• Preferential Ballots
    I think we should demand that for the next presidential election we have preferential ballots. This way you can vote for whatever candidate you want no matter how minor they seem to be because your first and second choices are both counted. Therefore the candidate that wins will better understand what issues Americans really feel strongly about.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Story Rhinehart
  • Make Student Loans Dischargeable
    Make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy petitions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Loftus
  • Congress Term Limit
    A congress person should be voted in for a term of no more then 4 to 6 years. They should not make it a life long career. They should be ban to lobby in Washington for 5 years after their term ends. Their health insurance and salary should only be cover only for their time in service and not for life.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Gutierrez
  • Cancel Congressional Healthcare Benefits
    Until every US citizen has universal access to healthcare, then taxpayers shall cease paying for healthcare for elected members of Congress or Govenors who can readily pay for own healthcare. End this financial burden on hardworking taxpayers now.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica DeCarlo
  • One Six year term limit for all members of the US Congress.
    The US Congress, as it consists today is beholden to special interests. If members of Congress are restricted to one six year term in office they would weigh more carefully how they vote on bills and laws since they would be affecting their own lives directly when they return to the electorate.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mel Zipes
  • Fire all of Congress
    Being incompetant at performing their jobs. Unable to fit the needs of the people that gave them their jobs.Ignoring issues that need to be dealt with and acting like 4 year olds.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Lehman
  • don't work don't get paid
    I'm thinking that congress and senate need more incentive to work. So how about the people demand that until they do their jobs that they got elected to do they don't get paid unless they compromise. also take away their health care.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Iverson
  • Paid lobbying and influence peddling outlawed
    The purpose of lobbying has been usurped by the greedy, the rich and those actually aiming to thwart the voice of the American people for their own monetary and political gain. The American people must take back complete control of their own government access and disallow paid mouthpieces to muddy the waters and pollute our democratic process. People (and only people) should have FREE and UNFETTERED access to state their opinions without being challenged, negated, and usurped by paid representatives of special interest groups. We must get ALL money our of our political system so it can be revived from its current tarnished and corrupted state back to that intended by the signers of the Constitution of the United States of America. Only individual (i.e. private citizens, including CEOs, THEMSELVES) should have access to our lawmakers.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bev Barrick
  • Debt Reduction
    elimination of lifetime benefits & pension for all politicians
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ken Briggs
  • Petition of Support for Senator Joe Manchin
    West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who has an A rating from the NRA, has said that it is time to get assault rifles off our streets. We realize taking this position took courage on his part, for we all know that the NRA has successfully used its vast sums of money to intimidate our elected officials -- by threatening to have those members of Congress thrown out of office who do not back the gun manufacturers and their NRA-supported legislation which has put military-style weapons of mass murder in the hands of any and all persons seeking them. Therefore, it is vitally important that Congress be made aware of how many of our country's citizens favor the actions and words which we have been privileged to witness from the Senator from West Virginia. It is courage and leadership like his which we welcome and support. It is the just the kind of leadership which we will remember, and support with our vote, at the ballot box.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Stout
  • Anti-Gridlock Constitutional Admendment
    The majority of the voting public believes in compromised government solutions to many of the country's current problems. A "my way or the highway" minority must not be allowed to paralyze enactment of the legislation required to move this country forward. A powerless and helpless feeling voters derive from the political inaction/misbehavior of their elected Representatives and Senators must be circumvented.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas L. Kruchten
  • Free Postage on all Absentee (Vote by Mail) Ballots
    Currently the decision to require postage on absentee (vote by mail) ballots is delegated to the states, and in some states it has been further delegated to the counties. Therefore in some states (Hawaii, Iowa and Missouri - if I am correct), absentee (vote by mail) ballot postage is pre-paid, while in some states (California and Florida) it varies by county, and in other states (Oregon) postage is required to be affixed by the voter. The varying postage requirements are needlessly confusing and do not serve to further democracy. At a relatively small cost, abolition of paid postage on absentee (vote by mail) ballots will work to ensure equity among citizens and further strengthen democracy in the United States.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bignardi