• Crossroads Board of Directors/Parent Meeting Petition
    In the wake of Jill McGrale Maher's recent termination, parents are left with many questions that have not been addressed by the Board of Directors. Please click the link to view the petition. If you are viewing this from a smartphone, please be sure to scroll to the right to view the petition letter in its entirety. We intend to deliver this petition in 48 hours.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crossroads Parents
  • Support Morgan Hill Schools, Stop Navigator and Rocketship Charters
    Petition Background The opening of Navigator and Rocketship Charters would negatively impact our STUDENTS and neighborhood schools as follows: •The opening of a Rocketship Charter will immediately close one of our neighborhood schools. This would likely cause boundary changes. All other elementary sites will be forced to consolidate, resulting in massive student and teacher reassignments from their current neighborhood schools. •Rocketship will use its associated construction company Launch Pad to build on a 1.6 acre site on Church and San Pedro (behind World Gas Station). Our MHUSD sites follow the minimum 10 acre guideline. Using non-profit bonds to build a high density school that will immediately cause one of our neighborhood schools to close and remain vacant is not a good plan for our neighborhoods. •The opening of a Navigator Charter will cause two schools to share the same campus: a charter school and a current neighborhood school. The disparity of resources between the schools will negatively impact the neighborhood school students. •Navigator and Rocketship primarily focus on English, Math, and obsolete California State Test Scores by narrowing or eliminating History, Science, Foreign Language, Music and Art. •At Navigator and Rocketship, large groups of students spend 1.5 to 2 hours daily in front of computers supervised by tutor/aides rather than teachers. •At Rocketship, an average school of 450 students have 10 teachers (1:45 ratio, 1 teacher for 45 students). This is not the ratio that we want in our schools. In Morgan Hill, our current ratio is 1:29. We prefer to reduce class sizes, not raise them. •Due to the application process, Navigator and Rocketship will not serve all students or even a representative population of our district. They serve English Language Learners very close to proficiency. They require high parent participation. These charters also serve far fewer students with disabilities. If students are not successful, or the charter does not have appropriate programs, these students are returned to our neighborhood public schools. •Our neighborhood schools will receive less funding and this would negatively impact every campus in our district including programs such as Jackson Academy of Math and Music, our Dual-Immersion Multicultural Education Program and planned technology and science academies for P.A. Walsh and San Martin-Gwinn Elementary Schools. •75% of Rocketship teachers are Teach for America interns. These interns have only 5 weeks of teacher preparation. 99% of MHUSD teachers are required to have 1-3 years of post-graduate teacher education. For more information: Stop Rocketship Website http://www.stoprocketship.com/ LA Times Article, The Charter School Mistake by Diane Ravitch http://articles.latimes.com/2013/oct/01/opinion/la-oe-ravitch-charters-school-reform-20131001 The Hype Behind Charter Schools http://www.districtadministration.com/article/hype-behind-charter-schools New Data Shows School Reformers are Getting it Wrong http://billmoyers.com/2013/06/07/new-data-shows-school-reformers-are-getting-it-wrong/ David C. Berliner on Inequality, Poverty and the Widening Education Gap http://www.schoolsmatter.info/2012/10/david-berliner-on-inequality-poverty.html PAC Money Floods Local School Board Races http://www.mercurynews.com/bay-area-news/ci_21896419/ I SUPPORT QUALITY PUBLIC EDUCATION at our neighborhood schools and urge the Santa Clara County School Board NOT TO APPROVE THESE CHARTER PETITIONS.
    760 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mario Banuelos & other concerned MH parents, community members, & educators
  • SASIN Management Oath
    The Management Oath is a voluntary pledge for graduating MBAs and current MBAs to create value, responsibly and ethically. We are building upon these essential efforts to create a community of MBAs with a high standard for ethical and professional behavior. It is different from the Honor Code since the Honor Code governs students’ behavior only during their time in school, but the Oath aims to guide their entire professional lives.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Better Sasin
    To have Congress pass a law that will PROTECT OUR CHILDREN from being disciplined literally to death in our schools!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samina Raza
  • Miller Place Resolution On High Stakes Testing
    We are concerned about the direction our schools have taken. The states growing reliance on standardized testing is adversely affecting students across all spectrums and the morale of our teachers. These tests are taking time away from real teaching. They are narrowing our curriculum, fostering an environment of teaching to the test and test prep. Science and social studies are getting less time in the classroom while art, music, and gym are taking a back seat to pre-tests, post-tests, and field tests. Love of learning is being stifled and our teachers’ morale is suffering. This resolution will send a message to our elected officials that we want them to reduce testing mandates, and allow our teachers and schools to do what they do best.
