• Out with the Bad, In with the ??
    The petition is designed to raise awareness that politicians can't have it both ways. Most of the senior members in both legislative branches have been in Congress for multiple terms - and are therefore (a large) part of the serious problems our country is facing. Ironically they offer themselves as solving the very problems they are both (Democrats and Republicans) responsible for creating.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Tindall
  • Grants for Independent Peer-Reviewed Cybernated Renewable Resource Projects
    In a world that has increasingly limited resources, corporations cannot be counted on to solve these problems. Scarcity and problems that need patchwork, while financially lucrative, cause more social, environmental, and economic problems in the long run. In order for problems to be solved (of which all problems are technical in nature, and by definition are likely to have an effective solution) the institutions that benefit financially from these problems or would be forced out of business because of the solving of the problems shall not be allowed to exercise any protest once a successful, positive peer review has been established.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Morlan
  • Michele Bachman: Return Your Unearned Pay!
    This petition addresses Representative Bachmann's apparent disdain for President Obama's decision to sign automatic pay raises for federal employees.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Hennis
  • Save American Democracy! Fight for a Democracy Reconstruction Act!
    We Americans have always thought of ourselves as the greatest democracy in the world. But, sadly, our democracy is not always very democratic: too often political gamesmanship thwarts the will of the people. For the sake of our children and to set an example for the rest of the world, we must do better. We could do so with a few key reforms: universal voter registration; the end of the filibuster rule; non-partisan redistricting; publicly financed elections; representation for the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and U.S. territories.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sappol
  • Congressional Fairness Act
    This Act will eliminate the stalemating of members of Congress that has resulted in the most do-nothing Congress since the 1940s
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Dale
  • Federal Electable Service Limits
    Term limits for congress and Senate. The President has them and the others should also. Incumbency leads to members becoming so engrained in the election system, that a successful challenger must go in the sewer to have a chance and this mind set is not good for our country. A person in office for 50 years has no idea what two or three generations removed is interested in leading to dumb statements like legitimate vs. illegitimate rape. Enough is enough. A person may maximize their elected service with a total of 20 combined years in the house and senate and eight in the presidency. Twenty-eight years is the average time most American spend on a single career.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Goodloe
  • Congressional Spending Cuts
    As senior citizens, we do not think it fair that Congress wants to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits in order to prevent budget cuts to the Defense Department, protect oil company subsidies and the wealthiest 2%. If they want the whole country to suffer through the budget cuts, then they, too, must be included. Make members of the Senate and House pay for their health insurance and take away all pension benefits.
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charles S. Taylor
  • Cut All Congress and Senate Pay by 50%
    It is unbelievable that, Our do NOTHING Congress and Senate expect a raise this year. They are all over paid as it is. For doing NOTHING . And should be paid minimum wage. But cutting their pay by 50% is a small start.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Green
  • Term Limits
    Two terms for President, two terms for Senators and 4 terms for Representatives. We get this on the ballot. Congress certainly won't do it by themselves. With unlimited terms their main concern is to get re-ellected not to represent the people.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by THOMAS ALMS
  • End current redistricting practices (gerrymandering)
    Change how we redistrict for Representatives in The House of representatives
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean-Michael
  • Cut congressional pay and benefits
    Our current Congress is the worst in the history of the United States. They do nothing. They obstruct. They gerrymander districts. They submit stupid bills suggesting to deprive Americans of their basic rights. Enough ! Until these guys start earning their pay and benefits, paid for by the American people, we will petition to cut them.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerry
  • Change in Social Security Policy
    Between ages 62 and 65 years old, Social Security (SSA) places a limit on the amount a person can earn when receiving SSA retirement benefits. If you earn more than the allowable amount, you have to pay a penalty. You have to pay back a part of the retirement benefits you have already received. The problem is that the SSA retirement check is not enough to live on in many cases, Therefore, a person might have to get another (retirement) job to suplement the Social Security retirement income. I might add that while working the "retirement job", one is still paying into the Social Security System and to my knowledge, that money is not being used to increase the person's retirement check in any way! What happens to this additional money? At age 66, there is no limit to the amount a person can earn while receiving a SSA retirement check and there is no penalty to pay. It appears that this policy was instituted some time ago with no good reason. It also appears that retiree's within the age group of 62 through 65, still working may not be receiving the appropriate amount of benefits based on the money they are still paying into the system. I would like to have the policy changed. I would like it if retired people between ages 62 and 65 could be allowed to earn as much as they can without having to pay back money that they have already paid into the system and earned the right to retire. Reasons for early retirement may vary from one person to another and therefore, the question of why a person retired early should not be a factor in having this policy changed. Mr. President, I thank you for your assistance in this situation.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Montgomery