• Three strikes
    My son attended The School of the Immaculata and was bullied for months. Staff refused to help us. My son became suicidal and had to be hospitalized. We called the police on his bully and my kids were expelled for it. Protecting our children from teachers that refuse to help a victim of bullying is a must.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina
  • World (Foreign) Language Program at Marlborough Elementary School
    Learning another language early in life has been demonstrated to increase children’s comprehension of other subjects, critical thinking and their ability to learn additional languages in the future. In the global and diverse economy of the 21st century, acquiring added languages is vital. Surrounding towns have world (foreign) language programs. Other countries learn multiple languages. We need to be competitive. The program at Marlborough Elementary School was recently cut (after 25 years) and we believe it is time to bring it back. **** IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ONLY sign if you are a Marlborough resident. Include your STREET AND ZIP CODE to insure that your signature is counted. ****
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Wes Skorski
  • Restore Democracy to Philadelphia School District. Abolish the SRC
    In 2001, the Republican governor and legislators took over the School District of Philadelphia, abolishing the elected school board and creating the unelected School Reform Commission (SRC). It is time to restore control of the Philadelphia schools to the taxpayers of Philadelphia. Tell Gov. Corbett and the General Assembly to allow Philadelphians to elect their school board and return control of the schools to the people of Philadelphia. In October, 2014, Tom Corbett's SRC unilaterally, and illegally, ended the District's contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. Local parents and students were justifiably outraged. It's time to end this unjust situation and return the control of the Philadelphia Schools to the people of Philadelphia.
    1,090 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Morrill
  • Stop suspending kindergarteners!
    It was recently reported that more than 1,967 students under the age of six have been suspended from school - and that's just in the schools that have reported. The trend was extreme in a few charter schools like Achievement First Hartford Academy Elementary School, which reported 114 suspensions last school year out of a total school population of just 430 students. No child that young should be excluded from school. Such a punishment is inappropriate. We should be trying to help young children learn, not excluding them from the classroom. We need to make it clear that this practice is unacceptable and set an example for other schools. Demand that Achievement First Hartford stop suspending students so young!
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Leake
  • Bank On Students
    Student debt and Elizabeth Warren's great idea to lower rates to equal what banks pay, until congress can figure it out....(ya know, because they are so busy protecting the wealthy, corporations and banks)!
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Sullivan
  • cuts in Ohio spending on Education
    me increases in funding not CUTS !!!!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by david kimple
  • Intern Hackers Looking for Sponsors and a Space
    Hackathons are a great way to cultivate innovation and inspire younger generations to learn how to code and solve real-world problems.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Olszewski
  • Parents, wake up and demand tech in our classrooms.
    Most teachers in k-6 dont know how to teach with tech. this is appalling in 2013. Most schools have SmartBoards and some desctops or laptops, which are way outdated by the way, but teachers dont use them and some have admitted to me that they dont even know how to turn them on. learning today for k up is on tablets and smartphones with touch screens. we are far behind in implimenting tech in our classrooms. only parents can change things and our board of education is as outdated as our equipment.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gary dubrall
  • Student Loan Rates
    Aloha My name is Destiny and I am currently a college student at University of Hawaii, Maui College. I have a loan that I took out when I was 17 years old that I need to pay back and I do not want the rates to be raised. Living in Hawaii, renting my own place and going to college is already difficult enough without the raise of rates. Please start a petition for your school or sign mine. Be the change that you want the world to see.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Destiny Mahaulu
  • Education Reform
    I worked as an adminstrator at a community college in Contra Costa County, California. The abuse of resources received from the federal and state the goverment is a crime. Faculty members and academic counselors, worked 22.5 hours a week, get pay for 40, Summer off with full time pay, if they work, they get pay overtime and like some executive managers, they only work about 5 months a year altogether. At the end of the day, the ones that suffer the most are the students, the community and the country as a whole. We Must Developed and Implement a MARSHAL PLAN FOR EDUCATION.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Jerez
  • Our College Education Shouldn't Be a Debt Sentence Nuestra educación universitaria no debe ser u...
    Our generation has been witness to an increasingly widening disparity between American socioeconomic groups. We believe that an equal opportunity to seek out higher level education is the most important tool to help close this gap. Doubling interest rates on subsidized Stafford Loans discriminates against need-based students, making paying for college an even more insurmountable task and excluding thousands of students from equitable education.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexis Hernandez
  • NC Needs Wright School
    My Niece attends The Wright School Since 1963, Wright School has provided short-term, early intervention mental health services to North Carolina’s most troubled and troubling children with behavioral and emotional disabilities.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Jenette Sessoms