Support Climate Science in Nevada Schools!The Nevada State Board of Education is poised to decide the future of science education for all Nevada Students. Nevada could join states around the country in adopting New Generation Science Standards (NGSS), an updated and comprehensive set of science education standards developed by 26 states, including Nevada. These standards will ensure students receive an up-to-date science education, including learning about climate science. At a time when kids in Carson City, Reno and beyond are suffering from breathing smoke from the enormous Yosemite-area Rim Fire — the kind of fire becoming far more common with climate change — it’s more important than ever for Nevada students to gain a strong understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change. This will give them the foundation they need to identify climate solutions. Let’s send the Board a strong message that our kids deserve a 21st century science education to help them address the challenges and opportunities they will face. Climate change will have a huge impact on our children’s future, and we need to let the Board of Education know Nevada parents, grandparents and science supporters want our kids to learn the facts. You'll help us send that message by signing the petition in support of the new science standards. If we act today, our children and grandchildren will thank us tomorrow!206 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Hoyos
President Gamble: Bring Back The DanceThe dances thrown by the school are being cut this year due to "low attendance". Attendance at the dances is one of the highest attendance rates of events on campus. As a double major in the College of Fine Arts, there are few events on campus that fit into my schedule that allow me to socialize with students from other colleges. By not funding the dances, students are going to be less likely to attend other events on campus. This "low attendance" of other events is going to cause more and more events to be cut from our extracurricular schedules until we have nothing but fraternity parties to attend.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Victoria Sandstrom
Chess in SchoolsOur children can only benefit from learning and playing chess. Over five hundred students learn and improve their thinking, choices analysis, and socialization at the Purple Sage Elementary School. While there are chess programs scattered throughout the district, there is, currently, no funding and organization on the district level. Consider what a district wide program would accomplish!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Morgan
Bring Black History Back Into The SchoolsIt's Needed!!! Our Children Need to be informed. They all need to know where black & white in-differences began. They need to understand why racism has exist & still exist (to a certain extent) in the world we live in today. Our Youth are Our Future, they need to know about their past to Make their future Stronger.145 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jeanette Green
The Justice MovementHate crime, harrassmant, and bullying are not taken seriously enough in the District of Perry Township. There are students who are forced to go to school in fear because not enough action is taken to prevent or conclude these issues. This must be changed for the sake of students' well-being and safety!104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by C. L
Lets end the School to Prison Pipe Line.I am against the Zero- Tolerance School Discipline Policy,too many of our children are being suspended, expelled and arrested for incidents that could have been prevented. I believe in prevention before Intervention. Lets find a better solution to make our Schools safe, and help our children graduate to success, not failure .132 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kelly Smithson
DPS EFM: Save the Fine Arts in DPS SchoolsDPS is laying off/transferring Fine Arts teachers and eventually this will cause the dissolution of all Fine Arts programs in DPS schools. Fine Arts and academics go hand in hand and without the Fine Arts programs where will our children be? Fine Arts brings out the best in our children and motivate them to excel in all areas of education.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosilyn Brown
Students Of Little Elm High School: Bring Back Lunch HourWe request, no demand, that our 8 class periods (requiring an hour-long lunch as one class period) replace our current schedule. We assert that 30 minutes is not nearly enough time to get food and eat it before the allotted time is up. Kids are missing their meals, having to eat far too quickly ( which is very unhealthy), and it is destructive to the education of the students. The lines are too long, the people are too numerous. and the food is not being distributed quickly enough to fulfill the needs of your students, which should be the goal of the school board to begin with.245 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Azlyn Vaughn
String Students: the right to a class and seperate performance.Students from all over the world transfer to Lejeune High School; the students with talents in the realm of strings and orchestra are immediately cut out of the music department because it doesn't offer the opportunity to perform or learn in that area. Orchestra is a dying art that should be invested in when the chance presents itself. If not a class, than a club at least; there are students perfectly capable of teaching other students in the same area, even under the direction of the band director. These talented students shouldn't be simply pushed aside.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lidia Ybanez
Cami Anderson: Give Your $50K Bonus to the Students of Newark Public Schools!Newark Public Schools are faced with $57 million in cuts that will force some of our schools to cut their budgets as much as 20 percent. Our children are learning in schools with crumbling infrastructure where plywood doors, collapsing ceilings and water damage are common. Our voices at the local level are excluded and ignored by bureaucrats and politicians in Trenton. Teachers are overwhelmed by class sizes and earn salaries that do not reflect the critical role they play in Newark’s future. Appropriate funding to properly educate our youth is inadequate. Essentially, Cami Anderson has failed to be the outspoken advocate that the Newark Public School system desperately needs in order to be successful in educating and preparing our next generation of leaders. We do not believe that a $50,000 bonus is warranted. Fifty-thousand dollars will not relieve all the stresses faced by the Newark Public School system, but if the state has those funds then local use should be determined by Newark public school students, parents and teachers. There is an opportunity for Cami Anderson to do the right thing and offer those funds back to the community she claims to serve.167 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Trina Scordo
Stop wasting Philly taxpayer dollarsAs parents and teachers struggle to start a new year in Philadelphia’s crippled school system, we call on you, ASPIRA’s leaders, to stop spending taxpayer dollars in your effort to silence teachers and staff. ASPIRA teachers and staff deserve a respectful, professional and collaborative learning environment – the kind of work environment found in every high-performing school system in the world. This high standard can only be met when teachers have a voice and a seat at the table.768 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Kim Johnson
Reinstate $110 million for teacher assistants NOWOn Tuesday, September 3, the North Carolina legislature will be back for a short session. They need to reinstate the $110 million they cut from public school teacher assistants from the $250 million Rainy Day Fund. The law says that all public school students must read on grade level by the end of third grade, but they cut funding that would help those students. Some first grade classes only have a teacher assistant for a half day! It is the same with second grade, and less for third and fourth!539 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Dan Kowal