• Pass a Yemen War Powers Resolution to End the Yemen War
    56 Senators voted for the Bernie Sanders - Mike Lee - Chris Murphy Yemen War Powers Resolution to end unconstitutional U.S. participation in the Saudi war in Yemen, which has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, with millions of human beings on the brink of famine. But outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan used parliamentary tricks to block action in the House. As soon as the new Congress is seated, Congress should pass a Yemen War Powers Resolution to end the war and save the lives of millions of human beings.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert R Naiman
  • Censure Donald Trump for condoning the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
    We are all affected by Donald Trump's statements about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia's head of government and his agents. His amoral lies and equivocations are done in our name.
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Linda Ackerman
  • Demand Mike Pompeo do more to stop genocide against Rohingya Muslims
    As a daughter of Holocaust survivors, I feel a strong obligation to speak out against genocide wherever and to whomever it occurs.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Altman
  • Help Yemen
    Because no one is talking about it like we should such as The Spanish Cuban Wars or The Taliban killing girls. These children are being starved slowly because of Saudia Arabians wanting control of the land. Why are we trusting a country that is opening doing this. I am so angry.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melina
  • Stop Ethnic Cleansing of Harari People in Ethiopia
    This petition is to seek relief for the ancient and historic city of Harar, located in Eastern Ethiopia, and its residents who are under unprecedented siege. The citizens are being systematically persecuted, as they are forcefully removed from their homes and businesses; beaten, and even killed by some elements of the majority Oromo fringe group known as (Queerro), whose mob style intimidation won’t be stopped by the weak regional government and alas ignored by the Federal government. The Federal government is not upholding its solemn duty of protecting minorities and the desperate cries of the Harari people for help have fallen on deaf ears. The population of Harar is denied access to clean water and garbage disposal. Furthermore, the lawless mob is Hararis are beaten by thugs in clear daylight, while the hapless local police or Federal forces stand by and refuse to intercede and protect human rights and property rights of Harari citizens. The region is mired in a lawless atmosphere whereby some Oromo squatters lay claim to land and property belonging to Hararis, by forcefully occupying residential properties, schools, businesses, roads and public parks. This must not stand!! We, Hararis residing in California hereby appeal to our senators, asking them to intercede and issue a stern warning and convey our concerns to US Department of State, the Federal Government of Ethiopia, and the US Embassy in Ethiopia.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kalifa Omar
  • Stop war in Yemen
    The immorality of the destruction of human lives in Yemen for profit by our Government by selling arms to the new Saudi tyrant MBS for his immoral war.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn Rehman
  • Return the Remains of Jamal Khashoggi to His Family
    The Saudi government admits that Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in its consulate in Istanbul, Turkey by its own agents but has yet to offer any official indications about the fate of his body. So added to the terrible grief felt by the family over the murder is their humiliation as they cannot even offer a proper burial for their loved one. Khashoggi’s family is not alone in this suffering. At the start of 2016, Sheikh Nimr al Nimr was executed and his body never given to his family for burial. In fact, this cruel practice of not returning a body of an executed prisoner or of someone killed in a police raid is estimated to have taken place over 30 times in the last two years. It is brutal and immoral and should stop. The U.S. government which counts the Saudi monarchy as a close ally must pressure the Saudi government to release the body of Khashoggi. He was a resident of the United States and a journalist for one of the U.S.’ most famous newspapers. Certainly, our government which sells the Saudis so many weapons and supports its war in Yemen has enormous influence over the kingdom and can demand this act of decency.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stanley Heller
  • JAMAL KHASHOGGI AVENUE -- Honor Slain Journalist Jamal Khashoggi by renaming 25th Street N.W. in ...
    In Pursuit of Justice; to Preserve and Promote Democracy and its Essential Principles -- in particular, Pursuit of Truth and Justice through Freedom of Speech and the Press -- for all Posterity, Lest We Forget What those Principle Are; to Honor the Sacrifices and Courage that Countless Journalists have made, and continue to make, in Relentless Pursuit of Democracy's Principles and Ideals of Truth and Freedom; and to Boldly Reassert : Democracy does Not Submit to the Threats and Outrages of Tyrannical Rule and Rulers.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connie Vilhauer
    I want every citizen to call their Senator and DEMAND action. Demand that Congress investigate Donald Trump, who is protecting this hostile foreign power from this flagrant and heinous murder. The Saudi's got an "all clear" from the White House - who delivered this message, Kushner? Did Kushner tell the Prince - have at it, kill all the reporters you want, just keep buying our weapons? I want the Senate to immediately draft and present a bill for signature imposing sanctions, prohibiting the sale of arms, ejecting all Saudi's diplomats, and refusing entry to all Saudi citizens. Enough.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda
  • Fox Business: Don't Invest in a Regime that Murders Journalists
    Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident, was just apparently killed on the eve of his wedding— and news reports suggest that the Saudi government was responsible. If that’s true, this is the latest in a long line of actions by the Saudi government cracking down on dissidents and murdering civilians. But U.S. news outlets have consistently propped up the image of Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman as a reformer, giving him a free pass to continue executing Saudi activists, bombing Yemeni children in school buses, and using starvation as weapon of war in Yemen. The New York Times and all other media sponsors have already pulled out of the Saudi government's upcoming high-powered investment conference in the wake of Jamal Khashoggi's apparent murder. But Fox Business is still planning to sponsor the conference, giving a seal of approval to bin Salman’s repressive regime. Add your name to demand #JusticeforJamal and insist Fox Business stop enabling Saudi government repression.
    25,382 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Miles Picture
  • End military aid to Saudi Arabia
    The Saudi regime is brutal––and has recently been accused of possible war crimes by the U.N. for Saudi-led attacks in Yemen––but the United States supports it with huge amounts of military aid and sales of weaponry. America has blood on its hands--and that of U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi was recently added to the list.
    57,877 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Winslow
  • End Support for Genocide in Palestine
    Ongoing repression in Palestine conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces, is supported by the US government to the tune of millions of dollars a day. Ten million is the figure I find most often. These soldiers, under orders, have targeted unarmed civilians, killing 172 of them outright but intentionally maiming and crippling thousands of others as a sadistic entirely unwarranted act of brutality. No strong denouncement of this brazen terrorism comes from the halls of Congress or from the Oval Office. Rather...the money continues to flow. We demand that our leaders stop supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people, that they denounce these clear crimes against humanity and that they take action in support of a free Palestine.
    432 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Brian Carlson