• Renewable Energy, not Fossil Energy
    The US must accelerate its use of renewable energy and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. Consuming fossil fuels causes global warming and makes our country dependent on unstable foreign governments for its energy supply thereby reducing our global security.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Rosenblum
  • Keystone Tar Sands Pipeline to a Vote
    WE THE PEOPLE... should be able to VOTE on whether or not we want ANOTHER oil pipeline through our state. WE THE PEOPLE... should not leave such an important decison to our elected representatives that are quite honestly displaying policies now of BIG OIL. SO Prove IT! Prove that you are not in the pockets of big oil, start telling the whole truth about TAR SANDS dirty oil AND LET'S BRING THIS TO A VOTE IN NEBRASKA!
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pamela D. Ashburn
  • Support A Process for "Good Samaritans" to Improve Water Quality at Abandoned Mines Where There I...
    Current federal laws and policies do not allow a process for "Good Samaritans" to improve water quality through clean-up or mitigation of acid mine drainage from abandoned mines that involves the long-term discharge of water without fear of longterm financial liability and being subject to citizen lawsuits if improved water quality does not fully meet Clean Water Act/TMDL standards. There are hundreds of thousands of abandoned mines in the U.S., many over 50-100 years old, and for which no responsible party is known. Allowing Good Samaritans to measurably and demonstratably improve water quality where there may be acidic and metal-laden waters draining from abandoned mine features will have positive impacts by creating jobs, and REDUCING costs for providing potable drinking water in headwaters communities. In addition, improving water quality could provide many significant positive economic benefits such as to improving fisheries and functional habitat, improved agricultural yields, enhanced opportunities for industrial and municipal uses, improving outdoor recreational opportunities, and providing primary and secondary job opportunities. Removing toxic metals such as cobalt, zinc, aluminum, cadmium, and others could provide a source of metals that can in turn be used for manufacturing solar panels, batteries, or other components of the new energy economy.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Commissioner Lynn Padgett
  • We Are the Clean 99%
    This is a PLEDGE to alert Congress to a growing voting bloc devoted towards Congressional action on transitioning to clean energy. Why? JOBS, HEALTH, SECURITY! Tell Congress that’s why you'll VOTE for Clean Energy Candidates! * JOBS: a clean energy transition means many more jobs than the fossil fuel industry offers. * HEALTH: stop the debilitating fossil fuel air and water pollution that costs Americans big-time annually. * SECURITY: make America truly energy independent, and slow climate change! The language of Congress is votes. This is the way to get them to move on transitioning to clean energy. Once you've signed, PLEASE POST THIS FAR AND WIDE! THIS NEEDS TO GO VIRAL!! I could really use help to market this online -- please email me if you can help promote this, or have ideas! THANKS!
    878 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary Ellen Harte
  • Fracking Moratorium
    Sign it to protect both the cleanness of our water and the very solidity of the earth beneath our feet. No more fracking until we get a handle on all its affects. Once we do, we can discuss either lifting the moratorium or putting in a permanent ban, depending on what the data shows us. There are other things we can do besides frack for necessary energy, but there is NO substitute for either clean water to drink, wash with and irrigate nor for the very planet on which we stand.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Meadows
  • water shades
    We need to protect our water shed from pollution and corporations
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tomas Monter-Rangel
  • Make the University of Technology Sydney Fairtrade
    Universities across Australia and the world are making the choice to become Fairtrade Universities. If the University of Technology Sydney doesn't start the process of gaining Fairtrade accreditation it will be left behind. The Vice-Chancellor and President of the University Council, Professor Ross Milbourne needs to be told that UTS students and staff want our university to become a Fairtrade university. Please add your name to this petition if you, as a staff member or student of UTS believe we should start the process of becoming Fairtrade accredited.
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Blunt
  • No Port in Southport
    For some time the State of North Carolina has contemplated putting a large container port on the shore bordering Southport, an scenic fishing village of about 3000 people. It is the site of the sate's 4 of July Parade and has one of the most scenic Main Streets in the country. Moreover, it is a biodiversity hotspot: fish, marshlands, bird nesting sanctuaries, and sea turtle habitat. A container port would destroy all that we have and make us sick with diesel particulates and other carcinogens. Stop this port now and forever!
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Sepsenwol
  • Tell the USDA to Stop Chemical Warfare on Our Food!
    The U.S. Military notoriously used Agent Orange in the Vietnam War to defoliate forested and rural land to deprive combatants of tree cover and plant food sources. The Military's application of this highly toxic chemical had devastating effects on the environment and on human life. Now, one of the makers of Agent Orange, Dow Chemicals, seeks approval of corn and other crops that are resistant to 2, 4-D, a chemical in Agent Orange. If these crops are approved, farmers who plant them will be required to use herbicides containing 2, 4-D to manage weed growth.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer L Thompson
  • Unfloride
    Please remove fluoride from public water sources.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria
  • Ban Fracking
    Because fracking has been linked to various cancers-including ovarian and testicular, spontaneous abortion, and air and water pollution, we must ban the practice. Like nuclear power, it is not viable without massive government subsidies. The clean-up bills should not be left to taxpayers!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jeffrey ellenberger
  • Ban Fracking
    Because fracking has been linked to various cancers, including ovarian and testicular, spontaneous abortion, and air and water pollution, we muast ban the practice.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jeffrey ellenberger