Our PicK is Nick! Keep Dr. Nick Manolakos as Headmaster of Odyssey Charter SchoolOCS student education is a top priority! Our school is a community, comprised of caring individuals like Dr. Nick, who see the value in faculty, parents and students who work together towards a common goal. A goal to create a school environment where students feel safe and are encouraged to become the "best that they can be."48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joanne Laurent
Make bullying a Federal Offense and classified as a Hate crimeThe bullying must stop; parents held accountable for their children's actions. The damage done lasts a lifetime and is causing more suicides every day. Teachers ignore, and the schools. I'm a parent of someone who was bullied so badly he has been in psychiatric therapy his whole life. He has tried 9 times to end his life and will be in therapy the rest of his life. He has been diagnosed with so many mental disabilities, beaten so many times, suffered repeated head trauma. A child's brain is still developing at the tender age of 6 years old when his bullying first started. And I was at his school every day. Nothing was ever done. I eventually even homeschooled. Teachers came to my home. My son is now a grown man and the damage is already done. We must stop the bullying. As Administrator of Suicide Shatters Loved ones and Families, my members are growing; our children ending their lives. This must stop. We must remove the stigma attached to those who suffer from mental-illness bullying causes. Our children suffer in silence. I have had my own son in therapy for over 22 years, and he will be in therapy the rest of his life. I watched my happy little boy become a sad insecure child, teen, and now a man. I pray every night I will wake up with him still with us. Bullying is a crime of hate and as such should be classified as one. And now the cycle begins again with my own grandson. It is time to make bullying a Federal offense and a hate crime because it is a crime of hate, and that hate is taking the lives of our children every day. We must take action to secure the safety of our children, mentally and physically. Parents need to be held accountable for the cruel actions of their children. They are aware of their actions, especially when the schools do notify them and they do nothing; chalk it up to kids will be kids. Well bullying is not acceptable and it affects our children the rest of their lives. So many take their lives due to bullying and it must stop. With the internet, it is even worse and without it, it still goes on, only on the streets, in our schools. We Must Save our Children. Stop The Bullying and Save Our Children.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth DeJesus Jacot
Underfunded K-12 school districtMy children deserve to have the same available resources our surrounding towns offer. Manville needs a fairer distribution of state aid for the 2018/2019 school year to fund essential services for our students while providing relief for taxpayers!256 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robin Taylor
SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE WITH MS. CHATMANThe whole freshman population is upset by this teacher (and mrs. lynch but we'll leave her alone for now,, mrs. henry is great tho) and the kids targeted have started talking about dropping out of high school entirely.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by the whole class tbh
McClave School District: Support the Administration/StaffParents and certain teachers have created issues within the McClave School District and presented requests/demands to the Board of Education. We would like to show our support of the current Administration and staff that have been the target of those demands/complaints.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karla Sniff
Bring Back Spanish to NoeckerI have started this petition because I am extremely concerned with the quality of Spanish instruction that our children will receive, if they are not taught by a Certified Spanish teacher. As a parent who also happens to speak Spanish as a second language, I could tell you with certainty that our children will not benefit from sitting in front of a computer to learn Spanish. In order to learn a language, children need to interact with a teacher who has expertise in the language. In addition, when our children start West Essex Middle school, they will behind the other children from towns that have Spanish teachers in their school district.205 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Mary Ann Nolfi
Save The Dance Program at Springfield CollegeDance is an expressive art form that allows individuals to express themselves, heal themselves and reflect on society. As a dance major at Springfield College, I am going to fight the threat to cut the dance program and in doing so I hope to save something that has literally saved my life.692 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Alexandra MacPherson
Racism in our SchoolsI am starting this petition to make a small attack on racism. Black students getting suspended is the beginning of the school-to-prison pipeline. This is a small solution that can have a big impact because education is a big tool which if you lack is damaging. So if we can't stop students from getting suspended, let's stop the aftermath. Let's give them a chance to get a second chance.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marie
SCREW COMMON CORESome of the problems we had included wrong concepts. One of the problems we had for homework was miswritten, and oversimplified. This shows the ignorance that common core writers have towards learners.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by bob
Oppose California AB-1754 Pre-K for All Act of 2018I have personally had over 1,000 children in my school over the past fifteen years. While I believe in the method we use (which happens to be Montessori), I know it's not for everyone. I frequently recommend other environments for some of the children that I meet - every child has differing needs. It's important that we keep the choices alive. If this bill passes, private choices will be greatly reduced, and more people will have to entrust the state to create the educational foundation for our children.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yogi Patel
Save our school: Thurgood Marshall High SchoolFBISD is proposing to close Thurgood Marshall High School and repurpose the school as an Early College Program (Academy HS). The district is also considering rezoning Marshall students to surrounding high schools to reduce the overcrowding at Ridge Point HS. Sign the petition! Help stop the proposed rezoning plan to remove Thurgood Marshall High School. Don't let them close our school!227 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Kim
Stand Up for Us! The Westbury Students.Westbury schools are not receiving its fair share of funding. New York State voted for the Foundation Aid to raise only to 48.7%. Challenges faced in our district include rising enrollment, space constraints, additional resources for diverse learners and increased poverty. Funding is needed to maintain resources. We are asking for the aid gap to be shortened through “The Bullet and/or Categorical Aid” or any other aid funding source the state can provide. Without additional funding or with the current budget there will be significant cuts in our programs, staffing and extra curricular activities. This will have an impact on student achievement.306 of 400 SignaturesCreated by TFA Students