FREE THE FAT MANTo bring back the "Fat Man" as the mascot for Washington Township School.308 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Joe Banaski
Remove the Orbitron (Spinning Monkey Bars) from Fox Meadow Playground ImmediatelyThe Spinning Monkey Bars on Fox Meadow's playground is dangerous for our children as more than one child has been injured badly on this equipment. Children falling from several feet in the air with centrifugal force and speed have no ability to control their fall when they lose grip and can and have been seriously injured. The child of a close friend was severely injured by a fall from this equipment. The safety and security of the lives of our children while at school on school property is the number one concern of parents when they send children to school. This piece of equipment severely compromises the safety of our children who are enticed to ride it by its "fun" appearance. Even when used properly, children's legs dangle at an angle such that a child who loses grip while moving with centrifugal force and speed cannot land straight on his or her feet and might instead land on one leg, an arm or even a shoulder or neck while moving in a circle which could result in a severely broken bone (which we have already seen twice) or a spinal cord injury or paralysis130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Stacey Greenberg
TBLS: This is Unacceptable.It is important that a school community be a democracy. As a school we accepted the move to the William J Gaynor building, but we never could have predicted the current situation. Even putting aside things like weapons (the vast majority of students at the other schools would never carry a gun to a fight, but it only takes one), the general attitudes between TBLS Discipuli and the students of the Lyons and Green Schools are far from ideal. There has been inappropriate touching and even cat-calls. We are ALL uncomfortable with this situation. And we want change.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Londono
Save Trenton Central High MainMy child and a host of family members attends Trenton Central High Main .Our children's well-being should be our top priority ,and this school has been in need of repairs for far to long.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rodesha Bell
Santa Cruz City Schools teachers deserve their share of windfall taxes.Our hard-working teachers and staff have gone 5 years without cost-of-living pay increases while our county suffered economic hardship. Now that we have windfall taxes, Santa Cruz City Schools Board of Education and Superintendant Bloom need to honor the agreement made last spring with Santa Cruz teachers, to fairly share the tax windfall with them, and provide them with an adequate cost-of-living pay increase, their first in 5 years. In protest, teachers have implemented a "work-to-rule" action - - in short, they are working only the hours they are paid to work, with no additional time spent on tutoring, chaperoning, or supervising extracurricular activities. This action hurts students countywide. Club meetings are not taking place, as no teachers are available to supervise, seniors want for college recommendations, and the list goes on and on. We stand by our community, our kids, and our teachers. And we ask Santa Cruz City Schools Board of Education & Superintendant Gary Bloom to stand by them too. Do what is right for the Santa Cruz City Schools, the community, and the teachers. Settle a fair contract with the teachers now, providing them with the much-needed and well-deserved cost-of-living pay raise that truly reflects our tax windfall.702 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jenni Strecker-Langenberg
MNPS School Board Representatives: Vote AGAINST the proposed closure of Haynes MSThis petition comes on behalf of the PTSO for Haynes Medical Science Design Center. In being an advocate for our children as well as our community, our concerns are in regards to the possible closing of Haynes Middle Health Medical Science Design Center. We as parents and persons whom have a community interest are willing and ready to give the support needed to assist in a resolution to continue to build a brighter future for us all.820 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Carolyn Jennings
Glencliff High: Fire Mr.GerdomBecause every sophomore has came up to me nd told me that they dont understand him he treats them bad hes not helpful and that almost half the sophomore class is failing his class and that they want to leave glencliff over it34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Glencliff High: Fire Mr.Gerdom
FL Lee County Public Schools to Approve ABA-Applied Behavior Analysis***Early intervention is key to success for our children, ABA provides infinite hope when done in early ages*** When my daughter was diagnosed with Autism, at age 2.5, no one said that ABA was the ONLY effective method to treat my daughter's severed language/speech delay, and other symptoms of autism such social delay and stereotyped behaviors. We were pushed to sent her to a public school (ESE class) starting her 3rd birthday. She was there for 2 years, made no progress but regression into severe autism and challenging behaviors. After that I found that ABA was the only hope, and she recovered her language in about 6 mounts from intensive ABA therapy. Later I learned that most states provide free appropriate public education using ABA to help children, like my child, to make progress to have a functional live later on. This aims to inclusion, which will help the school system to save so much money down the road. We are petitioning our legislators and governors to help us to have ALL of our children receive the fair free public education including ABA teaching for ESE students, not to be an option, but to be mandate for all schools in Lee County, FL, so all children could benefit of what is science based most effective technique for developmental delays. Autism Spectrum Disorders is rapidly becoming the most often diagnosed childhood disorder. Applied Behavior Analysis, a branch of psychology rooted in the application of science to the study of human behavior, is a special therapy that has been shown to be quite effective in reducing the impact of autism spectrum disorders.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcela
Hardin County TransportationThe reason i want you to sign this petition is because teens are not being allowed to go to Devers Middle Schools and Teen Center. This stops them from experienceing the great activities at the teen center. This is why i would like to you to sign this petition34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elijah Matthews
Keep Lenox Place Zoned for Oakhurst ElementaryNext year Westchester Elementary will open and Decatur's K-3 students will be rezoned. Lenox Place's children risk being removed from the very walkable Oakhurst Elementary and sent to Westchester, which is too far away for our young kids to walk to.119 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lenox Placers for Oakhurst
Petition Against Hanover Area Dress CodeThis new dress code is not only more expensive for the parents but we believe it will not do anything for their grades or bullying. Our children are now being policed for their clothes instead of weapons, drugs, etc..Children who never have been in trouble are now being sent to the office to be reprimanded. Let our children worry about getting good grades not getting in trouble for their clothes.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jolene Piccarreta
Remove Mr. FroningHe is a power hungry man who is abusing his vice principle "power" and making students life miserable. He hasnt helped any students like he should be. Thats why he needs to be removed.140 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Walled Lake Students