March to Restore Balance in CongressCongressional members are beholden to special interests that finance their campaigns. As a result, America has been held hostage twice in recent months. Both had to do with fiscal responsibility. First,we suffered through their deadlock on raising the debt ceiling. And now, we are stuck with their "kick the can approach" once again regarding the "fiscal cliff." All this means is no one is willing to work together in a nonpartisan way to hash out a balanced budget. We all suffer as a result of their inability to work together. The upper 2% who hold their purse strings are in charge of the remaining 98%. Let's march together, as one voice of America and demand that Congress stop doing business as usual and get down to work and do what they were elected to do. To serve the people, by the people of this great Nation. Taking holiday time off at a time when such a serious deadline was due is totally inexcusable. Now, because they again waited til the last minute to resolve issues between parties, we are once again held hostage. Tell them they can't kick the can (US) around anymore. Tell them they will be removed, voted out, impeached, and black-balled come next election if they can't restore balance in Congress! March with One Voice! It works.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Phoenix
Lower The DebtHelp the US lower its debt and give every tax payer the right to enjoy life.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Marchak
Deficit DebateNational debt2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Francis
Take Congress back.This is a concern for all of America. The people that get voted into office are doing it for the money and benefits, not for the American people. We need to get Congress and the Senate to act for the people and this is the way to do it.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wallace Coffman
Put "Equality" in the American Pledge of AllegianceWhat are we afraid of? Purportedly the 3 founding principles of our Democratic Republic are "Liberty, Equality and Justice", Right? So, why isn't the word "Equality" included into the last line of the Pledge of Allegiance?3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Laurent Iadeluca
NO MORE PORKIt was shocking after the Bill was passed to avoid the "fiscal cliff" it had billions in Pork attached.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Judith Burk
Repeal portion of the Hippa LawRepeal portions of the HIPPA LAW!r the incident at Sandy Hook and some things happening in my family, I would like a portion of the Hippa Law changed. I feel it should read that if a patient is given a mind altering drug or a drug that has an affect on the brain where the patient is not cognitively able to think clearly, then he/she should not have the right to sign off family members to talk to their physicians. Because the HIPPA Law says it is the right of the patient to control who their physician talks to, many people are out their like the Sandy Hook shooter. Please help me. I have contacted Sen Baldwin's office to get her help with this matter.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Windmiller
Reform the FilibusterSenate filibuster rules2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Francis
Reforming the Electoral CollegeAbolishing the winner take all of the Electoral College. Base the election on a percentage of the voters for each candidate. I think we are all affected by who is President of the United States. For a Candidate to win the popular vote, but to lose the election does not seem right.1,205 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by John Thomas Branscum
Reduced spending in our governentHow about reduced Pensions for all of our Congressmen Senators and Representtives In washington by 50% Including all State level officials too. No more fully paid health care after they all leave office.Stop maintaining an office after they leave office also. All Raises to Congress and Senators and House representatives be voter approved.Not approved by Themselves. That all benifet provided By our tax dollors be Published and put out for voter apporval.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Kloszewski
scrap gridlock with National ReferendumAmerica is doomed to marginal or negative social progress as long as we put up with our 18th century political system. We do NOT need others to vote for us on national issues of major importance. Today's technology makes dependence on this antiquated approach really stupid1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by GEORGE BURNS JR
Cut the fat from congressWhile the congress is busy trying to cut the social safty net to, in their word cut the deficit, They are too well paid and the benefits extremely generous, I feel we the people who they are supposedly there to work for us seem to have forgotten that, very little has been done for at least the last 3 years except to get the USA downgraded and create a hostile non-working congress.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gayelyn Ponce