Librarians Belong In NYC SchoolsNew York City Schools are seeking a waiver on state law which requires them to have school librarians in middle schools and high schools. Less than half of NYC schools have a librarian. This is an important resource for our kids and NYC DOE cannot give up on addressing this problem.4,493 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Christian Zabriskie
STOP BULLYING OF TEENSstop bullying in SCHOOLS!24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jessica delaney
Say no to another Achievement First elementary school in Hartford.Unlike public schools, Achievement First Charter Schools gets to cherry pick which students they serve. They don't admit very many special needs students, or students who are learning English as a secondary language. Recently, it was also revealed that they were suspending huge numbers of elementary school students. In a state Department of Education report, Achievement First Hartford Academy elementary school ranked at the very top of the list of student suspensions. In one year, they suspended 32% of their students in pre-k through fifth grade. They also reported 114 suspensions of students under the age of 6. Now, Achievement First wants to open another elementary school in Hartford. Not only will this take money out of Hartford's public school budget, but it would also likely mean closing down an existing public elementary school. This is unacceptable. We need public schools that teach all our students, not just some of them. Tell the Hartford Board of Education not to let Achievement First open another elementary school.713 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Taylor Leake
Make the Regents Diploma a ChoiceNew York State is taking away our young adults right to choose whether to earn a regents diploma or a local diploma. Not all students are created equal. NYS is implying that without a regents diploma the student cannot be a worthy contributor to society. Many jobs require a high school diploma. Without passing the regents exams these promising students will be without a career path or further schooling. The regents diploma is unique to NYS and only recognized by New York State.109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Holly Gurnick
Open Yellow Ribbon Program TO ALL VETSProgram written to help Vets & familes after 9/11/2001 - WE ALL NEED HELP! We got out in 89' receive 0 benefits. There are no benefits for us! Yellow Ribbon Program accepted at some colleges with in-state tuition & aid. We are enrolled UKY denied all benefits!! Unfair you need a DD214 after 2001 to get any help. All men & women served this country - should all be treated fair & equal.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rhelda Rafferty
Special education students, parents and educators deserve an apology from Dr. Barry RamoOn the Thursday, August 1, 2013, 6:00pm KOAT news broadcast, while discussing the incidence and diagnosis of ADD in minority children, Dr. Barry Ramo said that children can be "DOOMED to a life IN special ed. with a limited chance for success..." 1. Special education is a PROGRAM NOT A PLACE!!! Special education services are not a special place, box, or other location from which students cannot escape, as your words presuppose. 2. Special education services are based on individual student needs and are reviewed and revised each year based data collected by highly qualified educators and input from parents and the students themselves. The implication that students who RECEIVE and PARTICIPATE in these services are DOOMED to an UNSUCCESSFUL FUTURE based merely on the fact that they RECEIVE and PARTICIPATE in these services is absolutely ludicrous and borders on professional malpractice.267 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Angela Reynolds
An Elected School Board for ChicagoI am a teacher, a home owner and a taxpayer here in the city of Chicago. I am also a product of the Chicago Public Schools. My parents were educators with this school system. My son attended and graduated with honors from the Chicago Public Schools. I am a stake holder with this school system but, I want to make sure that CPS is truly committed in enhancing the education of your young people instead of helping the rich and powerful. I believe that the citizens of Chicago want and deserve an elected school board instead of a hand pick group that are more beholding to the mayor than to the students, the parents and citizens of our city. The citizens of Chicago want a democratic process as to who will help govern our school board and school system and who will truly listen to the people of our city. Let's end patronage in our school system. Let's Elect Our School Board Members!35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcia Brown-Williams
Keep Phil Knight and Dave Frohnmayer off the UO BoardHelp keep the UO dedicated to its core mission to provide affordable quality education to Oregon's students.126 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Zach Mulholland
Equal Rights in Public SchoolsRight now, while some school districts in wealthy areas are giving computers to students, financially stressed ones are getting cut back millions, barely able to keep instructors, and needy courses. We demand a resurrection of this situation. The districts most needy of the money are also the ones where families are the most financially stressed, and can't afford the basics, much less computers, for their children, thus making it much harder for them to get ahead in life, alos becoming notable tax PAYERS, as opposed tolikely tax burdens.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carl W.
Change Funding of PA Public SchoolsPennsylvania's public schools are currently funded largely on the basis of local property taxes. This means that richer districts get *much* more funding per student than poorer ones, such as in rural counties or inner cities. The funding formula should be changed so that all property taxes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are collected into a single, statewide pool, and then redistributed to school districts normalised for cost of living (eg: it costs less to educate a child in Perry County than in Pittsburgh). The end result of this will be better-educated children across Pennssylvania, improving the state's economy over the long term.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Zion
Parental Involvement Sustains Student SuccessThe Parents and Community stakeholders at 13th Avenue Elementary School in conjunction with the PTA hereby request the Newark Public School District through a demand by the Assistant Superintendent, and/or his designee[s] to rescind the proposed dismantling and removal of the Parent Room.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by The Parents and Community stakeholders at 13th Avenue Elementary School
Save Kansas SchoolsSchools are the heart of any town. They're what keep neighborhoods strong and bring communities together. Without adequate funding from the state, many of these schools will be shut down, and many teachers will be laid off. Tell Governor Brownback you want this to change by signing this petition.2,049 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Elijah Jost