• "Please restore the Philadelphia School Budget and save our Instrumental Music Programs"
    The Philadelphia School district wants to eliminate the Instrumental Music program. This elimination will affect many students. Philadelphia Schools have had a long standing tradition of excellence in music programs at the elementary, junior high and high school level. Many famous musicians probably started out playing an instrument in their school. If the school band, orchestra, and choir students keep working very hard, they could become a very skilled musician. Many of our former students could become or are musicians in major orchestras and college professors of music. This would’ve never happened if they hadn’t taken instrumental music classes when they were young. Taking away these programs for our children is unfair and denies them the same opportunities that wealthier school districts can afford. Please restore the Instrumental Music Program in the School District of Philadelphia.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by christin george
  • Don't Cut AAPS High School Transportation!
    The Ann Arbor Public School District's Board of Education is forced to make $8.76 million dollars in cuts to its annual budget. One cut under serious consideration is eliminating all high school bus service. Many students live very far from their "home" high schools- in some cases more than an hour's walk. While this affects all students, the impact for students from low-income families will be disproportionate. Getting all students to school safely and efficiently should be a priority. If students don't attend school, they cannot graduate. The future for high school drop-outs is a bleak one- and ultimately we all will pay a heavy price.
    546 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Joan Doughty
  • Reduce Child Abuse-Make Child Development Courses Mandatory for All Parents of Minor Children
    How many children's lives would be saved/protected if more parents were EDUCATED about the stages of development? Make child/human development courses MANDATORY for ALL parents/expecting parents who receive government assistance, as well as those who have private insurance in order to have medical coverage for the pregnancy and/or child(ren). Insurance providers would be responsible for the expense of the course. Many children's lives and livelihoods would be spared. There would be fewer children with disabilities, in special education classes, in counseling, living in fear. The cycle of abuse would be broken. The requirement would also save money. By reducing the number of physical abuse cases, the costs associated with them would also go down: CPS cases and EVERYTHING associated with them; ASTRONOMICAL medical expenses, public defenders, court costs, foster care, etc. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gisele Patton
  • selling paid student loans 2 collection companies
    I paid off a student loan in December of 2001, which is still being sold too long companies for collections. I have sent letters that shell it has been paid that were written by the Department of Education, and when calling the Department of Education and when contacting department of Ed I I am turned it has been paid off. the loan was paid in 2001 and since then I have add wages garnished have been told to send 2 dollars or five dollars a month , have had my incm tax taken , and wages garnished
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by damaris Sexton
  • Commissioner Velez: Save the bench work program.
    My daughter, who is deaf and has MS, has worked at O.T.C. since 1996 as part of the Sheltered Workshop program. The Division of Developmental Disabilities is planning to eliminate funding for this program in the fall of 2013.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Riley Hansom Junior
  • Uniformity in a Creative World
    My petition is about uniforms in the Clayton County school system. I feel conformed to a stereotypical and controlling world. I feel that uniforms should no longer be mandatory because the lack of reasoning and necessity from the Clayton County Board of Educations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angelica Johnson
  • Arkansas Honor Your Commitments to Graduates
    Due to cuts in higher education, many students, including my daughter, may be notified on July 1 that their 2013-2014 scholarships/grants are not going to be honored by the state of Arkansas. By now many students have committed to colleges and graduate schools based upon those awards and will have to seek alternative funding. Unfortunately, on that very same day, July 1, student loan interest rates will increase from 3.5% to 6.8%.
    1,147 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Bailin
  • An Education Solution
    Having schools, students, and parents all held accountable for the education of our children.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen (Mo) Massie Bales
    On May 21, 2013 Teachers College plans to give an award to the Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents, Merryl Tisch. Given Tisch's role in promoting the use of high stakes standardized testing in our schools, this award would be an endorsement of Tisch's record. TEACHERS COLLEGE NEEDS TO TAKE A STAND FOR AUTHENTIC TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT! NO AWARD FOR MERRYL TISCH!
    452 of 500 Signatures
    Created by BRIAN JONES
  • College Tuition Should be Tax Deductible
    Higher education is something that makes our country a better place to live. The more educated the population the better our country is in every way from advances in Medicine, Technology and even just day to day interactions. The idea that college tuition is not tax deductible is ridiculous. When thinking over why college tuition is not tax deductible I could only think of two reasons. 1 - The banks enjoy having our younger generations coming out of college in debt and already paying interest or 2- Our government really doesn't want an educated and informed population. I'm thinking number two is the reason and number one is a bonus for corporate America. But now it's time to make a difference. Now is the time for the average American family to stand up for what is right for our future generations. College tuition being tax deductible would change the landscape of the middle class by giving them a way to send American kids to college without it breaking their savings or having to take out a second mortgage on the family home. This money gets taxed twice, once from the people that are paying the tuition and again from the people getting paid from the tuition (The Professors). Let's do something about this today and get congress to pass a bill that will finally give the middle class some real relief by making college tuition tax deductible.
    261 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ian Gelfand
  • Alabama congressmen
    They're screwing thew educational system as well as the middle and lower class in this state.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joseph p. boyd
  • The Trillion Dollar Scam
    Student Loan Victims. The stability. firmness of character and purpose of all our future economy is in jeopardy!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Mossholder