Bilingual EducationLearning a foriegn language such as French in highschool for 1-2 years is not enought to grasp the language and help our future as promised. It is a necessary prerequisite for a working political, economic, and social community such as ourselves in the United States. Bilingual education is important to our present and future generations because it will better qualify our people for the challenges of tomorrow. Bilingual education should be considered to start in primary school. Reform our education!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sonia Garcia Vega
Stop political interference in public educationEither ban the "public" in public education, or fund it well enough to make an education in the United States the envy of the world. From elementary to higher ed, make S.T.E.M. (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) the focal point of American education. Get partisan/religious practices OUT of PUBLIC education.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Johnson
Save the Philadelphia Public SchoolsPublic schools in Philadelphia, Pa are being decimated: they are closing, and essential services are being cut. For example, at the Roxborough High School in Roxborough, Pa. most of the teachers are being terminated to save money along with all arts/music & athletic programs. My son tells me that he was told that there will be only three teachers per grade next year- three to teach all subjects to 150 students!!! That is outrageous! SAVE PUBLIC EDUCATION!!9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Edwards
No retaliation for union activism: keep Merrie Najimy in the classroomFor 15 years, Merrie Najimy received exemplary evaluations, earned the respect of parents, faculty and administrators, and won the love of her third grade students. Subsequent to her election as President of the Concord Teachers Association and her organizing activity as a member of the Massachusetts Teachers Association Board of Directors, the current school administration has utilized the evaluation system to target her. On April 30, 2013, her principal recommended not to rehire Merrie Najimy.1,586 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by barbara madeloni
Support California College Students FirstWithin the last two years, the number of out of state and international admissions in the U.C. System has risen by over 60%. As a high school counselor in Southern California, I have seen a number of U.C. eligible students not accepted into the U.C.'s while less qualified out of state and, especially, international students have been admitted.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marie Chambers
Student Loan DebtorsI am about to turn 59 and have been out of school for over 20 years; yet, during that time, my student loan debt has nearly DOUBLED, from $56,000 to over $100,000. I have made both voluntary and involuntary payments over the course of two decades. I lost my job two years ago, and have only a very low-paying, part-time job. I have no assets. There are particular jobs I can't even apply for because of my student loan debt. A bankruptcy "reform" act passed by Congress in 1998 removed any realistic possibility of getting this loan discharged or forgiven via federal bankruptcy courts. Am I to have my Social Security checks garnished as well? Student loan debts existing 14 or more years after graduation should be forgiven.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Stowell
End TaskStreamBy signing this petition you may help to end the unnecessary use of TaskStream on UNK's campus. The fact that the students are forced to pay a fee for this "service" is absurd, especially when it does not help the student body in any way, shape, or form.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Addison Heeren
Members of Congress: Please continue funding for Head StartHead Start is a valuable early childhood educational tool. Funding is in jeopardy for this program. My son attended Head Start for 18 months. I believe it was instrumental in positive outcomes in his education from the first grade to the completion of his MBA in Hospital Administration.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claire A Heckathorn
RESTORE FUNDING TO HEADSTARTPetition Background Poor and at risk children have been cut out of the budget and denied necessary school prep such as learning to read which would help them be successful. Success at the schoolhouse door means success in the future and breaking the cycle of poverty and having a job, contributing to society and paying taxes. A Democrat and Republican thing to do. As social workers we have seen the benefits of Head Start for children, exciting them about learning and giving them important tools to help them excel in school even though they are poor. In the long run Head Start can make the difference between the schoolhouse or the more expensive justice system.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca McNay/Marla Zimmerman
WHITE HOUSE PETITION: support Elizabeth Warren's bill to give student loans same interest rate ba...If 100,000 people sign the petition DIRECTLY ON THE WHITE HOUSE WEBSITE at http://wh.gov/JNiU, they MUST respond. Sign this petition through Moveon.org as well so as many people as possible see it (and the president gets another petition).54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael J Dixon
Stop paying student loans now!Starting September 1st let's all stop paying our student loans unless we get better interest rates and terms on our loans. We're not powerless against the loan companies if we all act together. They concede to our will, or they don't get our money any longer.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andrew
Restore Philadelphia School BudgetHow would you like it if there was no art, music, counselors, after school programs, sports, classroom aides, librarians, school psychologists, school secretaries, and nurses? Well that will happen if we don't take a stand against the School District of Philadelphia. The school district's budget for the 2013-14 school year calls for huge cuts to school staff, activities, programs, and services. This petition will help restore the Philadelphia School Budget.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph J. Greenberg Elementary