Reinstate Jen Salmon Chelmsford Teacher and Union PresidentWe, the undersigned, are in full support of Mrs. Jennifer Salmon. We are calling on Superintendent Lang and the Chelmsford school district to do the following: 1. Immediately reinstate Mrs. Salmon to her teaching position; 2. Expunge any reference to her administrative leave from her personnel file; 3. Write a public apology to Mrs. Salmon for the unfair treatment she has endured; and 4. Address the ongoing student safety concerns at Harrington Elementary School that parents and teachers have raised. Mrs. Salmon is the democratically elected president of the Chelmsford Federation of Teachers. She must be able to continue to serve as an advocate for students and as the voice of educators in Chelmsford without fearing for her job. She is tireless in her efforts on behalf of students and educators and must be immediately allowed to resume that critical work. The issues raised by this incident also go well beyond Mrs. Salmon. All Chelmsford teachers need the freedom to address concerns in their classroom so they can be effective advocates for their students. We urge the superintendent and school district to work with educators to promote a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Please join us Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 5:15pm for a 6pm meeting start time, if you are upset and impacted as we are. Chelmsford Administrative Offices 230 North Road Chelmsford, MA 018244,337 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Maccomack
Media Literacy in IndianaMedia and technology have become commonplace in all areas of our lives. In our classrooms, students must learn how to safely, ethically, responsibly, and effectively use media and technology resources.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by BRANDON T RIGDON
Make the CHEN 200 Take Home Test Due on Monday November 27, 2017We just want to pass this class and not come back next year.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Helen
Department ExamThe test was not on the original syllabus when registering for courses, therefore it is unfair for current students to be unwilling guinea pigs in an experiment we didn't sign up for, especially if it affects our overall grades14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robel Mulugeta Adamu
Stop the Involuntary Transfer of Debbie Rogan from Hidden Valley Elementary SchoolMy name is Alicia Said and my family and I have been a part of the Hidden Valley School community for over 10 years. I am writing today to ask the School board to please reconsider the transfer of Debbie Rogan (Roach) from our school community. For those of you who may not know Mrs. Debbie Rogan, she was the “Child Care Lead” at the Hidden Valley Satellite campus that was recently destroyed by the fires. Debbie has been working at Hidden Valley Satellite School serving our children and community for 25 years. Debbie Rogan has been given a notice of 10 days prior to her transfer. If this passes, Debbie will not be back after the 2017 “Thanksgiving Holiday” break. Our kids will be hit yet again with another tragic loss, a loss that can be avoided. It has now been 5 weeks since the tragedy of the recent fires. These fires left our community in state of disarray, loss and emotional instability, not only for our community and school but for our children. The Satellite campus kids have not only lost their homes, but their school and if this decision passes Debbie Rogan as well. Our school has been hit the hardest during these fires and losing one or any of our daycare providers is an act of cruelty and insensitivity by the district. Debbie Rogan is a familiar face, a symbol of love, safety and continuity. As a parent, Debbie has been an ally for my kids, a means of emotional support and friend. Our daycare providers are a huge part of our kid’s emotional recovery as they begin to process the gravity and magnitude of the fires. To remove Debbie Rogan or any of our daycare providers would be another tragic loss for our kids, our school and our community as a whole. If you agree, please join me by signing this petition against the transfer of Debbie Rogan, Child Care Lead at Hidden Valley Elementary School.153 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Alicia Said
Equal Pay For Equal Work in Higher EducationI taught 12 4-credit courses last year at Portland Community College and served on two committees. Full-time faculty teach 9 courses per year, so I worked 1.33 FTE, but because I am classified as an adjunct instructor I earned about $30,000 instead of about $60,000. Although my position would qualify towards student loan forgiveness, it does not because I am not classified as a full-time employee. Make equal pay for equal work the standard in higher eduction. I and other hard-working educators like me appreciate your support so we don't have to get our groceries at the food bank. Certain matters like this one should not be left to unions to negotiate but should be guaranteed by law, just as minimum wage is.37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Chao
