• Support Disciplinary Action Reform
    To help end the school to prison pipeline and offer a supportive, therapeutic space for troubled and at risk students.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mikayla
  • Renovate Brookville Park Football Field Now!!!
    My son is one of approximately 200 young people who participate as a member of the Rosedale Jets Football Program. The turf field at Brookville Park is cushioned with rubber pellets. Because of normal wear and tear the pellets are no longer under the turf but are escaping and sitting on the surface of the turf. In the age of concussions, this is unacceptable. Our community park needs to be renovated to properly support and serve our young people. This program is helping to not only teach young people football and cheerleading but more importantly, it is a young person's mentoring program to help stem the tide of underperformance in education. As our young people play at different fields in other communities they are given the stark message that they are undeserving of the same quality of public recreation space as their contemporaries. This is unacceptable and we can change this by standing together.
    317 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kareem R. Vessup
  • Illinois House Resolution 677
    Dear Governor Rauner, I am writing in strong support of Illinois House Resolution 677. I believe it is of utmost importance that you fill the vacant positions on the University of Illinois Board of Trustees with appointments that will honor the diversity and reflect the gender makeup of our State. As I am sure you are well aware, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is responsible to the people of Illinois. The responsibility of the Board should include giving a voice to those of us who are underrepresented and under served. I recommend that the ideal way to do this is to have these underrepresented, diverse people in positions of decision-making power so that they can offer their perspective and the perspective of the people they represent. This is a prime opportunity for you, Governor Rauner, to recognize the diversity of our state on a public platform. Diverse appointments to the vacant positions on the University of Illinois Board of Trustees would reinforce in the State’s people that the state of Illinois is a State of acceptance and tolerance. At this time of national unrest, it is particularly important to take the necessary steps to reaffirm our State’s commitment to inclusion and diversity by way of the University of Illinois Board of Trustee members. Thank you in advance for your consideration of my view on this matter that I consider to be of utmost importance. Sincerely, A Concerned Illinois Resident
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ayana Bean-Rice
  • Demand Human Rights Education at Catholic Elementary and High Schools
    When I was in grammar school and high school, I was given no human rights education and no sexual education. People at my schools were also treated very differently based on gender. In high school, I was drugged and raped by a classmate. Being a child with no sex education and no awareness of my own human rights, I did not know that it was rape. I thought it was my fault, and did not even see it as the crime that it was. It took me 11 years to demand that people listen to me and acknowledge what happened to me for what it was: rape. I am still suffering from PTSD 12 years later. I urge you to sign my petition to prevent future children from suffering like I did. You can view an example of the type of curriculum I'd like to see implemented here: http://www.popcouncil.org/research/its-all-one-curriculum-guidelines-and-activities-for-a-unified-approach-to-
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Claire St. Martin
  • Mike Bishop: Save Graduate Education
    This waiver is crucial for the future of research into science, medicine, climate change, and technology. It will make our nation less competitive and lead to relinquishing our status as home to the world's leading research institutions.
    316 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Judy Daubenmier
  • Do NOT eliminate student loan FORGIVENESS
    We should be concerned about the loss of teachers, social workers,nurses, Peace Corps volunteers and many other public service employees. Eliminating this loan forgiveness program will cost us public service professionals and deter those from pursuing careers in the public sector and/or volunteering for the Peace Corps or Americorps.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by kate
  • Fight eliminating loan forgiveness for public service bill
    I have family members who went to graduate school and wanted to give back to society. Their school debt is high, but they felt the worked they did was important. They are working to pay down the loan for 10 years and contribute to society. Now this bill will devastate their future and make many rethink future educational goals. This bill is vile.
    363 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pat Hersey
  • APS: Best Practices in School Climate and Students' Rights
    Preserving the constitutional rights of children in APS is important to us. Virginia currently leads the nation in referring children into the criminal justice system. It is also important to us that this trend, also known as the “school-to-prison pipeline,” be dramatically reduced. Some of the main contributors to the school-to-prison pipeline include zero-tolerance and overly punitive school disciplinary practices, which result in students’ reduced access to instruction. Policies and practices should aim higher. APS should set the bar higher than simply not violating students’ legal rights. Changes made to the 2017-18 APS Handbook that expand search and seizure practices without reference to either reasonable suspicion or probable cause should stop, pending School Board review of the policy and practice. RESOURCES: Information regarding school to prison pipeline and school discipline: https://www.justice4all.org/2015/04/10/report-virginia-tops-nation-in-referring-schoolchildren-to-police/ https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/resources/projects/center-for-civil-rights-remedies/school-to-prison-folder/federal-reports/upcoming-ccrr-research/losen-gillespie-opportunity-suspended-2012.pdf https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school-discipline/data.html http://www.insidenova.com/news/education/law-promotes-alternatives-to-suspending-students-in-virginia-schools/article_9a4d291a-4f83-11e7-8610-1f16c7308a05.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/from-the-classroom-to-the-courts-in-va-too-many-students-get-treated-like-criminals/2017/10/22/119cda9a-b5d9-11e7-9e58-e6288544af98_story.html?utm_term=.5e24812794c7 State Guidance: https://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/sites/dcjs.virginia.gov/files/publications/law-enforcement/virginia-school-law-enforcement-partnership-guide.pdf https://www.dcjs.virginia.gov/sites/dcjs.virginia.gov/files/publications/law-enforcement/virginia-school-law-enforcement-partnership-model-memorandum-understanding.pdf http://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/virginia_tiered_system_supports/positive_behavior/index.shtml Current APS Handbook: https://www.apsva.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Handbook2017-18-EN-FULL.pdf Prior Year APS Handbook: https://www.apsva.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/APSHandbook2016-17.pdf
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Our Revolution Arlington
  • Lamar Finals Schedule
    Students, faculty, and staff of Lamar High School should not be inconvenienced and forced to make up days that were forgiven. Note: we do need more than 50 signatures, so sign away and pass it on.
    712 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Anderson
  • Physical education should be required in all k12 schools.
    We are having a huge problem in America about obese children. Kids are doing less physical activity in schools and out of school. Only 6 states in our country require physical education in the students curriculum. We should promote more activity to the our kids, they are our future.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eusebio Plaza
  • Reinstate Jen Salmon Chelmsford Teacher and Union President
    We, the undersigned, are in full support of Mrs. Jennifer Salmon. We are calling on Superintendent Lang and the Chelmsford school district to do the following: 1. Immediately reinstate Mrs. Salmon to her teaching position; 2. Expunge any reference to her administrative leave from her personnel file; 3. Write a public apology to Mrs. Salmon for the unfair treatment she has endured; and 4. Address the ongoing student safety concerns at Harrington Elementary School that parents and teachers have raised. Mrs. Salmon is the democratically elected president of the Chelmsford Federation of Teachers. She must be able to continue to serve as an advocate for students and as the voice of educators in Chelmsford without fearing for her job. She is tireless in her efforts on behalf of students and educators and must be immediately allowed to resume that critical work. The issues raised by this incident also go well beyond Mrs. Salmon. All Chelmsford teachers need the freedom to address concerns in their classroom so they can be effective advocates for their students. We urge the superintendent and school district to work with educators to promote a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Please join us Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 5:15pm for a 6pm meeting start time, if you are upset and impacted as we are. Chelmsford Administrative Offices 230 North Road Chelmsford, MA 01824
    4,337 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Maccomack
  • Media Literacy in Indiana
    Media and technology have become commonplace in all areas of our lives. In our classrooms, students must learn how to safely, ethically, responsibly, and effectively use media and technology resources.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BRANDON T RIGDON