• NC Needs Wright School
    My Niece attends The Wright School Since 1963, Wright School has provided short-term, early intervention mental health services to North Carolina’s most troubled and troubling children with behavioral and emotional disabilities.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Jenette Sessoms
  • Guilford County Commissioners: Pass Mo Green's Budget!
    At the start of every school day, my daughter's teacher reminds her 4th grade class about the importance of making good choices. As concerned parents and community members, we're asking you to make a good choice by supporting Superintendent Green's proposed 2013-14 budget. For years, Guilford County Schools (GCS) has served a growing number of students without increased funding from the County--even as utilities and other expenses have skyrocketed. Anyone who has balanced a checkbook understands that this can't work for long without serious negative consequences for our students. Superintendent Green has made it clear that without full funding from the County Commissioners, students and families will feel deep cuts at all levels. You can make sure this doesn't happen. Please make a good choice for our students and our community by fully funding the proposed GCS budget.
    1,721 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary Herbenick
  • Support Senator Warren's "Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act."
    Like me, you are probably also depending on loans to get your degree. Congress is considering options for dealing with the student loan program. Some of these would punish us for the budget deficit, other options, like Senator Warren's would give us a dependable, low-cost source for funding our education.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Sokal
  • NC Legislature: Fund Wright School!
    For the FIFTH YEAR IN A ROW, Republican members of the NC Senate have decided to play political games with the future of Wright School! The House and Gov. Cooper have funded the school in their budgets, so once again it comes down to the joint committee. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY! Visit www.savewrightschool.com to see how.
    4,881 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Reed
  • Tell Congress to pass Student Loan Fairness ACT NOW!!!
    With the so called congress cutting education funds, we must be heard. Teachers jobs are being cut, music and art programs are deteriorating. Education is top priority for our kids as well as ourselves and now is the time to be heard.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Whitney Rowe
  • Albany State University: Bring Dr.Berry Back
    At Albany State University, a Historically Black University in Albany, Georgia there has been a division between leadership and the student body. Recently, the president of the institution, Dr.Everett Freeman has decided to go against the wants and needs of the student body. As a result, Dr. Edgar L. Berry, the Vice President of Student Affairs resigned. The Student population at Albany State University would like to bring Dr. Berry back to the university for the sake of our institution's success and continuous growth.
    473 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Gernisha Parnell
  • Student Loan Fairness: Youngstown State University
    "...Senator Elizabeth Warren's Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act, would give students the same rate on their loans as big banks get" (Anna Galland, MoveOn.org).
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mara Brandenstein
  • University of Utah: support the Loan Fairness Act by Elizabeth Warren
    The big banks get cheaper interest rates than students do on applying for student loans. The only way for this to make sense is if we care about banks more than we care about students. And if that's the America we live in, then I don't want to be here.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tyler
  • Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act
    I am signing this petition requesting that students be given the same rate on their loans as the big banks get.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by kathleen mcfadden
  • Tony Frank: endorse the Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act
    This act would ensure that students get the same favorable interest rates on their loans that banks get from the federal government. As the president of Colorado State University, Tony Frank should support students' financial and educational security. As a student facing a great deal of debt, this issue matters to me.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Johnson
  • LACC Should Support Warren's Loan Fairness Act
    As a concerned and productive student at LACC, I strongly urge you to endorse Elizabeth Warren's Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act. There is no reason why our tuition shouldn't match that of the banks' interest rate of 0.75%. College is meant to encourage critical thinking collectively. This act is highly critical for accredited aid to continue to educate those in need. Now is the time to unify and act on our vital thoughts!
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by alecia byers
  • Oregon University System: Don't raise tuition again!
    The Oregon State Board of Higher Education will vote this week on whether to raise tuition again, but tuition is already too high. If the Oregon University System approves the hike, tuition at the University of Oregon next fall will be DOUBLE what it was 10 years ago. Oregon students are deep in debt, and many are being priced out of a degree altogether. That's too steep a price for Oregon to pay. Oregon students need debt-free higher education now!
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sami Alloy