    197 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Krista Shattes
  • Restore Funding for Inclusion Classes at Davis Elementary
    The parents of students at Davis Elementary have brought a serious concern to the attention of the Cobb County School Board. Because of budget cuts, the inclusion classrooms in first, second, third and fifth grade do not have a dedicated special education teacher. The general classroom teachers are trying to make-do with one special education teacher (and a recently added half-time teacher) shared between Kindergarten, First, Second and Third grades and some support from paraprofessionals. We are writing to ask that immediate action is taken to address this situation. Our general classroom teachers, special education teachers, and paraprofessional are all gifted and well qualified to serve our students. The parents at Davis Elementary greatly appreciate the efforts that go above and beyond their job descriptions. However, one general classroom teacher, no matter her abilities, experience, and education, cannot be expected to do the job of two people. With special education support moving in and out of the classroom, no one is able to teach or consistently track the progress and performance of students with special needs. The general classroom teacher cannot be asked to do so and effectively teach her class, which includes general education students needing as much of her attention as would be received in another general education classroom. We ask that Cobb County fully restore this funding so that you are in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and our children are provided a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE). We have learned that many IEPs have been written to reflect the level of reduced services, which is also a violation of State and Federal Special Education Law. Other schools in Cobb County have inclusion classrooms staffed with a general classroom teacher and a co-teacher, as did Davis until this year. For the sake of the overall student achievement at Davis Elementary, we hope this matter can be resolved quickly and amicably at the county level. Please respond to our concerns in writing. We appreciate your attention and response.
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Miriam Moore
  • Make Government Work for Our Kids and Teachers
    OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE AT STAKE Earlier this year, the sequester cut education funding by $1.7 billion. These cuts are expected to impact up to 1.2 million children, at least 2,700 schools and up to 30,000 staff. The greatest impact of these cuts is to the programs that most directly affect children from communities with the greatest need, limiting access to Early Head Start and Head Start preschool programs, programs for children with disabilities, and funding to schools that serve low-income families. The sequester’s cuts to the education budget should be reversed. If Congress can come together to stop the sequester cuts that caused flight delays, then they should have no problem doing so when our children’s future is at stake. As if these cuts weren’t bad enough, the U.S. House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a budget that cuts even more from education – on the scale of $6.9 billion in cuts to our schools, our teachers, and our kids in the next year alone. The Ryan budget will result in 50 million students will have larger class sizes, less individualized attention and support in class, and fewer classroom teachers and aides for students with special needs. Our future depends on giving all our kids a chance, not robbing them of opportunity. We can’t let John Boehner and Republicans in Congress throw our kids under the school bus. Our solution is simple: NO MORE EDUCATION CUTS!
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Stelmach
  • Free play recess at Apperson Street Elementary School
    The classes are being put into different areas and not being able to mingle with one another. How do we make new friends? FREE PLAY EVERYDAY!!!
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Treston Van Baalbergen
    The City school board is going to vote on whether to erase the name, colors and mascot of Muncie Central High School. It has been in existence for 145 years, the longest in the State of IN and is unparalleled in history, tradition and athletic excellence. This school is part of Muncie's and Indiana's heritage and has historical value that should not be terminated.
    583 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Gwyn Cartwright
  • Give Oklahoma Parents the Right to Opt Their Children Out of High Stakes Testing
    We at Sand Springs PAAT are listening to you, our parents. We are giving you multiple opportunities let the State know what these high stakes testing madates are doing to your children, their teachers, their school districts and the institution of public education. This is another way that you can let your voice be heard in Oklahoma City.
    1,504 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Linda Nye
  • Equality Education in America.
    Our children and grandchildren are being deprived of quality education and social skills, that limit their overall life experience. Funding cuts, unfair funding distribution and school closures doesn't allow our children the opportunity to be a positive or active citizen in our community's and our country. Let's challenge our communities, the state and Federal government and our President Barack Oboma.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Cox
  • Demand a Forensic Audit of UNO Charter Schools
    Hundreds of millions of tax dollars have been diverted to Mr. Rangel, much of it siphoned off to relatives and politically connected individuals. It's time the taxpayers got a full accounting of where the money went. It's time for a FORENSIC AUIDIT now, before another dollar is diverted away from the public's schools.
    3,597 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jay Rehak