• No Homework for Students
    No Homework for Students! Students get enough Classwork as it is, so there's no need for extra "work." Also, teachers give us Homework to recap their lessons and to see if you need more help on it. Yes, that's great but that's why we get classwork!!! Students want more free time but they can't get it because of Homework. See what I mean!?.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Maggi
  • Grad Student Lounge
    Many of us use the grad lounge exclusively so that we can have meetings, study, and discuss world issues with our peers in the Masters level programs. It is our goal to have our only dedicated room given back to us or an immediate replacement given.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicodemus Moore
  • Cameras in class rooms
    Our special needs children cannot speak, cannot defend themselves. They need someone to advocate while in class away from parents! We need to help our children communicate what is going on with them. Have you ever sent your child helpless and defenseless to school, not know what is going on or what is happening? Then when you get a phone call and don't know what is going on, you only hear the teacher's side. What about our children? What about their side? Help me get cameras in our special needs classrooms.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brittany maudsley
  • UNH, Stop Helping Saudi Arabian “Security” Police
    The University of New Haven (CT) has set up a BA program for the King Fahd Security College (KFSC) in Riyadh. Experts from UNH’s Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences will advise their counterparts at KFSC and will specialize in “criminal justice, homeland security and intelligence studies”. The University of New Haven should immediately terminate this program. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is a serial human rights violator and is committing the war crime of aggression against neighboring Yemen. No university should offer the government of the KSA any security assistance especially in those specialties which help it commit grave violations to persons’ basic rights and well-being. The kingdom considers “criminal” a whole host of acts that are protected by rights to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, rights to peacefully assemble and protest, and rights to practice religion. The kingdom is an absolute monarchy and does not respect any of those rights. For example, the KSA levies severe punishment up to execution for the alleged crimes of “witchcraft”, “apostasy”, and “homosexual” acts. These are crimes only in the imagination of extreme bigots. UNH is specifically creating a curriculum at KFSC specializing in “homeland security”. With a regime that sees all dissent as illegitimate UNH staff will unavoidably be helping the regime stamp out movements for democracy. The advanced techniques developed at UNH will be used to track down people who peacefully protest abuses of government or simply discuss these matters. For example, it will be helping the Saudi police find bloggers like Raif Badawi who is in prison for ten years with an additional sentence of 1,000 lashes despite winning Europe’s Sakharov Prize for his commitment to freedom. As is well known there’s no freedom of religion in Saudi Arabia. Won’t UNH curriculum and skills be used by the kingdom’s rulers in its notorious persecution of its Shia citizens? How will UNH make sure its skills taught to Saudi police won’t be used to track down women involved in such legal “offenses” such as driving cars, violating guardian laws, and not wearing an abaya? The answer is it can’t. The KSA “justice system” often resorts to punishments like whipping, beheading, and crucifixion. It is unconscionable for UNH staff to help KSA security personnel more efficiently arrest those who will eventually suffer such cruel punishments. Finally, Saudi Arabia is involved in a brutal, unprovoked war against forces in neighboring Yemen. Over ten thousand civilians are dead. The wreck of water and sewage systems has resulted in the plague of cholera with over 400,000 cases as of July 2017. UNH must not give any security assistance to a government involved in such a war crime.
    295 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stanley Heller
  • 327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by We Support Nori Cerny
  • Betsy DeVos: Not qualified for secretary of education
    I am a public school teacher in an inner-city school district. Betsy DeVos has no background in public education, ignorance of students will disabilities, and her voucher stance will target the rich. The majority of students attend public schools --- who will be a voice for their education and needs?
    879 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lori Taylor
  • Tell Secretary DeVos: Protect survivors of sexual assault.
    Secretary DeVos’ recent decision to revoke key Title IX protections for survivors of sexual assault sends a dangerous signal to assailants that their crimes will be ignored, jeopardizes the safety of students in America, and makes it harder for survivors to get justice.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by NextGen America
  • Say NO to unqualified teachers in New York State
    With Trump and Betsy DeVos doing their best to try to destroy public education, New York state should be leading the resistance by ensuring a quality public education for every student. But that won’t happen if the hedge funders supporting privatization of our public schools have their way. Newly proposed rules in Albany would let charter school networks, including the Success Academy chain run by Eva Moskowitz and chaired by the now-infamous Dan Loeb, bypass New York’s standards and permanently hire unqualified teachers with as little as 30 hours of classroom instruction under their belt -- with no additional training. That's just wrong. The deadline for public comment on this proposal is September 9th. Add your name here and we will make sure your voice is heard!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Working Families Party
  • Change the South Albany High School Confederate Mascot
    The Rebel mascot stands as a symbol of Confederate ideology, of inequality, slavery, and institutionalized racism. No school should discriminate or alienate their students based on race, but this is exactly what the Rebel mascot does. The Rebel mascot must be changed in order to send a clear message to all that SAHS stands for diversity and acceptance and does not endorse racist ideology.
    361 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Christensen
  • African American History
    African American History started before slavery , cotton and sugar cane, there should be a curriculum established that will arouse the pride and self-esteem of our African American students in the Haywood County Schools.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Darnell Jarrett
  • Gutting public education
    Cutting education has affected the small community where I serve as a school board member. We fight to keep as many dollars in the classroom as possible. Class size affects the effectiveness of a teacher. Right now Title II is gone and Title I has been re-assigned according to system size. Many large systems with plenty of tax revenue are getting more simply because of size.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Hooks
  • Maintain Tanya Harper as Supervisor of Special Services
    This petition seeks to end Clayton School District's history of demoting and or dismissing key employees, especially, African Americans, without just cause. In this case, as parents' overwhelming testimony support, Mrs. Harper is too important as Supervisor of Special Needs than to demote her to a role of chiefly enforcing discipline at Herma Simmons as Asst. Prin.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. James Johnson