• Make the Litter Bugs Pay to Clean up Texas
    Currently ALL Texans pay a price to clean up litter from our parks and waterways, but only some Texans litter. NOT fair! If Texas placed a 5 cent DEPOSIT on the purchase of each beverage container (plastic bottle, aluminum can, or glass bottle) then we would dramatically reduce the number of empty containers littering Texas’ rivers and land. Then if a purchaser pitched their beverage container on the ground (instead of taking it in to redeem the 5 cent deposit) someone else can pick it up and claim that money! Learn more at www.TexasBottleBill.com.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JLengfellner
  • Ban All Fracking in Florida
    Fracking is dangerous for the environment and people living near where it is done.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by oebm bendrah
  • Arizona Bottle Bill
    Arizona's beautiful landscape is marred by broken glass, empty glass and plastic bottles and beverage cans. Urban areas have more recycling options, but rural Arizona has become a trash midden. Imposing a 2.5-cent recycling fee per bottle and can would increase recycling, reduce unnecessary waste, clean up the landscapes on which so much of our tourism economy depends, and could provide an allowance supplement for youngsters.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Holly Wagner
  • Stop wasteful burning of natural gas in the North Dakota Bakken oil fields.
    The North Dakota Bakken oil fields are burning off enough Natural Gas each day to heat Half Million homes. We need 100,000 signatures in the next thirty days!
    385 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Roger Stauss
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert e. Deininger
  • Support national climate conversation with President Obama, on a 10-point plan.
    There needs to be more input from the public on developing a comprehensive plan. This 10-point plan is a work-in-progress, with input coming in from the public through the Transition Express Campaign, initially designed from research done on educated minds focused on climate solutions.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Priscilla Rich
  • Solar White House
    Let's put visible, functional and aesthetically-pleasing solar panels on the south lawn of the White House! We have just four short years until a new President is sworn in, one who may not share our commitment to sustainable energy sources or honor our promise to respond to the threat of climate change! Please sign this petition, share it with everyone you know and then let's throw a big potluck in the park across the street to celebrate once our dream becomes a reality! :)
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Chartrand Wallace
  • Support ethical fracking regulation in NC
    North Carolina’s water ecosystem needs protection from exploitation. PA and WY frack sites warns us that fracking for limited gas resources is not worth the price of long term public health problems.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Kaufmann
  • Fracking Slurry
    Many slurry compositions are patented and hence the content is public record. It is tru that slight difference may make a difference in efficiency and provide a competitive advantage in extraction, and this is a legitimate argument for being maintained as "trade secrets". However, the subltleties of appropriate monitoring and regulation for protection of ari and water quality outweigh "trade secret" advantages and the loss of secretiveness will be shared in common by all producers, and they may even learn from one another more effective extraction methods and simultaneously better protect the air and water AND improve their capacity to reusse and recycle and reclaim components of the slurry and actually save money and increase profits for them all. John R. Dykers, Jr. MD
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John R. Dykers, Jr. MD
  • Clear the skies
    Utah now has the dirtiest air in the nation. It's not safe to breathe. So let's stop drilling, stop using more coal and stop refinery expansion AND STOP THE POLLUTION. Let's really go green and not just talk about it. Let's welcome Green Groups like the Outdoor Retailers...and tell the oil companies to take a hike.
    334 of 400 Signatures
    Created by mike eberlein
  • Ban Fracking in North Carolina
    Americans don't want fracking - Fracking is bad for our health, water, air and leaves wasteland in it's wake. North Carolina is perfectly situated for wind and solar which are clean and are the biggest job producers now and good for the environment and their use can help curb global warming.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tucker Bailey
  • Govenor Snyder: put a moratorium on fracking in michigan until the industry proves there is no en...
    I always wanted to buy land in northern "pure" Michigan to start a small farm. As I began to look closer I found that northern Michigan is full of oil and gas drilling sites many of which are fracking. I have come to know that fracking creates immense waste water as a byproduct which is pumped back deep into the ground where no one can see it. This waste water contains toxic chemicals many of which the industry refuses to disclose, and they are putting it into our water tables. Stop this environmental catastrophe before its too late.
    483 of 500 Signatures
    Created by gary turner