Maintain Tanya Harper as Supervisor of Special Needs, in Clayton School DistrictThis petition seeks to end Clayton School District's history of demoting and or dismissing key employees without just cause. In this case, as overwhelming testimony supports, Mrs. Harper is too important as Supervisor of Special Needs than to demote her to a role of chiefly enforcing discipline at Herma Simmons as Asst. Principal.26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Johnson
Petition in Support of the Early Learning Center at UMass BostonWe are parents and friends of the children attending the UMass Boston Early Learning Center (ELC). UMass Boston's decisions about the ELC not only greatly affects the families who send their children to this wonderful center, but it also has an impact on members of UMass Boston staff, faculty, and students who access their resources, the larger Harbor Point and Boston communities, and the ELC staff who work tirelessly to provide quality educational services at the Early Learning Center. When you sign, please tell us your connection to the ELC/UMass Boston (student, faculty, community member, alumni, etc.).13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Jo Connelly
Betsy Devos: Don't Delay Student Loan ProtectionsSince taking over the Department of Education, DeVos has rolled back important protections for students while siding with predatory companies that have a record of scamming borrowers. Most recently, she delayed an update to a rule that lets students pursue cancellation of their federal student loans if their school broke the law. That's why eighteen states and the District of Columbia, Public Citizen, and the Project on Predatory Lending at Harvard Law School have filed lawsuits against DeVos.[1] In the meantime, the Education Department is moving ahead with its ill-conceived plan to turn higher education into a Wild West where predatory for-profit colleges can get away with anything. DeVos and the Trump Administration have taken aim at two rules that hold schools accountable for cheating their students: the Gainful Employment and Borrower Defense rules. And this is all happening while defrauded students and veterans are still waiting on the loan forgiveness owed to them by law following the collapse of scam schools ITT Tech and Corinthian Colleges like Heald, Everest, and WyoTech.[2] Please join us in telling Secretary DeVos to enforce, not delay, these student loan protections! Read more: 1. 18 States Sue Betsy DeVos Over Student Loan Protections, NYTimes, July 6, 2017, http://nyti.ms/2tlAsDg and Public Citizen and Project on Predatory Student Lending Represent Students Suing to Stop Education Department's Illegal Delay, July 6, 2017, http://bit.ly/2tlBHlX 2. DeVos Decision to Delay Borrower Defense is a Slap in the Face to Students, Americans for Financial Reform, June 14, 2017, http://ourfinancialsecurity.org/2017/06/draft-afr-statement-devos-decision-to-delay-borrower-defense-is-a-slap-in-the-face-to-students/3,127 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Americans for Financial Reform
Student LoansWe need to find a way to end the student loan debt crisis. There are so many out there making less than 150k and trying to make ends meet with families. These high student loan debts are making it hard for so many and trying to juggle between paying rent, everyday bills and feeding a household is a huge crisis for many families. The interest alone is hurting everyone. It is time to make a change and end the student loan debt crisis.210 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Freeman
Stop Assembly Bill A1114On Thursday, June 22nd the New Jersey state Assembly passed a bill that would require schools to teach children from K-12 how to interact with police. Assembly Bill A1114 passed in the Assembly 76-0 and was sent to the State Senate Education Committee. The primary sponsors of the bill were Sheila Oliver, Mila Jasey, and Cleopatra Tucker, who represent the Assembly. This bill shifts the burden of a police encounter from the law enforcement professional to the child. The bill requires children to be taught "mutual cooperation;" however, nowhere in the bill does it require law enforcement professionals to be properly trained in respecting the rights guaranteed to every child under the Constitution. The initial version of the bill required schools to teach students how to comply with law enforcement officials but ignored teaching students about their constitutionally protected rights. Out of the nine organizations on the advisory committee, six will represent the law enforcement and public education institutions. Assembly Bill A1114 will strip power from the parent and instead entrust the public education and law enforcement stakeholders to craft a curriculum for your child. Do not let the state indoctrinate your child with a curriculum that shifts the burden on them. The National Independent Black Parent Association is calling on all parents to sign the petition and call NJ Senators to tell them you do not support Bill A1114. Also contact State Senators Teresa Ruiz, Shirley Turner, Diane Allen, James Beach, and Michael Doherty, who are members of the state Senate Education Committee.42 of 100 SignaturesCreated by National Independent Black Parent Association
Reinstate Jessica Olson as Kindergarten Teacher at KHSJess has been an integral part of my family's amazing experience within the Westport school system. She is a constant for many of the children who continue through fifth grade, and then with their siblings. She has taught whole families at KHS and does not deserve to be displaced or removed from her beloved post. Frankly, I'm angry, sad, and hurt that she is being made to leave. I am positive MANY other parents agree with me.64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Allison El-Gamal