No two tests on one dayI am starting this petition because school kills and i have heard of many instances where people have killed themselves from stress. This is bad and this petition will help millions14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ben
Stop GOP tax plan from eliminating graduate school for our childrenFor many Americans, the American dream includes many years of graduate school and extremely frugal living along the journey to a Ph.D. Traditionally, in a great many fields (such as biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics), the only way this has been possible is through teaching and/or research assistantships, which grant graduate students with a small stipend (in the ~$20K-$30K/year range) to live. This Republican move will almost certainly guarantee that middle and lower class highly talented and intelligent people will be locked out of higher education.552 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Mary Ellen Wilson
Eastern Michigan University Leadership: Send the AP deal to EMU faculty for a thorough reviewJoin EMU faculty and lecturers to tell our Board of Regents: Hit the pause button on a secretive, multimillion dollar deal with an out-of-state firm called Academic Partnerships. Faculty and the EMU community should conduct an open, public review of this agreement to sell EMU branded degrees entirely online, with no in-person instruction. All EMU programs, online or in-person, must be consistent with our mission to provide a diverse student body with a high-quality, affordable education. From what we know so far – which isn’t much, because EMU isn’t saying much about this new program – we’re concerned that the online degrees offered by Academic Partnerships will not meet EMU’s standards. Students in these degree programs may never interact with EMU professors. In fact, there may not actually be professors for these courses. The actual work of teaching – online discussion, tutoring, grading – will likely be done by online “coaches.” The “coaches” who will teach EMU students don’t work for EMU. They won’t even work for Academic Partnerships. They will be hired by another out-of-state firm called Instructional Connections – which pays them extremely low wages. EMU and Academic Partnerships are already marketing and delivering a completely online Nursing degree. More programs, including entirely online Bachelor’s degrees, are set to launch in January. For these online degrees, Academic Partnerships will walk away with 50% of EMU tuition and fees. It’s time to hit the pause button and send this secretive deal back to the EMU faculty for a thorough review. Online instruction has a place in higher education. But it should never totally replace the world-class teaching and scholarship that takes place on our campus. EMU-AAUP and EMUFT1,154 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Judith Kullberg
Support Band and Orchestra in Wilmette Public School District 39On October 23rd, 2017, the District 39 Board of Education unanimously voted on a formal statement of recommendation to the District 39 administration that "it should no longer be the practice of the district that grades for extra-curricular activities, including band, be a part of school report cards." In this statement and subsequent discussion that followed the vote, the Board has expressed a desire to alter the instrumental music program and remove its successful curricular structures, assessments, and overall accountability. We ask that before the board take any further action, they provide research to support their position. To view the board's statement and discussion, go to 2:35:00 at this address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrlwvjRDkig&feature=youtu.be.To see just a sampling of research that a quality band and orchestra program is beneficial, go to this address: https://evancanel.wixsite.com/musicadvocate468 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Evan Canel
Give YMLA What It's Earned & Deserves, A Full & Complete SchoolThe Fort Worth Young Men's Leadership Academy (YMLA) has established an exceptional record of high academic performance. These young men continue to make the grade. Also, YMLA is a 5A school with a successful athletic program. Yet, the FWISD Long Range Master Facilities Plan requires them to share the athletic facility belonging to another school. This would leave YMLA scholars with less than what they currently have, which is very little. YMLA wants to maintain its distinct identity as well. Funds for a long overdue, new school have been allocated in the 2017 Penny Swap/Bond Proposal. Please sign our petition if you agree that the scholars of YMLA deserve, and should be built, a full and complete school or renovate its current campus to include adequate facilities to support a full athletic program in addition to classrooms, labs, music and art departments.164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by YMLA Parents
Open campus at MohonasenEvery student at Mohonasen has complained about school lunches or not being able to leave during a study hall. With an open campus, we would be able to go to a local chain of fast food or even go home until we had our next class.351 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Mason