Don't Walk Out on Our KidsThe Red for Ed movement is threatening another walk out on our children. We do not support this! Using the children as pawns in this agenda is crossing the line and we support other methods that don't directly hurt the children's education.99 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tina
Bring Back Our Parent Coordinator*Mrs. Julian was wrongfully terminated on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 *Mrs. Julian has been a pillar of the school and the community for over 20 years. *Mrs. Julian has been an advocate for the past and present students and their families. *Mrs. Julian has been a strong, sympathetic, well-respected individual to our school and community. *We need to keep such individuals around. *ARE WE BUILDING UP OR TEARING DOWN OUR SCHOOL P.S. 202 K?81 of 100 SignaturesCreated by P.S. 202 K PTA
Stop Standardized TestsPlease encourage our elected officials to stop the testing wars. We need highly qualified teachers teaching and enriched curriculum, not stressed-out teachers teaching to the test.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brittany Smithson
No More Inedible School Lunches!We need to change the menu. Our country is sadly the #1 country with the highest obesity rates, estimated at 160 million Americans being overweight. The outcome of the public schools' foods has been deteriorating these children's health level, and the scale is dropping even lower. Not only is there obesity, but there's a high rate of anemia, which is a condition of losing healthy, red blood cells caused by a poor diet and insufficient exercise. Already thousands of parents have complained about the foul food that is dared to reach into their children's bodies, but there are still so many schools that allow containing frozen and artificial foods, including vending machines filled with chips and chocolate bars. We need a change now!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Earth Souldiers
WE SUPPORT BOP TV STUDIOS!Hello, Bop TV Supporters and Viewers, Rosalie Wright Elementary School in SW Atlanta has sat empty for approx. 10 years. BOP TV would like to take this abandoned building and turn it into a Media/Arts/Technology training center, offices and TV studio. WHY?... We need to get our kids off the street! Lets do something more to help stop the prison Pipeline!This Transformation will help undeserved Atlanta residents by providing access to technology and a growing film industry. I Have created a petition to Andrea L. Boone, Atlanta City councilwoman, Michael Julian Bond, Atlanta City Councilman, and 14 others. How you Can Help... Will you sign this petition?..... It wont take long Thanks so much! Michael Campbell554 of 600 SignaturesCreated by MICHAEL CAMPBELL
Improve Stratford School LunchesI have started this petition because I am a student of the Stratford Public Schools and all my 13 years of living in Stratford I have never once enjoyed the lunches and felt like I was consuming something worth paying for. And there has to be a change in the food. The Stratford Board of Education's policy for the lunches are that they must provide nutritionally balanced and attractive lunches available to all students with sufficient time allowed for eating, and what I and most of my student body are not receiving.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Raissa Karim
Don't Eliminate the Diversity SpecialistOne of the budget options on the table with the Central York School Board will be voted on Monday is eliminating the diversity specialist. This will essentially cut the only staff dedicated to advocating for students and families in issues of bias. If you are in the district please call and email board members, and sign this petition to let them know this eliminating this vital service is not an option for our students and families.114 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kraig Hursh
We are Worth It: Invest In Our Future, Keep HLCI and other students have a deep concern for the worth of our degrees once we receive our diplomas from LSTC. We want LSTC to be the best it can be, and we want our hard work to pay off when we go out into the academic world applying for jobs.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas R. Gaulke
Save the MMLCWe are calling out to Reddies and our community to show their support and keep the MMLC the way it is. As of Thursday, May 3rd, seven HSU employees were let go including our supervisor of student workers at the MMLC and our Digital Artist. It was later revealed by Henderson that they plan on "outsourcing" the center. The MMLC has been a resource to students, faculty, organizations, alumni, and many community members for decades. We pride ourselves on being a center that focuses on our patrons and not profit (we sell all of our materials for the cost to restock). HSU should be focusing first on students with their budget cuts and changes to the university. Please show your support by keeping the MMLC open and the way it is by signing our petition. Thank you so much for your support. After all, how can we call ourselves Reddies if we are only able to print in black and white? #savetheMMLC717 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cydney Curtis
Bus Monitors Needed at HESMy son Silas has been physically assaulted by the same student twice this year. The school is aware of the issue and is not providing adequate action to make me feel like my children are safe on the bus. Upon sharing this with other parents I was made aware of many other situations that have occurred on the HES Buses that should not happen. Our kids deserve to be safe at school and on the buses.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Shannon Arce
Busing Children from Their Daycare to SchoolThis is to petition changes to the busing system in Orchard Park School District. Current policy is that the district will provide busing to and from a daycare facility within the boundaries of your child's elementary school. South Davis and Ellicott Elementary schools do not have a daycare facility within their busing boundaries. Thus we would like OP to provide busing for children from OP daycare centers to South Davis and Ellicott Elementary schools.126 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Natalie Burns
Design/Redesign Playgrounds to Enable Children With Disabilities to be Able to Play.I am personally affected by this issue, given that I am a future educator and will surely be working with kids who have disabilities. This issue affects everyone because if we are not inclusive as a society we are missing out on different perspectives and experiences that people with disabilities bring to the table. I hope that by creating this petition the state of Texas will begin designing and redesigning play-spaces with all children in mind.46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Reed Cowen