Educate Middle Schools on BullyingMiddle schoolers all over the nation are getting bullied and are acting in negative ways to themselves and others. I have dealt with this personally and it has changed me in many ways. This petition is to try to educate middle schoolers on bullying to make sure they deal with it correctly.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Hecker
Adopt a Livermore Safe Haven School ResolutionIn December 2016, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson issued a letter to California’s school officials calling for them to declare their districts and schools "safe havens." Livermore School District has not responded to this call. Protecting our students should include educating and guiding everyone, not only students but our community, toward a civil climate in which everyone is respected regardless of their perceived differences such as race, religion or sexual orientation. Although the protective policies are in place, they are challenging to enforce consistently. Teachers and school administrators could use support in dealing with incidents of hate speech and bullying on campus. Undocumented students and their families need to be assured that they are protected to the full extent of the law. We urge the board to show leadership by making a strong, positive, public statement through adopting a Safe Haven Resolution, followed by full and uniform implementation of its provisions. -------- En diciembre de 2016, Superintendente de Instrucción Pública, Tom Torlakson envió una carta a las autoridades escolares de California pidiendo que declaran sus distritos y las escuelas "Santuarios Escolares". El Distrito Escolar de Livermore no ha respondido a esta llamada. La protección de nuestros estudiantes debe incluir la educación y la guía de todos, no sólo de los estudiantes sino de toda la nuestra comunidad, reafirmando la promoción de un clima de tolerancia civil en donde todos son respetados independientemente de sus diferencias de raza, religión u orientación sexual. Aunque existen medidas de protección, se dificulta su aplicación sistemática. Los maestros y administradores escolares pueden recibir mas apoyo para tratar incidentes de discurso de odio y el acoso en los planteles escolares. Los estudiantes indocumentados y sus familias necesitan tener la seguridad de que gozarán de toda la protección otorgada por la ley. Instamos a la junta escolar que demuestre su liderazgo haciendo una declaración pública, solidaria y positiva mediante la adopción de una Resolución de Santuario Escolar, seguida por la aplicación completa y uniforme de sus disposiciones.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kyoko Takayama
Oppose the Heritage Peak Charter ApplicationThe Vacaville Teachers Association, on May 23rd 2017, voted unanimously to oppose the Heritage Peak Independent Charter application to the Vacaville Unified School District Board. Please add your signature to this petition and show your support for the The Ernest Kimme Charter Academy for Independent Learning by opposing Heritage Peak!29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Corey Penrose
Please notify RVSD of over allocated space and return the classroomsIt is time for RVC leadership to notify RVSD of its over allocation of enrollment and return the rooms so our district can plan for the upcoming school year.851 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Stand with Ross Valley Schools
Maintain Tumwater Hill Elementary student time schedule for 2017-2018.Recently, the Tumwater School District decided to change the starting and ending time of Tumwater Hill Elementary School, our local school, with no input from parents of students! The newly imposed times will be changed from 9:05 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. currently, to 9:25 a.m. through 3:55 p.m. in the 2017-2018 school year. Current run-time for the school ensures our children will not be coming home in the dark - with the new start-up time, our children will be “in the dark” for much of the year, creating difficulties for many, safety problems for young students, and justifiable concern for parents. How will this impact students who ride the bus and arrive at the stop at 4:30 when is it completely dark? So far, the only “reason” District officials have provided concern the “efficiency” of the transportation division’s operation! No mention about how this will impact our local school community - indeed, Tumwater Hill Elementary is the only elementary school facing this imposition from the District administration of a late start of 9:25. No surveys of parents; no meetings for public input on the matter; no academic improvement or performance issues were raised. So the question is: just how will this help our children? Parents need to be involved in this kind of decision making! It is important that the families of students have a “hand” on that clock so their needs are being met through reasonable and appropriate hours and that any contemplated changes are related to the well-being of our children - both in their academic performance and their overall health and safety. Let’s work together on this - I’d like to hear what you think and ask that we, as parents, discuss the change before it goes forward. The next school board meeting is June 15.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jedd
Stop Betsy Devos from Cutting Student Loan ForgivenessI am starting this petition because I am enrolled in the program and I know many nonprofit workers who are also enrolled. It will be much harder for us to pursue our financial goals without this program.367 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Maria Benzie