• Higher Education is the Great Equalizer lets make it free for every American
    Though it sounds expensive, a free and complete education for everyone—from Head Start to college, including vocational school—is possible through savings from other government programs. It is a prosperous investment for all of us, except for the wealthiest Americans, because the side effect is that universal education would save tax dollars and increase the tax base! Once the children who normally grow up on welfare or in poor working families receive a complete education, the cycle of poverty will be broken. The overwhelming majority will have good jobs within reach, hope, and a real opportunity for a better life for themselves and their children. The American dream, which is currently being denied to them and their children, would finally be attainable. They would no longer need to rely on public assistance or be forced to turn to crime, two major expenses to taxpayers. They would become well-paid taxpayers, thus increasing the tax base, and consumers, thus boosting our economy. Let's make it happen. Let's make all education—from preschool to college, including trade schools— free for every American citizen of every age. The GOP and Tea Party conservatives would never let this happen, because they want inequality, poverty, injustice, suffering, and crime to continue in perpetuity. They want the status quo to be permanent! We must end this legislative nightmare in our government by eliminating the GOP and Tea Party conservatives. Join me in my quest for a better America! -William J Ryan
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by William J Ryan
  • Make Higher Education a Human Right
    I'm $80,000 in debt just because I wanted to get an education. Nationwide, students are over one trillion dollars in debt. With education only affordable to a small number of people, the American dream will die due to needless debt.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Englebrecht
  • Protect democracy at Medgar Evers: Stop the removal of students from the governance plan
    Chancellor Matthew Goldstein, who will be retiring as chancellor of City University of New York (CUNY) as of July 1, 2013, has illegally scrapped the governance plan of Medgar Evers College at CUNY. The scrapped 1972-ratified governance plan had 23 students that served in various capacities. This move by the chancellery and the CUNY Board of Trustees will have a disastrous effect on the democratic process of Medgar Evers College and effectively silence students' voices.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Evangeline Byars
  • Save the Chicago Public Schools by Returning Them to the Public
    The people who have seized undemocratic control of Chicago Public Schools are destroying neighborhood public education and the lives and futures of Chicago's schoolchildren. Over the last eight years, as a recipient of national, state, and district teaching awards, I have taught some of the highest-need students in our city. In the face of horrendous violence and a lack of school resources, we educators of Chicago have taken back our union and fight every day to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of Chicago's young people. But it is not only educators - parents, students, and community members have all joined this fight for educational equity and justice for all students. Together, we have changed lives. But the mayoral-appointed Chicago Board of Education has undermined all of our efforts to improve our schools. On June 26, 2013, the Board will hold its June meeting, the first meeting since voting to close 50 schools mainly in Latino and African American neighborhoods and since informing school principals of 20% cuts to school-level funding. Many of the schools targeted for closure are relatively high-performing and have reasonable class sizes. The board is taking out a multi-decade loan to cover the additional costs of closing these schools. The budget cuts come despite last year's surplus in the budget, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel continues to divert hundreds of millions of dollars in school money to private development projects. These decisions ultimately will result in the destruction of the education of nearly 400,000 students in the city of Chicago. Individual young people will be killed in our streets as a result of the choices the board is making.
    923 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by xian barrett
  • Hold Texas School Districts Accountable Responsabilizar a los Distritos Escolares de Texas
    Families at certain social economic levels are trapped in a Texas public education system that has data proving the statistical correlation between public school disciplinary practices as a fast track entry to the criminal justice system. A statewide study was performed which shows alarming disproportionate and excessive suspension practices of school administrators. Texas state legislators have failed to hold school districts accountable to addressing their disproportionate suspension practices toward minorities, at risk youth and students with disabilities.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vanesia Johnson
  • Bank on Students
    Keep Student Loan Interest rates as low as interest banks pay.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marika Davidek
  • Senator Kirk: Stop Voting Against Students in Illinois!
    Senator Kirk recently voted against the Student Loan Affordability Act, which aimed to keep interest rates low for students for another two years. Instead, he voted for another proposal that could see interest rates skyrocket up to 8.5%. 64% of students have student debt upon completion from college in Illinois (where the average student loan debt is $26,440) and 337,440 students in Illinois are Stafford Loan borrowers. Students in Illinois can't afford more debt, and on July 1st, student loan interest rates are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8%. We need Senator Kirk to stop voting for proposals that will hurt students in Illinois and the rest of America.
    5,539 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by I Am Not A Loan
  • Senator Rubio: Stop Voting Against Students in Florida! Senador Rubio: Alto al voto en contra de ...
    Senator Rubio recently voted against the Student Loan Affordability Act, which aimed to keep interest rates low for students for another two years. Instead, he voted for another proposal that could see interest rates skyrocket up to 8.5%. 51% of students have student debt upon completion from college in Florida (where the average student loan debt is $25,600) and 462,048 students in Florida are Stafford loan borrowers. Students in Florida can't afford more debt, and on July 1st, student loan interest rates are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8%. We need Senator Rubio to stop voting for proposals that will hurt students in Florida and the rest of America. El Senador Rubio acaba de votar en contra del Acta "Student Loan Affordability" (Accesibilidad de préstamo estudiantil) que tenía el propósito de mantener los intereses bajos para los estudiantes por dos años más. En vez de eso, el votó por la otra propuesta que pueda ver los intereses dispararse hasta 8.5%. %51% de los estudiantes tienen deuda estudiantil al terminar la universidad en Florida, (donde el promedio de deuda estudiantil es $25,600, y 462,048 estudiantes en Florida son prestadores del fondo "Stafford.")
    5,998 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by I Am Not A Loan
  • Senator Portman: Stop Voting Against Students in Ohio!
    Senator Portman recently voted against the Student Loan Affordability Act, which aimed to keep interest rates low for students for another two years. Instead, he voted for another proposal that could see interest rates skyrocket up to 8.5%. 68% of students have student debt upon completion from college in Ohio, where the average student loan debt is $24,760. Close to 400,000 Ohioans are Stafford loan borrowers. Students in Ohio can't afford more debt, on July 1st, student loan interest rates are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8%. We need Senator Portman to stop voting for proposals that will hurt students in Ohio and the rest of America.
    3,551 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by I Am Not A Loan
  • Put highly skilled unemployed educators back to work in 2013-2014
    Various factors contribute to highly competent teachers’ unemployment. New teachers are laid off go for budgetary or other factors. Conversely, there are examples of very knowledgeable and skilled professional status (tenured) educators like myself who are out of work. Students and families can use these educators’ talents. Please put these educators back to work in the fall!
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nekita Lamour
  • Heavy Bookbags Cause Damage
    Children are being forced to carry extremely heavy book bags every day to school. It is unhealthy for them and could cause them physical damage. There should be a limit imposed on the amount of pounds allowed in children's bags.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alphonzina Waters
  • Pass Tuition Equity for New Jersey Dreamers!
    There's a bill making its way through the legislature right now that would give thousands of bright, hardworking students around the state a shot at the American Dream. (A-4225) would allow students who have attended high school in New Jersey for at least three years and have either gotten their diploma or GED to pay the same rates as their fellow residents at New Jersey’s public colleges and universities. Passing this bill isn't just the fair thing to do; it's the smart thing to do for the state and its economy. One of the main draws of businesses to New Jersey is our highly trained workforce. Holding back talented, high-achieving students who could join the next generation of engineers, teachers, and nurses is as short-sighted as it is unfair.
    774 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Bill Holland