South Carolina Educators: Time to Take Action!When are teachers and support staff in South Carolina going to get organized to demand higher salaries and more funding for education? We teachers are not only underpaid compared to other professions, but do not have access to resources in the classroom to provide a quality education to all students. All the years we’ve spent in college preparing to educate future generations, as well as the countless hours we spend at home grading papers and preparing lessons, have been totally discounted by our legislators who only approved a 2% raise for next year. I’m a single parent living in Charleston, a very EXPENSIVE place to live, who can’t even afford to rent a place on my own. Sometimes I wonder why we are constantly reminding students of the value of education when teachers with one or two master’s degrees are struggling to provide for their families. I also wonder why our leaders ignore the fact that a higher investment in education will have a more significant economic growth as a nation. Last, I wonder how the state will handle teacher shortages when teachers are undervalued, unsupported, underpaid and overworked. Educators and students deserve better! Let’s take action! Change will only happen if we join our efforts to fight for a just cause!24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leticia Reed
FBISD Rezoning- Hightower HighschoolThis community is in jeopardy of losing Hightower High School to prevent overcrowding at Ridgepoint High School. Our children's education is just as important and should be considered a priority. We do not want our children uprooted from their education. There are other FBISD High Schools near by. Why are they not being considered for rezoning?448 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Paula
Demand equal access to higher education for CT undocumented studentsOur immigrant communities are under attack on the national level. But Connecticut can do better. We can rise above the inability of Washington to protect its people, by supporting undocumented youth in Connecticut. If politicians in DC won't act, our leaders in CT must. Connecticut has a responsibility to live up to its ideals and to continue being a state where all its residents are valued, safe, and allowed to reach their full potential. That's why I support HB 503195 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carolina Bortolleto
Petition to Use Dine-In Dollars at the Co-OpUnfair payment at UT21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Du
Sandites WallpaperSo that we will be able to set our own wallpapers for our Chromebooks.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Regan
Lower prices for school activitesMany students all around the world as well as here at Vanden cant afford to go to any school functions like dances or sports games,we want to lower the prices so that everyone can go.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by logan greenwalt
Say YES to recess in AZ k-5 SchoolsWe are seeking community support for SB1083. If signed into law, this would require all K-5 schools in AZ to allow children two 15 minute recess periods per day. Many schools provided this at some point, but have since removed most or all recess from their daily schedules. Recess and unstructured play improve cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development; these are the foundations for "whole healthy children." Recess has been proven to significantly decrease anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorders, childhood obesity, diabetes and heart disease in youth. Sign our petition and tell your senators, representatives, and Governor Ducey, the time to take action is now! Restore recess for Arizona's kids!129 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lauren Heichel
Stand Up for Westbury StudentsWestbury schools are not receiving its fair share of funding. New York State owes Westbury schools $39,000,000, but yet, funds this high-needs district with significantly less. Challenges faced in our district include rising enrollment, space constraints, additional resources for diverse learners and increased poverty. Funding is needed to maintain resources to meet increased needs while closing the achievement gap.1,378 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by WTA
Early School Start TimesMany adolescents are experiencing lack of sleep, which can cause their brains to develop differently, due to early school start times.38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alberto Uriostegui
Repeal NYS Teacher Evaluation Laws 3012-c and 3012-d-Evaluating teachers based on student results on tests and other student assessments that were never designed to rate educators is neither a scientifically or educationally sound way to be used for a Measure of Student Learning portion of a teacher's rating. -The Measure of Teacher Practice portion of teacher evaluations is subjective and highly unfair, particularly in NYC where the Danielson Framework has been used not to help teachers grow as professionals but as a weapon to frighten teachers into teaching to score points on arbitrary rubrics in multiple unnecessary classroom observations. We demand the repeal Education Law 3012-c and 3012-d and the return of teacher evaluation to local districts, free from state mandates. For more information, go to: http://iceuftblog.blogspot.com/2018/03/petition-to-repeal-nys-teacher.html http://iceuftblog.blogspot.com/2018/03/uft-lobbies-in-albany-saying-nyc.html1,408 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by James Eterno
Wyckoff Observation of MLK DayTo remind our community about the importance of reflecting on Dr. King's foundational work around "Equality and for All" and to ensure our children are being taught that message in order to carry it forward for future generations to create a more fair and just world.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Renee Kaspar
Pink Slips in ScrantonThe Pennsylvania auditor general cited the Scranton School District as the "worst audit" he has ever seen. The district's response is to furlough 98 teachers, including: Librarians (all), Health/Physical Education, Art, English, Science, Special Education, Mathematics, Family Consumer Science, Music and Industrial Arts On Feb. 9, 2018, the general counsel of the governor’s office sent a letter to the Scranton School District saying, "... the District [must] immediately discontinue and reverse any action to suspend any professional employee. ..." Further, if the district refuses to comply, then it would "... lead to the Department taking action to protect the students and employees of the District." The Scranton School District has chosen to ignore the governor! Sign this petition demanding that the Scranton School District board of directors follow the recommendation of the Office of General Counsel and immediately reinstate the 98 educators who received pink slips.377 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Asher Huey