthy learning environment and the same consideration and respect that is given to other students and teachers in the Atlanta Public Schools system. In order to prevent further illness, they must be relocated NOW!630 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth B. Hendricks
Sign the petition to demand the resignation of Cortez Quinn from The Twin Rivers Unified School D...We recognize that the education of our youth is paramount to the success of our community. Further, we acknowledge that any distraction from the education of our youth hampers the success of our community. The alleged wrongdoings of Cortez Quinn came to light over a year ago. For more than a year, then, the Twin Rivers Unified School District and Board of Education have been distracted from their only job - ensuring the success of 28,000 students in 50 schools throughout the Sacramento area. The charges against Cortez Quinn include four felony counts of perjury, four felony counts of filing false documents, and five misdemeanor counts related to improper receipt of the loans and gifts. 13 charges of wrongdoing will no doubt distract the Twin Rivers Unified School District and Board of Education until Cortez Quinn is found innocent or guilty. We cannot afford further distractions. Cortez Quinn, we request that you resign effectively immediately.122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Concerned Community Members
Tell the Texas State Board of Education: Adopt the books and stand up for scienceOn Friday, November 22, the Texas State Board of Education will take a final vote on science materials that will be in classrooms for the next decade. For years, an anti-science faction of that board has done all it can to undermine science by giving equal weight to nonscientific beliefs like climate change denial and the idea that dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Fortunately, because of the work of groups like the Texas Freedom Network, all 14 textbook publishers have stood up for science and refused to water down or compromise instruction on evolution and climate change in their proposed new biology books. We are on the brink of victory, but we can't take anything for granted. Join with Daily Kos and the Texas Freedom Network by signing our petition to the Texas State Board of Education: Adopt the books and stand up for science. The Texas Freedom Network will deliver the signatures before Friday's crucial meeting.346 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Chris Bowers
Education over Athletics: Where's our tuition going?As students at Indiana State University we see our tuition rise every year. Looking at the average salaries of professors and coaches, there is a big discrepancy in where the money goes. ISU values athletics over education when you look at the data.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew J. Collins
Sen. Kirk: Every Kid Deserves A Fair Shot—Support Early Childhood EducationA fair shot in life starts with a high quality education. But too many kids in Illinois enter their kindergarten classroom less prepared than their peers. Education in the first five years of life helps kids enter school ready to learn and succeed. The Strong Start for America's Children Act increases access to quality, public preschool for 4-year olds and is a major step toward giving every child a fair chance to succeed.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Canney, Illinois Fair Share
Tell Congress: We Need Early Education for All!The bipartisan Strong Start for America's Children Act has now been introduced in Congress. It’s a landmark bill that will expand universal access to high-quality pre-kindergarten services for all 3- and 4-year-olds, especially kids from low-income families. It will also strengthen quality child care for infants and toddlers. Studies show that children from low-income and underserved communities enter kindergarten already behind their classmates in key areas such as oral language and vocabulary skills. We must close the opportunity gap before it starts: early childhood education is a proven way ensure that all students have a fair shot at success in school and in life. Introducing this bill was only the first step. We need House and Senate leadership to see clear momentum right NOW for this must-pass legislation. Tell your members of Congress: endorse and co-sponsor the Strong Start for America's Children Act!194 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Opportunity Action
Tell Illinois State Board of Education to Support Climate Science in Schools!The Illinois State Board of Education is considering adoption of new, high quality science standards that include climate science. Unfortunately, a network of vocal activists is determined to stop our kids and grandkids from learning the facts about climate change. The Board of Education is expected to vote on the Next Generation Science Standards, including climate science, during their meeting in January. It’s important that they hear from parents, grandparents and science supporters right away to make sure Illinois students gain the foundation in 21st century science that they deserve. At a time when climate-related catastrophes are occurring with greater frequency and intensity — from Typhoon Haiyan to extreme heat, drought and flooding in Illinois — it’s more important than ever for Illinois students to gain a strong understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change. This will better position them to understand and even identify the solutions we need. Let’s send the State Board of Education a strong message that we want our kids to have access to the best possible science education to help them address the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives. Your voice on behalf of all of our students matters, please send a comment!165 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Friedrich